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[Warning: Blood, Wrist Cutting]
"long live the dead"

Ever since the tragic accident of the king's coronation the kingdom he was supposed to rule, guide, protect- it was all left for dead. Families were either purged or forced to leave as more and more new born vampires attacked nearly every night. He had failed not only his kingdom nor legacy, but his whole family line of royals, and all he could do was watch from the darkness. Jungwon felt responsible for all the death that had fallen upon his people.

Watching from his palace window, Jungwon stared at the dark and empty village that was once booming with life and people. How could he let this happen? While reminiscing, he thought of what had happened after the coronation slaughter.


Jungwon remembers waking up on the cold floors of a dark bed room, sworing that he was dead. He lifted himself up with a groan and tried to leave the room, but the door was still locked. Feeling frustrated, Jungwon searched around the room for something to break the door with, but as he was searching he passed by a mirror and noticed his changed image.

His skin was as pale as snow that it glowed in the moonlight, his physic was muscular, he had two sharp fangs, and his eyes were blood red. Jungwon stepped back in disbelief and ran his hands through his hair with deep breaths in attempts to calm himself down until he noticed- his body was ice cold, his heart wasn't beating, and his throat was painfully dry.

The excruciating pain from his throat and his mind being in a scramble made him frantic, so frantic that he just broke the door down with one swiff kick. With the door no longer being an issue, Jungwon stumbled his way down the dark halls of his palace and noticed all of the dark stains, clawmarks, and burns decorated on the walls and floors. He couldn't look at the after mess any longer as his throat felt like he had swallowed hot iron, making him fall to his knees with hands locked around his neck.

He groaned and growled, but no one seemed to hear the sound of his struggling- that was until the sound of foot steps made their way to Jungwon. A tall and dark figure emerged from the shadows before making their way and kneeling down beside Jungwon. Jungwon couldn't tell who the person was as his vision was fading in and out, but he hoped that they could either help him or end his suffering.

"Well, it's nice to see you again." The person said.

Jungwon could only let out struggling breaths in response.

"Here, this will save you." The person said before cutting their wrist and facing it towards Jungwon.

Jungwon smelt the sweet scent of blood and swore he had never been so hungry and eager before. Using whatever strength he had, and with help from the stranger, Jungwon drank the blood from their wrist and moaned in pleasure as the pain in his throat had finally diminished.

Once he had enough, the stranger helped Jungwon back onto his feet with his shoulder over their's. Jungwon lifted his head to look at who was helping him, and to his surprise it was his good friend Jake. Jake smiled at Jungwon as he noticed his confused look.

The two made their way down the dark hall and staircase to the ruined ball room where three other individuals stood. Jungwon looked around and recognized that within the ruins of the ball room were Heeseung, Sunoo, and Sunghoon- all staring at him.

"Y-your all still here?" Jungwon asked, but no one responded to him.

"We all woke up here." Jake said.

"How? How are we still alive? Where's everyone else?" Jungwon questioned again.

"We're still here because we all died the same way that night." Heeseung answered, some agitation in his tone.

7 Deadly Sons ~ Enhypen Vampire FFWhere stories live. Discover now