i don't know

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it was the next morning and Spencer and Olivia were sleeping peacefully before there daughter stormed in their room singing "oh my gosh" Olivia whined while putting a pillow Over her face before their daughter started jumping on their bed "lani go to sleep" Spencer said "I'm not tired now pleaseee wake up" kehlani said before kissing her parents cheeks multiple times with Spencer waking up rubbing his eyes "yay , good morning daddy" kehlani said in excitement with Spencer chuckling softly " good morning baby girl" Spencer said "now it's mommy's turn to wake up" kehlani said before trying to wake liv up " lani I'm tired" Olivia said "I don't care now pleaseee wake up" kehlani said with Olivia not saying anything "I know what I can do to wake her up" Spencer said "what?" Kehlani said before Spencer sat up tickling liv "Spencer!" Olivia said while laughing before kehlani started ticking her mom's feet "stop stop stop" Olivia said while laughing "not until you wake up" Spencer said "okay okay I'm up" Olivia said before Spencer and kehlani stopped tickling her "good" kehlani said with a big smile in her face and Spencer chuckling softly

Spencer was playing with his daughter while Olivia was cooking when there was a knock at the door with Olivia walking up to it opening the door seeing Simone "hey sis" Simone said with Olivia smiling "hey Simone" Olivia said "can I come in?" Simone asked "of course" Olivia said before moving to the side letting Simone in with her sitting on the couch . "So brings you here?" Olivia asked "I can't see my best friend?" Simone joked " I didn't mean it like tha-" Olivia said before Simone cut her off "I'm joking liv" Simone said before chuckling softly with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "okay but for real..I'm here to ask if you and Spencer want to go to the Bahamas with me , Jordan , Kia and Darnell" Kia said with Olivia's eyes widening "the Bahamas?" Olivia asked "yes girl all six of us need some time alone" Simone said before Spencer walked out of kehlani's  room " oh..hey Simone" Spencer said " hey Spencer" Simone said before Spencer sat at the couch " soo what's going on here?" Spencer asked " Simone asked me if we we're down to go to the Bahamas with her , my brother, Darnell and Kia" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "I'm a hundred percent down" Spencer said with Simone chuckling softly "so..what do you say liv?" Simone asked "um who's going to watch kehlani?" Olivia asked "my mom or your mom duh" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "okay then...I'm down" Olivia said with Spencer smiling hard "great..we leave tomorrow morning at 4:30 am" Simone said "okay" Olivia replied before Simone got up to hug Olivia and Spencer "see y'all tomorrow" Simone said "yup" Olivia replied before Simone walked out.
"this should be fun" Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly " yeah..hopefully" Olivia replied

Olivia was playing with her daughter when she got a text from an unknown number

? : see y'all tomorrow

Me : who's this?

? : a person

Me : *blocks*

Olivia didn't pay the text no mind so she turned her phone off , before continuing to play with her daughter . Some time went by and Olivia turned her phone back on seeing more messages from unknown numbers "what the hell" she said to herself before getting up " I'll be right back baby" Olivia said with kehlani nodding before Olivia walked out of her room going to her and Spencer's room

Olivia walked in and sat on the bed next to Spencer "baby I keep getting texts from unknown numbers saying 'see you tomorrow' 'be ready' 'I'll be waiting' and creepy shit" Olivia said sounding scared before Spencer started rubbing her back "baby don't think nothing of it..somebody is probably just playing with you" Spencer said with Olivia shaking her head

"I don't have a good feeling about this Spencer " Olivia said with Spencer taking a deep sigh "baby it's going to be okay..we're going to be okay, I promise " Spencer said "but what if-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "don't think about it..again somebody is probably just playing with you" Spencer said with Olivia taking a deep sigh before slowly nodding "we should start packing" Olivia said "okay" Spencer said softly before they both got off their beds before packing

To be continued

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