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Olivia and kehlani were at Spencer's game cheering him on "go daddy go!" Kehlani said in excitement with Olivia chuckling softly before a guy walked up to them "hello there" the man said with Olivia pulling her daughter closer to her "can I help you?" Olivia said  with the man chuckling softly "yes actually...do you know a Jada hart?" The man asked with Olivia rolling her eyes "why?" Olivia said annoyed "you need to go easy on her" the man said with Olivia scoffing "easy on her? Please tell me your joking" Olivia said " I'm not, she's just in desperate need of a man" the man said with Olivia scoffing

"oh so she has to go for my husband?" Olivia said with the man not saying anything "if you don't have anything to say..then you are dismissed " Olivia said coldly "miss if she wants your husband, she can have him" the man said with Olivia looking at him like he's crazy " you are a damn clown if you think she's going to steal my husband away from me " Olivia said "I'm just saying" the man said before walking off with Olivia rolling her eyes

Spencer and his team won their game and were now getting out of the locker room when Spencer saw his daughter running up to him with Olivia walking right behind her "daddy!" Kehlani said before jumping in her dad's arm with her smiling " hey baby girl" Spencer said spinning his daughter around "you did so good" lani said "thank you baby girl" Spencer said before putting his daughter down "hey baby, congrats on the win" Olivia said before kissing his cheek "hey beautiful and thank you " Spencer replied with Olivia blushing

"Oh my gosh, I have to tell you what happened today while you were playing" Olivia said "I'm listening " Spencer said before picking up his daughter holding her "some man came up to me talking about some go easy on Jada , she's just in desperate need of a man" Olivia said with Spencer's eyes widening "are they serious?" Spencer said "I said the same thing but turns out that he wasn't joking" Olivia said before rolling her eyes with Spencer shaking his head "I don't get it..if Jada is in desperate need of a man why does she have to go for a married man with a child...that's just disgusting and disrespectful " Spencer said with Olivia shaking her head "right, she needs to her her shi-"Olivia says before Spencer put his finger over her mouth

"shhh no cussing in while Lani is around us" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "anyways like I was saying she needs to get her stuff together and stay far away from us" Olivia said with Spencer agreeing "but anyways..we should get home..it's getting late" Olivia said "okay" Spencer said softly with Olivia giving him a half smile before they walked to their car

Kehlani was in her room drawing while Spencer and Olivia were watching movies while cuddling "baby how many times are we going to watch this movie?" Spencer said referring to the movie us "till the day we die" Olivia said with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully

The movie was over and spelivia were now in the shower making out "mmm" moaned in between the kiss while Spencer was fingering her before there was a knock on their bathroom door " shit " Spencer mumbled "mommy where's daddy?" Kehlani asked "he's uh...he's at the st-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off " I'm in the shower baby girl" Spencer said with Olivia eyes widening "but I thought mommy's is in the shower" Kehlani said confused "lani daddy isn't in the shower he's brushing his teeth " Olivia said "baby girl that's not true" Spencer said before Olivia hit his arm "shut up" Olivia whispered with Spencer trying not to laugh "well..daddy when your done brushing your teeth can you tuck me in bed" Kehlani asked in a baby voice "yes lani" Spencer replied " okayy" Kehlani said before walking off " what the hell Spencer " Olivia said with him chuckling softly "what? I'm not going to lie to her" Spencer said "you are so annoying" Olivia said "yup and you love this annoying man" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully

To be continued

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