Chapter 11:~Uninvited guest~

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(Next day)

"I'm grateful you could come, my lady and Lord Celeborn," Elrond said as he greeted Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. His former mother and father in law and grandparents to his children.

Galadriel smiled, "It's always a pleasure to see you, Elrond. Now, where's the young prince?," And Elrond smiled, "He's with Mithrandir and my sons," And Galadriel nodded, "Let's go see him then,"
The twins played with Legolas in the garden when Gandalf stood up, "Well now, young greenleaf. I'm sure The lady of the light has arrived," And Legolas looked up at the wizard in panic and fear, "No! Please don't take me to the witch! I'm sorry if I did something wrong! Just don't take me to the witch!," And Gandalf and Elladan and Elrohir looked at the young elfling shocked. "I can assure you. Galadriel is not a witch. She's very, very powerful but also very very kind. She's here to help you, Legolas," Gandalf explained kindly. And Legolas swallowed.

Gandalf gently lifted up the little elven prince into his arms since he understood that Legolas wouldn't move and they went to find Elrond.
Galadriel smiled when she saw Gandalf entering the entrance of Rivendell with Legolas in his arms and her grandsons behind him.

"Mithrandir, is this?...,"Galadriel began. And Gandalf nodded, "Yes, my lady. This is Legolas  Thranduilion. But also called Greenleaf," And he turned to Legolas, "Now, young one... Now we're going to help you," And Legolas shook his head, "No! Please! Don't hand me to the witch! I'll be good, I promise," And Elrond looked at the little elven prince shocked and confused, "Legolas. Galadriel is not a witch. Who has made you believe that?," And Legolas swallowed. "Adar told me that,"He whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear, "He told me the witch elleth of Lothorien would torture me with bad dreams if I didn't obey him," And Gandalf sighed, "I assure you, little prince. Galadriel is not a witch. She's not going to hurt you. What your father told you was a lie," And he put down Legolas on the ground.

Galadriel squatted down a bit in front of the Prince, "You do not have to fear me, Greenleaf. I do not want you any harm. I want to help you, alright?," And Legolas nodded slowly. Galadriel smiled, "Let's get you something to eat and something warm to drink. You seem so cold," And she lifted the little prince into her arms and they went into the house.

Elrond gave Legolas a cup of tea and something to eat. Elladan and Elrohir smiled at the little elfling. "It's going to be alright, Greenleaf. You're going to feel better soon,"Galadriel told the young prince. And suddenly, the candles on the table blew out and it was starting getting cold in the hall.

"Elrond, I'm freezing,"Legolas cried. And Galadriel hugged the little elfling, "It's alright, little one. We're here," And Elrond looked up and Emersion entered the hall, "What a unexpected surprise! The Prince of Mirkwood in Rivendell in the hands of Lord Elrond and Galadriel. One of The King's worst enemies," And Gandalf stepped forward, "You have no reason to be here, Dark One! I suggest you leave now!," And Emersion gave him a fake sad look that turned into an evil laugh, "Oh, Valar, I'm not here to hurt anyone, you have my word," And Galadriel stepped forward, protecting Legolas and her grandsons, "Then why are you here!?,"

Emersion began to walk around the hall, "I thought I could pay the elves a visit. Being banished to Mordor in 800 years has been so boring. That place isn't a lovely one," "That's the point!,"Elrond said angrily, "You weren't supposed to come back!," And Emersion turned to him, "But I did! And so did my big brother. He later married a Lamina named Cristiana. I'm not like my brother, you understand. I'm not that evil like him. It's very kind of you to take care of Thranduil's child. What would happen if Legolas were lost too? Mirkwood would have no heir," And Legolas looked at Gandalf, "What is that evil wizard talking about? Am I not my parents only child?," "Yes, you are,"Galadriel whispered, "He's just trying to scare you," "Emersion! I suggest you leave now before the guards takes you away!,"Elrond warned.

Emersion smiled wickedly, "But of course, My Lord," And Legolas crawled into Gandalf's arms, looking away from the evil wizard.
Suddenly, Cirdan showed up beside his brother, "I thought you wouldn't visit the elves?," And Emersion looked at his brother, "Are you watching me now? I almost thought you had let me go. I'm just as powerful as you, you know. I can take care of myself," And he turned to leave when Cirdan grabbed his arm, "You have to remember how you got here!," And Emersion looked at his brother angrily, "I know how I became the one I am! And it was not your doing!," And he disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke. Cirdan disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke some moment after his little brother.

Elrond swallowed. Hopefully we don't get to see them in a long time.

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