payback's a bitch

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Alright so what's the plan?" Simone asked  kia and Olivia "I wanna torture those hoes" Olivia told them "ok bet, and since those hoes wanna play with me I'm cutting both those bitches hands off" Simone said "do we let the boys know?" Kia asked "nah they might try and stop us" they all nodded before they all headed out the door. They soon arrived at jasmine and jadas house.

Once they approached their doorstep They banged on the door. "I'm coming!" Jasmine yelled as she made her way to the door. When she opened it she immediately tried to close it as she saw Olivia Kia and Simone. "Nah bitch" Olivia said as she put her foot in the door. "What y'all want?" Jasmine said "I'm gonna ask you this one time and only one time, what did you do to my husband" Olivia said growing angrier by the second. "I don't know what your talking about" Jasmine lied, Olivia chuckled softly before punching her to the ground. "What the fuck" Jasmine yelled causing jada to run out of her room. "What the hell are y'all doing!" Jada yelled as she ran over to her sister. "Oh shut up bitch" Kia said before both her and Simone attacked jada and Jasmine. Simone was throwing punches at Jasmine while Kia was doing the same to jada. Meanwhile Olivia was getting the supplies to torture them with out the car. Once she got back inside she saw Jasmine and jada knocked out. "Aight tie them up" Olivia said with Simone and Kia nodding.

A few minutes went by and Kia and Simone were done tying them up. "Wake up bitches" Olivia yelled with both Jasmine and jada jumping a little. Olivia slapped jada before taking out a knife "Olivia please" jada begged "I know your not fucking begging me, I told y'all to stay away from me and my husband y'all didn't listen" Olivia said "I'm sorry pl-" jada said before Olivia cut her off by stabbing her multiple times "do your thing Simone" Olivia told her giving her the ok to cut jadas hand off. Meanwhile Kia was punching Jasmine multiple times before she pulled out a hammer. "Kia listen ple-" Jasmine begged before Kia banged her in the head with the hammer. Jada screamed in pain as Simone was cutting her fingers off one by one while Jasmine was bloody and knocked out. Once Simone got done cutting Jadas fingers off she went chop her hand off. Jada let out a Horrifying scream of pain before Simone punched her one last time knocking her out. "What do we do with them" Kia asked "dump them in the lake" Simone told them. Once they got both jada and Jasmine in the trunk they drove off to the lake. Once they were at the lake, they got Jasmine and jada out the trunk. "Kia hand me the body bags" Olivia told her before Kia handed it to her. Olivia put them both in the bags before dumping them in the lake "paybacks a bitch isn't it" Olivia said as she watched them sink.

Meanwhile Spencer,Darnell and jordan were blowing up their girlfriends phones but it kept going straight to voicemail "what the hell are they doing?" Spencer mumbled before the girls came through the door "where the hell were y'all?" Darnell said " handling business" Kia said "what business?" Jordan said " don't worry about it..what's done is done" Kia said with the boys being confused "anyways...can we go" Kia said with Darnell slowly nodding before walking out . "yeah we should get going too...see y'all later " Simone said "okay" Jordan said before walking out the door leaving Spencer and Olivia alone . "Liv what happened?" Spencer asked "payback is what happened" Olivia said " liv please tell me what happened" Spencer said " it doesn't matter Kia said 'what's done is done' " Olivia said while changing into her pajamas and getting in the bed with Spencer shaking his head before getting in bed with her "can you please tell me what happened?" Spencer asked with Olivia taking his hand kissing it

"nope" Olivia said with Spencer taking a deep sigh "did y'all kill them?" Spencer asked with Olivia looking down "can we just go to sleep?" Olivia said a little irritated "not till you tell me what happened" Spencer said with Olivia taking a dramatic sigh

"ugh but I'm tireddd" Olivia said dragging the d  "fine" Spencer said before Olivia kissed his cheek "good night baby..I'm so sorry about what happened tonight " Olivia said with Spencer taking a deep sigh "goodnight liv " Spencer said with Olivia giving him a half smile before laying on his chest intertwining their fingers

A special thanks to @spelivialove for collaborating with me🤍🤍 hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3

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