First Day Back

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(Time Skip)
It had been a week since the events of class 1A's movie night.Shoto ended up making his way to Recovery Girls office after Tsu threatened to heat up his cold soba and to no ones surprise at all he had a bruised rib.It wasn't serious he's been through much worse but after constant bickering with Midoriya he decided to take the first day back to class easy and sit out of the major training.
Bakugou made it very vocal that it was the youngers fault for making him sit so close to him but Todoroki chose to ignore it.
Bakugou slowly opened his eyes as the All Might themed alarm clock went off,the beeping being constant and not subsiding.Groaning he sat up from his bed and reached for the clock throwing it on the ground,silencing it from ever making a sound again.
This of course woke up the heterochromatic from his slumber and he shot up wide eyed from his bed,getting in a stance fit for fighting.Bakugou only stared at the boy with the same expression until he broke out laughing.
"Oh my fuck it looks like you saw a ghost!"
Todoroki did a double take at Bakugou and then to the clock. "....that....that was Midoriyas clock Katsuki..."
Immediately after hearing that Bakugous laugh subsided and his smile disappeared.He turned to Todoroki quickly and shot up from his bed pulling the later out of his own. "Fuck fuck fuck we need to hide it quickly!Hes gonna fucking kill me if he finds out!"
Todoroki studied Bakugous face for a moment trying to figure out why all of a sudden was he scared of Midoriya? "Hes sure to understand Bakugou hes very forgiving."
Bakugou just stared at Todoroki bewildered. "Icyhot do not tell Deku by any means.I mean it you do not want to see what happens and quite frankly I dont want to fucking die!"
Bakugou pulled Todoroki down to the ground and forced him to pick up some of the clock. "Wait why do you even have Dekus clock??" "Oh he agreed to let me borrow it until I got my own.Endeavor burned the only one I had." The half n half boy continued to pick of the springs and gears that fell out of the clock whilst he said this,no emotion evident on his face or in his words.
Bakugou stared at the younger male,eyebrows furrowed as if he were silently questioning the boy.He reluctantly turned his head back to the task at hand and he picked of the base of the clock,throwing it into the trash and covering it up with some tissues. "Why exactly cant we just explain to Midoriya that it was an accident?" Bakugou sighed and started gathering his clothes to change into. "That fucking nerd is one of the most forgiving people I know.But when it comes to the things he treasures it is not one pretty sight I promise you."
Shoto Subtly raised his eyebrow in question. "And you know this how?"
Bakugou groans as he takes off his sleeping shirt,instead replacing it with the school button down. "I know...'He groans as he pulls the shirt over his head' Because in middle school some extra decided it would be funny to crush his All Might figurine that he brought to school.Long story short the nerd pulled the asshole into a headlock and started choking the fuck out of him."
Todorokis eyes widened for a second before going back to his expressionless face. "I am not scared of that fucker at all whatsoever.I know I can easily beat him to a pulp.But id rather not fucking risk it."
Bakugou said as he quickly pulled off his pajama pants and tugged on the school ones. "I honestly didnt think Midoriya would do something like that." The duel eyed boy said whilst also tugging his shirt and pants off to put on his uniform.The boys both put on theres shoes and unlike Bakugou,Todoroki wore his tie.Todoroki stared at the trash for a second thinking of the broken clock that lays there.In a last minute decision he set the trash on fire,immediately freezing it afterwords just to get rid of the evidence.
Bakugou looked at him with a smirk.
"What?I don't want to get thrown into the fucking sun ok?" Todoroki said with slight amusement,a smile finding a way to his face.
Bakugou stared longer then intended but who can blame him?The latter hardly ever shows any emotion besides anger and occasionally humor. "Do I have drool on my face?" Shoto wipes the corner of his mouth in question. "No sorry I was just looking at how dumb your smile is." Bakugou turns around with his bag and walks out of the door.
Shoto roles his eyes slightly and follows after the blond,bag in hand.
(Time Skip)
Class 1A makes floods into their classroom,each student taking their proper seats and making small talk until Aizawa decided would be a good time to crawl out of his sleeping bag.
Bakugou slipped his earbud into his left ear and peered out the window,admiring the leaves and petals that fell down from the cherry blossom tree right outside of his classroom.
Its kind of funny if you think about it really.Right outside of the window is a tree with beautiful multicolor leaves fluttering their way down to the ground and the reason its so funny is because the trees are in fact dying.Even on there death bed the beauty of nature never ceases to amaze the blond.
Its no secret to anyone that Katsuki does in fact love nature.He used to go camping and mountain climbing all of the time with Izuku when they were younger but as he and Deku grew apart their trips happened less and less.
As if Izuku could sense the blond reliving memories he tapped on his shoulder from behind causing Katsuki to leave his thought process behind and look at the smaller male.
"H-hey uh Kacchan I was just seeing if you were ok?"
Bakugo raised his eyebrow slighty.
"Why the fuck wouldnt I be ok?"
The green haired boy chuckled nervously and fiddled with his fingers.
"Well uh i heard a loud crash from you and Todos room earlier and now you seem to be pretty out of it...I just wanted to make sure that you were ok."
Bakugous face paled a bit at the mention of the crash,which did not go unnoticed by the shorter male.
"Kacchan are you ok whats wrong?"
Todoroki looked over to the two boys seeing that Bakugou was looking for an excuse.To what?Todoroki could only assume was the alarm clock.So like any reasonable person he went over to assist the male.
"Hello Midoriya" Todoroki slightly nodded to the you ger boy as he walked by. "Im assuming Bakugou told you about the alarm clock?"
Katsuki widened his eyes along with Izukus.
"What about my alarm clock Kacchan?."
Midoriya looked over to Bakugou with a look that could kill.
Shoto stood there mouth slightly agape.
"Oh uh im sorry I figured you told hi-"
"Told him what?Todoroki what exactly does Kacchan need to tell me hm?"
Izuku refocused his attention to Todoroki.
By this time all of the class was watching the trio and everyone instantly noticed the look of dread in the dirty blonds eyes.
"Uh D-deku you see uhm..."
Todoroki did a double take as he heard the blond stutter.Was he really that scared of the smaller boy at this moment in time?
"Yes Kacchan?Is there something you need to tell me."
"....I uh when I woke up this morning I thought the alarm clock was icyhots and I threw it..."
Izuku stared at the male,expression neutral and unreadable.
Bakugou stared back getting ready to run if needed.
"Katsuki Bakugou why dont we have a little chat after school today?"
The whole class went silent and Todoroki slowly backed away.
Deku gave one of his smiles that didnt quite reach his eyes and directed his attention to the blond once more.
"Katsuki where exactly is my alarm clock?"
Shotos eyes widened as he started to back up slowly.
"....Icyhot hot burned it..."
Izuku once again turned around to face the heterochromatic eyed boy.He smiled slightly ag the male and stood up from his seat.
Bakugou quickly jumped out of his chair and made a dash to the door,Todoroki soon following behind him.
The class being scared of what Izuku might do tirned there attention away from the boys and quietly gossiped about what would happen next.
Izuku followed behind slowly getting ready to use his quirk if needed.
Bakugou quickly turned down a hallway trying to get Izuku off of his tracks.Which didnt even work for a second seeing as the smaller boy had finally activated his quirk and was quickly running after the blond and dueled quirk male.
Todoroki grunted as Izuku tugged on the colar of his jacket and threw him over his shoulder.Bakugou being the idiot that he is decided to look back resulting in a punch to the face.
Katsuki fell to the ground only to be picked up by the green eyed male as well,soon being thrown over his other shoulder.
Seeing as the trio had ran a remarkable distance away from the classroom Izuku activated his quirk once more and sped off to see their other peers.
Todoroki had decided it would be a good idea to just stay quiet and accept his fate.Whilst Bakugou didn't really have a choice seeing that he was knocked out cold.
The smaller male smiled brightly as he walked into the classroom.
Aizawa,who seemed to finally wake up looked at the boy shock being evident on his face.
"Well hello Midoriya....nice of you to finally...join us...."
Todoroki held his head up slightly looking at the rest of his class,only to see everyone but Kirishima looking right back at him.
The red haired male seemed to be looking else where or i should say at someone else.Todoroki still expressionless mouthed help to the other teenagers in his classroom,only for everyone to shake there head no in fear of becoming the next Bakugou.
"Hello Aizawa Sensei!Sorry we werent present Bakugou and Shoto just made me a bit angry thats all!But dont worry we'll be happy to follow along in class!Right you guys?"
Todoroki held a thumbs up and Bakugou did nothing seeing as he was still knocked out.
"Oh silly me Katsuki seems to be sleeping!What a shame guess hes gonna miss all of class!"
Midoriya dropped the blond onto the ground mercilessly and shoved Todoroki off his shoulder.
He then walked to his seat and opened his notebook,beginning to write down the notes on the board.
Kirishima stared at Midoriya eyes wide and face flushed quickly looking away once his and Izukus eyes met.
Todoroki stood awkwardly next to the blond that was passed out on the floor.
He hesitantly picked up the male and brought him over to his seat only to be glared at by Midoriya.
"Uh you know what why doesn't Bakugou just sit in my seat for now seeing that his is uhm...."
Izuku picked up his bag from the ground and harshly placed it down in the blonds seat.
Todoroki swallowed,his mouth feeling dry "Compromised..." he finished his sentence.
"Shouldnt you take him to recovery girl or something?" Kirishima finally being broken out of his mental state finally spoke.
Midoriya snapped his head to the red haired male,eyes still filled with anger but softening once they settled on the person out who made the suggestion.
"He should be fine his face seems to still be intact.The most he would have is a black eye or a broken nose which can heal naturally.No need to waste Recovery girls strength on him."
Aizawa spoke tiredly.He really doesn't get payed enough for this.
"Well ok then I guess ill just set him down in my seat.."
Todoroki walked over to his desk and gently placed the blond down,giving him his book bag to rest his head on.
"Where are you gonna sit then Todo bro?"
Denki said curiously.
"He can sit up front next to me.Ive given up teaching for today anyways."
Aizawa walked away from the desk in the front of the room and disappeared into his cocoon once more.
Shoto carefully lifted the blonds head from his bag to get out his phone and earbuds,setting it back down slowly after he had the objects in hand.
He sat on the far left corner at the front of the room sliding down the wall and putting on his earbuds to listen to his music.
Occasionally he would look back over at the blond.Sometimes he would question if he was dead but immediately retracted his thoughts when he would see the blond yawn tiredly.After a while a new thought appeared into Todorokis head that baffled him. ' can something that looks dead also look so...pretty?'
Todoroki furrowed his eyebrows pondering on his thought process.It was so random why all of a sudden would he think the blond is pretty?Especially when he was fucking knocked out??
The taller male forced his eyes away from Bakugous expressionless face and he stared at the dying cherry blossom trees outside of the window.
He then quietly whispered to himself.
"Maybe I don't hate him..."

Authors Note:(2462 words) Aaaannnddd The End!Haha just kidding you thought!Its no where near the end lol.Sorry it took so god damn long for me to post!Ive been going through some shit to be truthful and just didn't want to write.I mean I totally could have but I didn't want to give you half assed shit!Anyways im glad to be back!Hopefully you like the new way of writing!If not ill see if I can make adjustments!Anyways I missed you all!Thanks to everyone who is reading and supporting my stories it really means a lot!
Anyways stay safe everyone!Wash your hands and remember to put yourself before others sometimes ok?Your all so fucking beautiful and amazing!

I mean I totally could have but I didn't want to give you half assed shit!Anyways im glad to be back!Hopefully you like the new way of writing!If not ill see if I can make adjustments!Anyways I missed you all!Thanks to everyone who is reading and ...

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Have this picture!This is me and you guys tho you do not see the blade at all nope nu uh!

Maybe I don't Hate you {Todobaku}Where stories live. Discover now