Chapter 4:~A child is born~

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(9 months later)

Shalendra walked with her ladies into her and Thranduil's room, "My Queen? Do you want something?," And Shalendra looked up, "I just...," And suddenly, she felt a pain in her stomach, "Oh, by the Valar!," "What is it?,"Her lady asked. And Shalendra looked up at her friend, "The baby!," And her lady turned to a servant, "NO! Fetch the maid wife! The child is coming!,"

(Some time later)

Shalendra was in labour.

"You're doing great, my Queen,"The maid wife said.
And suddenly, they could hear the sound of crying.
"It is a girl, My Queen,"The maiden said.
And Shalendra smiled, but wondered what her husband would say. She had promised him a son when they had married a year ago. She just hoped Thranduil would understand and that the sons will come.
The Leclitra's had said that their first child would be the last light elf. So her daughter would have special abilities no other elf process. That's why they had decided their first child would take lessons of Lady Galadriel to help her be learn to use her powers.
The maid wife cleaned the baby and wrapped it in a blanket and placed the child in Shalendra's arms,
"She's beautiful, My Queen,"The maid said, "Shall I call on The King, Shalendra?,"

Shalendra nodded. If she were to take her husband's disappointment, it was best to do it now. Her daughter had Thranduil's blue eyes and her blonde hair.
Suddenly, Thranduil stood in the doorway, looking down at his wife with the baby in her arms.
Shalendra swallowed and smiled weakly.
Knowing the disappointment words from her husband would come soon.

Thranduil went over to the bed and stroked his wife's long blonde hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Shalendra swallowed,"It's a girl, Thranduil,"
And she looked up at her husband who stood at the edge of the bed.
To her surprise, he did not look disappointed. Instead, he smiled warmly at her and took the child into his arms,
"She's a beautiful girl, Shalendra,"Thranduil smiled, "We will love her very well. The heir to The Light Kingdom's throne has been born. The last light elf princess,"
Shalendra smiled, "We shall have sons, Thranduil,"
And Thranduil smiled, "I do not doubt you about that. But you need rest before the christening of our little elven Princess. What's her name?,"
Shalendra smiled, "Elora, The child who shall bring peace into the world,"
Thranduil smiled, "It's what we need right now. Cirdan may be banished, but he's still out there," And Shalendra smiled, "True love is the most powerful magic of all. It can overcome everything,"
And Thranduil kissed her.

(Later that night)

"Elora, Crown Princess of Mirkwood and future Queen of The Light Kingdom!," Thranduil announced.
And the elves cheered. And Thranduil turned to his wife with their daughter in her arms.
And Gandalf went over to The King and Queen of Mirkwood, "She's beautiful, Your Majesties. She will grow up to save us all one day,"
"Thank you,"Shalendra told the wizard.

And Cirdan's crow who had spied on The King and Queen of Mirkwood flew away to tell his master about the child who had been banished to The darkness lands.

(The darkness lands)

Cirdan sat on his throne when his crow returned and he turned him back to his original form, "What news do you bring me?," And The guard swallowed, "My Lord, King Thranduil and Shalendra has had a child. The last 'Light elf' has been born," And Cirdan smiled wickedly,"Seems like I finally get my revenge after all,"


Cirdan arrived to Greenwood in secret. He would wait until its King and Queen was asleep. Then he would snuck into their chambers and take their newborn child.

(Thranduil and Shalendra's
royal chambers)

Shalendra placed her sleeping daughter in her childbed. And Thranduil smiled, "It's time for us to go to bed as well,"
And Shalendra smiled at her husband and they went to bed.

Cirdan opened the balcony doors and snuck over to the childbed where Elora was sleeping peacefully,
"You and I shall rule the world together,"He said quietly.

Thranduil and Shalendra woke up to their daughter's baby cries. And they quickly sat up the bed and saw the balcony doors opened and Shalendra went over to the childbed and saw that her daughter was gone.
And she gasped and felt her body trembling. Only sounds of small whimpers left her mouth first. And Thranduil hurried over to his wife and caught her in his arms.
And suddenly, small screams left his wife and she broke into tears and fell to her knees.

Thranduil hugged her tightly as tears ran down his cheeks as well.
His wife's screams and crying had woken others. Among them, Gandalf who was on his way to the King and Queen's room in a hurry.

Gandalf entered the room to see Thranduil sitting on his knees, holding his crying wife tightly. And he looked at the empty childbed and sighed in sadness.
And other elves had also entered the room, one guard, one of Shalendra's ladies, and one of Thranduil's advisers.

Thranduil held his wife tighter and turned to the captain of the guard,
"Find my daughter and kill the one who did this,"
"Yes, My King,"The guard said and left.

Thranduil kissed the side of his wife's head, "We'll find her, I promise,"

(Outside Greenwood)

Cirdan looked down at the child in the basket, "So pure, so innocent, and now... mine!," And he disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke and then started to travel to his underground castle.

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