Chapter 1:~Marriage~

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(Third age, year 84)

Shalendra run through the forest of Mirkwood. She was a silvan elf and luckily much faster than her future husband's guards. Her parents was Silvan Elves who was ruling The North and 'The Northerns' which made her high born elf and for her future husband, a perfect alliance.

But she didn't want to marry him. What she had seen this far, was only coldness and hate. She didn't want to marry someone who would never love her.

She could hear the guards coming closer, "Aranel noun, (Princess) you are to return to the palace immediately, by order of your King!," A guard yelled.

She ignored them and started to climb up in a high tree. Her husband was a Sindar elf. He would never be able to climb up in the tree and get her.

"Shalendra! Come back down here now!,"Thranduil exclaimed angrily. And Shalendra turned and looked down at her fiancé, "NEVER! You can wait all you want! I will never come down and I will never marry you!," Now Thranduil started getting tired and angry on his fiancé's stubbornness, "Shalendra! Either, you're coming down without violence! Or I will have to force you back down here!," And Shalendra smiled teasingly for herself, 'I can see you try' "Come and get me then! If you can, mighty elven King!," And Thranduil felt his anger rise, "SHALENDRA! NOW YOU'RE COMING BACK DOWN HERE IMMEDIATELY!! BY ORDER OF YOUR KING, I COMMAND YOU!," "NEVER! I Will never marry you! NEVER!," And Thranduil's guards looked at their King confused.

Thranduil sighed, "Well! You can't just break an alliance! I'll guess I have to leave you for the orcs then!," And Shalendra swallowed and bit her lip, "Yes! Do that! That shows even more how much you do not care about me!," And Thranduil sighed and started to climb up the tree to his fiancé, "Shalendra! I didn't mean what I said down there. I won't leave you! Come down with me now! You're silvan elf, much faster than a sindar but also much weaker!," And Shalendra glanced at her fiancé, "So I'm lesser than you!?," And Thranduil shook his head, "Lesser? No I didn't mean it that way. When I say lesser, I mean...," And he grabbed a weak branch that broke and stumbled and fell down the tree and landed on the ground and Shalendra looked at her future husband shocked and swallowed.

"Hír nín,"A guard yelled. And Shalendra jumped down from the tree and landed in front of her future husband and went over to him and put her finger under her husband's chin to make him look up at her, "You were going to say, 'Not like you'," And Thranduil stood up, "We're going back to the palace! Now!," And Shalendra looked up at him angrily and saddened. And he lead her back to the place.
(Later at the palace)

"What you did was unacceptable! And selfish!,"Thranduil exclaimed at his fiancé, "You could have been killed easily! But that means nothing to you! This alliance means nothing to you!," "Of course it does!,"Shalendra protested, "But it's hard when you doesn't show any interest in me! Do you even care about me!? Or am I just an alliance for you!?," And she felt tears starting streaming down her cheeks.

Thranduil swallowed and went over to her and gently stroked her golden blonde hair, (Her golden hair is a little darker than Thranduil's and it's the colour Elora later gets)

"Of course I care about you,"He whispered softly, "Do you really think I would have climbed that tree if you I didn't care about you?," And Shalendra swallowed, "My Lord, I...," Thranduil smiled, "I understand. And I promise that I would do anything to make you happy. To make our marriage a happy one and not just an alliance," And Shalendra smiled, "I should go. See you at dinner," And she left his throne room.

Thranduil smiled for himself. Maybe he could manage to capture the silvan elleth princess's heart.

(Some months later)

After some months, the wedding of Thranduil and Shalendra was finally to take place. The people had waited long for their marriage to happen. And after Hadrian's defeat and Cirdan's banishment. It was the perfect moment to celebrate. But what people did not know was that Cirdan was also planning to marry.

Shalendra entered the garden where the ceremony would take place in a white long elvish wedding dress.

Shalendra entered the garden where the ceremony would take place in a white long elvish wedding dress

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A silvery diamond leaf necklace and a pair of silver leaf earrings

A silvery diamond leaf necklace and a pair of silver leaf earrings

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And a silvery elven tiara with diamonds

 And a silvery elven tiara with diamonds

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And a pair white slippers.

Many guests were present at the wedding. Among them was Gandalf and Lord Elrond and of course, many other guests and Shalendra's parents were present there.

Shalendra slowly walked over to the altar in her white long wedding dress and flowers in hand. And Thranduil stretched out his hand to her and Shalendra took his hand.

When the vows were done, Thranduil put the wedding ring on her finger and Shalendra did the same with him. And they kissed a small kiss and turned to the guests,
"Long Live The Queen!,"The Mirkwood people shouted and the guests clapped and everyone bowed. And Shalendra glanced at her husband.

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