Its so Quiet

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Its very dark and....cold...I never get cold so why now?Where is everyone?Why is it so quiet?
A soft whisper is heard.Its small...and distant,yet so close...and so very...loud...But what is it saying?
I want to know what its saying.
A sweet almost angelic voice sings...but what is the song?So many questions that could have so many different answers.I only want one answer though...the problem is that I don't know what I want the answer to be.
The words are disconnected,slowly fading in and out...I cant make out what they're saying...
"Tear....pieces.....bone....welcome home"
Home...I want...I want a home.
Water was pored on the boy waking him from his slumber.
"H-huh whats going on??"
In front of him stood Midoriya and Uraraka.Both with worried looks on there faces.
"Y-you werent waking up and I got scared that I had hurt you to severely!"
Tears welled in his eyes as he rushed to his friend on the ground,grasping him in a tight embrace.Only then did Todoroki realize that he was still listening to music and the song "Lovely" had just come to an end.
'So thats what I was hearing in my dream...'
He pats Izuku on the back awkwardly and starts to stand up slowly,both legs being asleep do to his position on the ground.
Izuku moves away,wiping his tears with the back of his hand harsly to the point where Todoroki wondered how the shorter boys face hadn't completely swollen up due to how much he wipes away the liquid that flows from his eyes so often.
"See I told you Deku-kun he's fine!Just sleepy id be sleepy too having to deal with Bakugou all of the time!"
Upon hearing the blonds name Todoroki turns to look at his desk where Katsuki lays,the older male seemingly still asleep from the events earlier,a bruise forming onto the part of his face that wasnt completely buried into Shotos book bag.
He smiles slightly,not enough for his two friends to see but it was there.
The latter walked around his two friends,both seemingly in a conversation about what it would be like to share a dorm room with Bakugou.
'Quiet...its quiet'
Todoroki hums,agreeing with his previous thought.
'And calming.'
Shoto realizes that theres only a couple people in the classroom.Him,Katsuki,Sato and Aizawa seeing that both Uraraka and Midoriya had left.
He lightly shakes Bakugou,the blond groaning and burying his head deeper into the makeshift pillow.
'Well at least hes not knocked out anymore I guess'
Shoto spins around to be greeted by a now awake Aizawa.
"Hello Sensei."
The dual colored boy takes his hand off of the blonds back and puts it back at his side.
"Do you mind taking Bakugou back to the dorm rooms?I could make Sato do it but hes staying after to finish up some work."
Shoto looks from Aizawa to the boy behind him and sighs slightly.
"Sure I can do that should I take him to recovery girl or the dorm rooms?"
"You should be able to get away with just taking him to the dorm rooms it dosnt look like Midoriya caused any major damage,he might have a bit of a migraine for a while though so make sure to dose him up on ibuprofen."
Aizawa then pat Todoroki on the shoulder and made his way to Satos seat to help him with whatever work he had to finish.
'Well here goes nothing'
It wasnt that Todoroki hated the idea of taking Bakugou to the dorm rooms.It was more so that Bakugou is pure muscle and heavy as fuck.Midoriya and Kirishima make picking up Bakugou look easy but the heterochromatic boy knew that this wasnt an easy task to handle.
And the shorter male was asleep so that made it so much worse.He could wake the boy up and get yelled at for doing that.Or the boy could wake up whilst he was carrying him back to the dorm rooms and...well get yelled at.It was a loose loose situation.
Slowly Shoto lifted the blonds head up slightly to slip his book bag out from underneath his head.
He sets the blonds head down gently on the desk and proceeds to put the book bag over his shoulder.
The dual haired boy then slides his left arm under the back side of the smallers knee and his right hand around his waist.He rests the blonds head against his left shoulder and slowly but surely carries the blond out of the classroom,both Aizawa and Sato staring at him with raised eyebrows.
"I was expecting him to just wake him up partially and like let Bakugou lean on him not a full on fucking bridal carry thing."
Sato chuckles at Aizawas statement and the two go back to finishing up Satos unfinished work.
'Ok so Bakugou isnt as heavy as I originally thought he would be.'
The taller males mind was blown.Bakugou felt as light as a feather,maybe even lighter!This man is pure muscle yet it doesn't even feel like he works out a day in his life.
'Someone could drop him on me and the most pain I would feel is as if a medium sized book was thrown at my head.'
Once Todoroki shook himself out of his initial shock he found himself in front the dorm room entrance faster than anticipated.
He went through some difficulties such as the shorter male basically growling in his sleep which concerned the latter of the two but he ultimately decided not to question it.
Besides that Bakugou didn't really cause much of a fuss.It was in a way calming just being able to look down at the boy.
'Well here we are.Hopefully Mina and Kaminari are in their rooms I cant imagine how they would take this.'
Oh wishful thinking it truly was.
Everyone.And I mean everyone besides Sato was in the sitting room.
As soon as Todoroki opened that door all hell broke loose.
You could see the pure excitement radiating off of Mina and you could see the pure amount of shock that came from Midoriyas face.
Kaminari started doing backflips for some odd reason and even Lida found it hard to stifle his laughter.
The class was practically buzzing with excitement at seeing the two and all Todo could do was hope they don't wake up the sleeping blond.
"You're going to wake him up!Be quiet id rather not deal with a cranky Pomeranian!"
Shoto scrunched his face into a scowl as he tried to quietly calm everyone down.
When that didnt do anything he attempted to make his way to his and the blonds dorm room,only to be stopped by one of minetas grape ball things.
"What the hell???Mineta why'd you throw that at my foot now I cant move?!"
The short male only snickered and disappeared behind the sofa.
It was almost as if they.....oh fuck they want him to wake up.
"What did I ever do to you?Honestly I feel that I've been more then a good friend so why must you do this to me???"
Todoroki stared at Momo,Midoriya and Tokoyami.All of them choosing to talk even louder amongst themselves and making no avail to hide their ever growing smirks.
Sadly it was working.Todoroki looked down as he noticed the blond was starting to stir,his once peaceful face turning confused as his eyebrows scrunched together.
Shoto sighed deeply and decided to let all forms of hope go.His friends had betrayed him and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Mmm what why...why is it so loud?"
The blond rubbed his eyes slightly and subconsciously buried his way into the latters shoulder in an attempt to shield his eyes from the light that shine down on the class.
Shoto swallowed slightly now being very interested in the material of the sofa in front of him.Was it fake leather?Maybe cotton?Hm who knows it was comfortable so who cares.
"Wah....icyhot?Huh what where...what?"
Todoroki then looked down at the shorter male.Shotos heterochromatic eyes finding there way to his dark red ones.
The dual quirk boy found his ears started to ring and his face grew warm and it took everything in him not to drop the blond right then and there.
Bakugou stared at the boy looming over him.He just then realized that he was being held by the taller and grew painfully aware of the others staring at them.
But instead of yelling.
Instead of fighting.
Bakugou stayed quiet.Despite his painful headache and the amount of embarrassment he felt he stayed quiet.Instead of walking away or cussing the taller out his stared back at the male in a daring manner.
"Im assuming I was knocked out and that tired dickhead made you carry me back?"
The class was shocked at Katsukis hushed tone.
And despite the situation they were in Shoto found a smile creeping its way onto his face.
"Ya Midoriya got you good.I was trying to take you to our room but these assholes seemingly had other plans."
Shoto was now used to this new found calmer side of Bakugou.It makes sense seeing as they shared a dorm room together.It was normal to the two boys but the the rest of the class this was breaking news.They didnt know how to process anything that had just happened.
They could not close their mouths nor could they speak.
"So why exactly arnt we moving?"
"Oh Mineta decided to use one of his grape ball things and i am now stuck in place."
Katsuki rolled his eyes and softly pat Todorokis shoulder signaling for the latter of the two to put him down.
"Did you not think of taking off your shoe?"
Shoto visibly cringed at his stupidity.
"I totally forgot i was even able to do that-"
Bakugou chuckled and allowed the half n half boy lean on him in order to take his shoe off.
"Well we will be off to our dorm room!If any of you fucking extras mention this I will not hesitate to blast you all the way to hell!"
A couple of the classmates sighed seeing as the soft Bakugou they had just seen was now history.
Whilst some others * cough cough * Mina and Kaminari, bounced in there seats unable to contain the excitement that was radiating from them.
And as the two disappeared down the hall the rest of class 1A began to discuss the events that had just taken place.

1800 words!Truth be told I was just really putting off writing another chapter- You can even ask my teachers most of the stories ive written are always to be continued because my motivation goes from 100 to 0 reeeaalllyyy fast so once again I apologize!Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter,its not as great as my other ones but im proud of it!Stay safe and dont do drugz!

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