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"something I can't explain.."
~ ❀

Minutes turned into hours as Naeun tossed and turned around in her bed- clearly not getting any sleep tonight. Her mind wouldn't rest as she anxiously thought about the task her father had given her earlier. She wished the moon could stay in the sky just a bit longer, if it means she could avoid the responsibilities the day endlessly brought upon to her.

With a tired sigh, Naeun checked the time and got out of bed. She pondered over what she could do to either pass time or help her sleep since it seems like the whole city was asleep except her. Her eyes wondered around her room, until a familiar red book caught her eye.

Taking the red book in her arms and entering onto the bedroom's balcony with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders- Naeun took a seat and decided to read for a bit. She opened the book and read a page..

"He was no Romeo, yet he made me feel like Juliet with the way he admired me everytime our eyes locked."

Hours passed as Naeun read, before she finally puts the book down and decides to sleep. It wasn't long when her phone's alarm started to blare through her room. Tiredly, Naeun turned off her alarm and got ready for the day- she only wanted to get the day over with as dread and anxiety weighted her shoulders.

Her time at college continued as usual- attending classes and visiting the library to complete work whenever a class was canceled. The thought of the responsibilities she'll have to face later on lingered around her mind all day, like a reminder notification she couldn't swip away or skip. It was peaceful and quiet in the area Naeun was studying at, until a certain someone suddenly disturbed the peace.

"Tell me everything about what happened yesterday-" Yeonjun speedly says as he slams his bag on to the table and takes a seat infront of Naeun.

Naeun looked at Yeonjun with a expression full of annoyance, before explaining to him what had happened last night while she visited her father's company. The two chatted as Naeun answered all of the questions Yeonjun bombarded to her, along with denying all of Yeonjun's strange theories.

"..maybe they have superpowers?" Yeonjun questions.

Naeun furrows her eyebrows together in confusion after his stupid remark- "Ok- I'm not talking about this with you anymore." She says tiredly.

"Ok- well..what do you mean your father gave you a strange job?" He asks.

"I don't know- I think I just have to look over them for a while?" Naeun answers questionably.

"..by doing what?" Yeonjun asks feeling unsatisfied with her answer.

"I don't know! I literally don't know- this place and these people are literally something I can't explain, yet I have to start this damn job today!" Naeun frustratingly explains.

The two fell quiet after Yeonjun noticed how stressed Naeun was over the situation. He knew how much Naeun hated to be bossed around and held under pressure by her father. Yeonjun took a deep breath and said..

"Hey, you might not know much- but I'm sure you'll be fine. Just take it one step at a time- take it slowly and I'm sure you'll be done with it before you know it. It's only your first day." He says while looking into Naeun's eyes as her expression softens under his words.

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