
121 13 14

"there's something you should know.."
~ ➳


The clock that hanged in the laboratory continued to echo every second as Soobin found himself falling asleep to the sound. It was very late, but Soobin insisted on staying overtime until all of the health results from the blood Naeun collected were complete.

He was impatiently staring at his computer for the results to be shared, until his attention was averted to the tray of empty lancet needles infront of him. He remembered that he also needed to collect blood from his assigned subjects.

Soobin sighed deeply before taking the tray of needles and made his way to elevator. He entered the elevator and inserted his ID tag into the button slot as a button with negative five written on it glowed red. The elevator increasingly rattled as it started to enter the underground levels.

Soobin was greeted with a familiar gloomy hallway once he reached his floor. The ceiling lights flickered as he made his way to the first door. Soobin knocked as a dark silhouette made its way to him. The two made eye contact for a moment before Soobin broke the silence.

"I need to check your health." Soobin says before opening the serving window.

Soobin held the other person's hand and quickly pricked their finger as blood filled the lancet needle. Once it was done, Soobin placed the cap over the needle and was about the close the window, before his wrist was grabbed.

"Hyung..." They said.

"Hm." Soobin hummed in response.

"Have you figured it out yet?"

"No- not yet."

"Please, we can't be here anymore." They plead.

Soobin looked at their grip on his wrist as it tightened. He sighed before gently removing their hand. Their hand retreated back behind the door, but their eyes continued to beg Soobin as he stared at them.

"I'm trying..but I have someone else to look after right now." Soobin says.

"Is it a new caretaker?"

"Yes, I have to watch over them. I need to make sure they don't get hurt." Soobin says as he remembers what happened to the previous caretakers that were assigned to the subjects kept above them.

"What are you going to do if it happens again?" They ask.

"I won't let it happen."

"You can't promise that- they were created and compelled for one thing and one thing only. Blood." They say as Soobin's jaw clenches.

"Maybe it's different this time. They haven't hurt her."

"Yet." They say.

"I can't let her get hurt." Soobin sternly says.

"Does she even know what they are?"


Soobin looked away and closed the serving window. He was about to move onto the next subject, but was stopped once again.

"Hyung! If you want to save her, then there's something you should know."

Soobin turned his attention back to them and waited for their reply..

"A blood moon is coming- it's when they are most ferocious and dangerous. That's why they keep killing their caretakers. Regardless of how they look or act- at least once a year, they can't hide who they truely are." They explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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