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(Third Person POV)
Katsuki woke up freezing despite still being clothed.He sat up slowly taking in his surroundings slightly forgetting that he had moved into the dorm rooms.He turned his head to see Todoroki creating frost designs on the glass doors.Bakugou was oddly entranced by this for a bit,just seeing the usually emotionless boy so relaxed was comforting in a way.There was something angelic about watching Todoroki,the moonlight reflecting against his pale skin and the way it made his heterochromatic eyes glisten.

(Katsuki Bakugou POV)
"What the fuck are you doing?" I watched as Todoroki jumped and accidentally froze the lock on the glass doors. "Well guess we're not gonna be going out there any time soon." "S-Sorry I thought I was being quiet." I scoffed and got up.I pulled my chair away from my desk and sat next to Icy Hot. "Oh no you were as quiet as a mouse.I woke up because you made the room so fucking cold." Todoroki winced a little. "Sorry I'll try to control myself a little better next time..." I stared at Todoroki as he fiddled with his fingers in his lap. "Why are you even up?"

(Shoto Todoroki POV)
God I was hoping he wouldn't have asked that...Knowing him he's probably gonna say some stupid remark and I really don't want to deal with that. "I couldn't sleep.Sorry I'll refrain from making the room cold if it happens again." Well when it happens again was what I was gonna say but I felt that I shouldn't. "You seem far to used to this.Whats really going on?" "If I didn't know any better Bakugou I would say that you care for me.~" Bakugou scoffed. "As if I just want to be able to sleep without freezing to death you fucker!" I smiled a little bit.I think everyone's grown accustom to Bakugou.Its kinda refreshing to know he didn't change after the kid napping.

I sighed and looked towards Bakugou.He was gonna find out eventually I mean we are roommates. "I have Primary Insomnia..." Bakugou looked at me and just hummed,nodding his head. "Do you even know what that is?" Bakugou looked at my with a playful offended look. "Of course I know what that is Half n Half!" I looked at him slightly amused. "Ok but seriously do you know what that is?" "No not really I mean I know what insomnia is but what's the difference between insomnia and Primary insomnia?" I continued to make little frost designs on the glass while I thought about how to explain.It was kinda like a coping mechanism. "There are two types of Insomnia,well there's more but these are the basics.Theres Primary insomnia and Secondary insomnia.Primary insomnia isn't caused by anything that could be going on in your life.While Secondary insomnia is triggered by certain things like sickness,depression, anxiety etc." (this is an educational channel kids 👁👄👁)

(Third Person POV)
Bakugou stared at Todoroki whilst he continued to creat frost on the glass door. "How much sleep do you usually get?" Todoroki paused and stayed quiet. "So none." " not usually..." Bakugou sighed and grabbed his phone. "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to figure out how to fix your little problem." Todoroki was taken aback by this.No one in his life time has tried to help him.They usually say 'oh sorry bud hope it gets better' or something like that. "It's really ok you don't have to help me." "Hah?Im mostly doing this because I want to be able to sleep without freezing to death...but I also don't want to leave you up all night so ya I guess I am helping you and you better be fucking great full!!" I chuckled at his statement and continued to look out the glass door. "Here.Ok so stick with a sleep schedule is one.That can be arranged." "Wait but what if I want to summon Satan with the Emo squad again?!" "Nope." "Whyyyyyy?" "Because I said so."

(Bakugou Katsuki POV)
He acts like an f-ing child! "Your already you use any medications Half n half?" Todoroki visibly flinched. "I'm not gonna ask about them it's obviously a tough subject to talk about plus we're not quite there yet,ya know to talk about touchy stuff like that?." "Y-ya I know what you mean...uhm and ya I do have a few..." I raised my eyebrow but decided to drop it. "Well you can get a sleeping medication you just have to check with your doctor and see if it's ok to have with the others."

I kept scrolling to see if there was anything else. "You don't like coffee and you don't drink or smoke so that won't help..." Todoroki yawned causing me to yawn as well getting sleepier but the minute. "Fuck you how dare you yawn?!" Icy hot just chuckled and got up. "I guess all your boring talking tuckered me out.~" I scoffed and sat on my bed across from his. "My voice is a god damn gift and you should be thankful that scum like you even get to hear it!"

(Third Person POV)
Todoroki watched as Bakugou threw off his sweater and put on some comfortable pants.Not in a perverted way though he didn't really care to be honest.They share the same locker room they've seen each other butt naked multiple times.But Todoroki did chuckle once he saw Bakugous chest.There was so much cleavage like you can't even call it a chest those are fucking boobs. "What are you laughing at candy cane?!" Todoroki tried to keep his laughter in but to no avail. "Y-you — boobs!" Todoroki snorted a bit. "Uhm what the fuck???" "Y-you have b-boobs!"

Bakugou felt his face redden and he scoffed in embarrassment. "I DONT HAVE BOOBS!" Todoroki continued to laugh grabbing his ribs in pain. "There's far to much cleavage for that to just be a chest!I bet there even squishy!" Todoroki poked Bakugous chest and laughter erupted from him as he found out he was right. "I- wh- dhskfb." Bakugou couldn't even find words.He was dumbfounded and sleep deprived,not a good combination.

Todoroki calmed himself and apologized for his outburst. "Sorry I couldn't help myself your just so easy to make fun of and laugh with..." Todoroki smiled gently and got under his covers.Bakugous eyes softened a bit as he saw the way Todorokis two toned hair fell over his heterochromatic eyes giving off a Sleeping Beauty type of vibe. "You know I think I might actually be able to sleep tonight!" Todoroki Beamed sitting up on one arm trying to face Bakugou. "Oh really?" Todoroki slightly nodded his soft smile still present on his face. "Well thats fucking great maybe I can actually get some sleep without freezing to death!" Shoto chuckled nervously. "Sorry Sorry next time I can't sleep I'll just go for a walk around campus."

Bakugou sighed. "No it's fine just...try to tone down the temperature?" Bakugou was trying to say that in a demanding tone but it came out more of a question.Todoroki nodded whilst his eyes got heavy. "Goodnight Bakugou..." "Tsk...night asshole" Bakugou faced his wall drawing imaginary hearts on it till he heard Shotos breathing become more even.He turned around seeing that Shoto was asleep and slowly closed his eyes letting sleep overcome his senses.

Author:1274 words!!It may not be as long as my other chapter but I'm still proud!ÙwÚ Hope you like it and if you have any suggestions please share them!I will credit you and use your idea...maybe!

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