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"If these walls could talk.."

"YA! Get them up and chained!" A soldier ordered as the seven young men were forced awake and once again dragged out of their transportation.

Heeseung groaned at all the bright lights that faced him. His ears ringed as he heard the sound of loud chatter and rustling around the busy atmosphere. Finally being able to open his eyes, Heeseung looked around in panic. "Where are we?!" He thought to himself.

Taking in his surroundings, Heeseung noticed that they were in some kind of military base facility. The building was large and strongly built with solid concrete, large luminescent lights lit up the place, and military equipment from large trucks to numerous weapons were stored.

Heeseung then looked next to him and saw Jake and Jay panting, both still trying to recover after their encounter with the soldiers. They were all heavily chained up, making it difficult to even stand or move. Turning his head again, Heeseung looked around and made sure all seven of them were at least still together. He suddenly flinched after hearing someone raise their voice once again.

"YOU! GET UP NOW!" A soldier yelled at Jungwon before aggressively kicking him by his shoulder and shoving him towards a wall in attempts to wake him up. Jungwon groaned at the action, clearly still unstable after they were harassed and practically kidnapped.

"What are you looking at? HUH?!" The same soldier yelled into Sunoo's face before slowly taking a tazer and stabbing it into the young man's side. Sunoo screamed as a result and choked on a sob.

"STOP! DON'T HURT HIM!" Heeseung yelled from across Sunoo's direction.
The soldier slowly turned his head towards Heeseung with a cocky smirk.

"Look who's talking. Guess your all finally awake." The soldier spoke lowly before continuing in a louder volume.

"Welcome to your new home! You're all now property of Bio Hybe Laboratory! I hope your trip and arrival here was of satisfactory?" The solider sarcastically said as he cheekily looked at the seven men. They all gave death glares in return.

"Get them thoroughly washed and prepared for the their little check up will ya?" The soldier then said before walking away.

He suddenly stopped and turned around again with a smile to say- "Also! No need to be nice to our new friends. They may be special, but no one who kills our men on the field deserves any royal treatment."

The soldier walked away once again as Heeseung stared at his back in confusion. "What does he mean killed his men?" He thought before being picked up and dragged away with his friends by the remaining soliders.

The seven young men were harshly shoved into a strange bathroom where there was nothing but one dim light bulb lighting the small room and seven open pipes sticking out of the wall infront of them. It was cold and wet as the boys were thrown in. They tried to stand on their feet and gather together, but the sound of water being turned on caught their attention. Suddenly a large and aggressive mass of water was being hosed towards them, making them groan and fall back onto their knees.

They tried to turn away and cover themselves from the water with the wall behind them, but it was to no prevail. The frigid water continued to shoot towards them as it soaked them completely and started torturing them when they couldn't catch a breath due to the water's high pressure. Finally the water stopped and was turned off leaving the sound of the seven boys coughing and groaning filling the room.

The soldiers entered the room once again, all with large syringes in their hands filled with a blue liquid. All of the young men were grabbed and injected with the strange serum before becoming lifeless as the serum took affect, making them paralyzed and fall into a drunken-dazed state.

After being medicated they were then transferred to a medical unit where they were being check on by doctors and scientists. Numerous tests, cuts, and injections were practiced on the seven. Each member getting tested thoroughly with strange practices and equipment. Heeseung could faintly hear and see what the people around him were doing to him as he started to awaken from the medication.

He could hear the sound of yelling and disruption as another member had awakened from the medication too and had started raising havoc after seeing himself and his friends being tested on. Heeseung turned his head and with his spinning vision he could barely see one of his friends struggling to get out of their restraints as they were infuriated with doctors overcrowding him when they tried to put him back down with the drugs.

"J-jay? Ughh~" Heeseung moaned but he was once again injected and medicated by a nurse once they noticed him waking up too, making him loose consciousness. Once the doctors and scientists felt they had collected enough information, the seven men were finally taken away and thrown into their separate chambers.


Jay was the first to wake up after his second dose of medication, the drug seemingly had a weaker affect on him and his system. He rolled onto his side and groaned as he tried to sit up right. The room continued to spin and his vision was blurry as he slowly regained his consciousness. The sound of knocking on metal caught his attention- he weakly lifted his head at the direction.

"Well, your quiet now aren't ya? Had too much fun sleepy head? You threw a nurse across the room earlier you know? Nearly killed her." The soldier from earlier teased as he flashed a flashlight towards Jay. Jay stayed quiet, he didn't have the energy to do anything right now.

The soldier left and soon after the lights inside Jay's chamber were turned on. Jay groaned at the suddent intrusion as the bright luminescent lights gave him a migraine for a second. Once he felt he was stable again, Jay took a look around his room.

It was a small space, nearly bigger than a prison cell with concrete walls and floors and a large thick steel door that only had a small slide through window. His room was only furnished with a bed, a toliet and sink, the luminescent lights, a punching bag and a small camera at the top left corner of the room.

Jay glared at the camera and snickered before getting up and walked towards the steel door. Jay punched the door, testing how thick it was and how it could endure his strength. To his vexation the door was pretty durable and will take a lot for him to break down in this state.

Jay then tried to look out of his window in attempts to find his friends, but his vision was met with other chambers just like his along a dark and gloomy hallway. All the windows he saw were blacked out meaning they were either empty, or the one occupying the room weren't awake yet.

Jay sighed feeling irritated and was about to move away from the door, until he saw a light from one of the chambers to his far side turn on. The young man watch eagerly as he hoped that one of his friends had awakened. Slowly a weak figure made it's way towards the door and there Jay could finally see who it was.

"JAKE! JAKE OVER HERE!" Jay yelled as he banged on his window.

Jake didn't seem to notice Jay's callings or actions until he looked around and locked eye's with him from his side of the hall.

"Jay? JAY! JAY HYUNG!" Jake yelled through his window. The younger nearly teared up after finally being able to see his friends in a decent state. He was just glad that they were okay for now and weren't completely separated and alone.

The two continued to yell and tried to gain the other's attentions in attempts to make noise loud enough to wake them up, but their actions were stopped as a loud and high pitch noise filled their rooms. The young men fell to the floor while desperately covering their sensitive ears from the torturing sound.

Once the noise stopped Jay was left breathless and angry...very angry. He got up and with a deep animalistic growl, he aimed to attack the camera inside his chambers wanting to send the message that he was not one to be messed with once again.

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