Chapter 8:~The Death of The Queen~

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(4 years later, third age, year 90
Legolas 13(4) years old,
Elora 14(5) years old)

"Nana! Nana!," Legolas yelled, "Look the fairies! The fairies!," And Shalendra smiled, "They're beautiful, my son," And Legolas run to his father, "Ada! Can you watch me shot with bow and arrow later!?," And Thranduil smiled and lifted his son into his arms, "Aren't you too small for began to practice bow and arrow, my little greenleaf?," And Legolas looked up at his father, "But I want to be the most skilled archer in middle earth!," And Shalendra laughed a little, "There's plenty of time for that. You're only 4 years old in human years,"

And suddenly, a cold wind blew past them and the tiny fairies looked at each other in fear and panic and disappeared in a hurry.
"What's going on, nana?," Legolas said quietly, his voice trembling. And Thranduil quickly stood up and took out his sword. And the two guards did the same.

Suddenly, the orcs showed up, "Kill them!," And Thranduil turned to his wife, "Shalendra! Frítea-ü nyav thásl Legolas cuoisa! (Take Legolas and run) ,"He shouted in elvish to hide the command.

Shalendra lifted Legolas into her arms, giving a last glance at her husband before running away, hearing the orcs chasing after her.

Suddenly, she entered a clearing, Legolas was crying in her arms now. She couldn't lose another child. Suddenly, the orcs surrounded her, "Seems like master is going to very pleased!,"An orc snarled.

Legolas buried his face into his mother's chest to hide his eyes from the evil grins and evil grins surrounding him.

A bulky orc stepped forward against the elven Queen, studying the elf maiden up and down, wondering what to do with her. He suddenly laughed, "Bind her! Master awaits!,"

They took out a thick rope and pressed forward. They forced Legolas out of her arms, not bothering being gentle. They bound her hands in front of her. They shoved the female elf in front of them. Forcing her to move forward, while another carried Legolas who fought viciously against the creature, but it only lead to the orc tightening his grip on him until it was hurting him.

The orcs brought them to a underground cave where they shackled Shalendra up and Legolas sat they down on the cold ground in the cell,
"Nana? Where's ada?," Legolas said crying. And Shalendra swallowed, "I don't know, Greenleaf,"
Thranduil walked through the way he had told his wife to run. But there was no sign of his wife or his ion. But he could feel that his wife and son was in great danger through their bound. And he fallowed his wife and son's fear through the woods, his guards fallowing him.

Shalendra sat in the cell, holding her son tightly, singing an elvish lullaby so her son should calm down,

'Hold on to this lullaby
Even when the music's gone

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound

Just close your eyes
You'll be alright
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound

And suddenly, the cell door opened and an orc grabbed Legolas out of Shalendra's arms,
"Nana!," Legolas screamed, crying. "NO! Please don't hurt my son!,"Shalendra begged, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't worry,"A evil voice interrupted, "I'm not going to hurt your son. Just you!," And a man showed up in front of her and turned to the orc who held Legolas who was crying, struggling to break free, "Make sure Thranduil finds his way here and lock the elfling up in the cell next to this!," And the orc left with a screaming, crying and kicking Legolas.

Shalendra looked up at the man or wizard as she knew he was, "Hadrian, please, don't hurt my son. He has nothing to do with this! You know what the elves is going to win you when they finds you. Please," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "I know. Don't worry. It will be quick," And some orcs grabbed her and started torturing her, "Tell me! Where is Thranduil!?," And Shalendra swallowed, "I don't know! I promise! Please! Can you forgive him?," And the orcs freed her from the chains and Shalendra fell weak to her knees.

Shalendra looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Can you forgive him?," She begged again. And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "NO!," And he took out her heart and crushed it and Shalendra fell to the ground with closed eyes dead.

"Master! Thranduil! Is on his way here!,"An orc explained. And Hadrian looked down at Shalendra's dead body, "You leave! I'll take care of Thranduil!," And the orcs left.

Outside the cave, Thranduil and his guards arrived, "Hír nín? What now?,"A guard asked. And Thranduil got off his horse, "Now we'll find my son and The Queen," And they went into the underground castle where Hadrian was waiting for them,
"Hello, Thranduil!,"He said wickedly. And Thranduil looked at the wizard angrily,"Where's my wife and son!? What have you done with them!?," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "You will have to find them on your own," And the elven guards grabbed the wizard who didn't fight them at all.

Thranduil walked through the dark corridors until he reached the dungeons. He could feel his son's presence and fear. But he couldn't feel his wife anymore,
"Greenleaf?,"He asked softly. "Ada! Ada, Natho!,"A baby childish voice screamed. "Legolas,"Thranduil swallowed. And he fallowed the pleading voice to a cell and saw his son lying in the ground, crying.

Thranduil broke up the door and entered the cell, "Ion nín,"He whispered softly. "Ada!," Legolas cried. "Shh, it's okay, ion nín,"Thranduil whispered softly, "I'm here now," And he swept his crying son into his arms and held him tightly.
"Ada! Where's nana!?," Legolas cried. And Thranduil stroked his son's back, "We're going to find her, ion nín," And they continued walking through the dungeons. Two guards behind them and Legolas was in his father's safe arms.

Suddenly, they reached a open cell and Thranduil swallowed as he saw his wife laying on the ground, not moving at all.
"Nana," Legolas crying voice whispered. And Thranduil swallowed and handed Legolas to one of the guards and went over to his wife and knelt down beside her and put his hand on her arm, "Oh, Shalendra. Our son is safe now," And he looked down at his wife's face and stroked her hair, "You saved his life," And he lifted his lifeless wife's body into his arms since he understood that she was already dead.

"Nana!," Legolas cried, "Nana, NO!," And The guard held the little elven prince tighter, "Shh, it's okay, little one,"He whispered. And he fallowed his King with Legolas in his arms.


Gandalf had just arrived after hearing about The Queen and Legolas's kidnapping. And he sighed deeply and sadly when he saw Thranduil coming carrying with his dead wife in his arms. The Queen of Greenwood was dead!

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