Not the one

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"oh what a suprise to see you two here!" Andre smirked with Olivia and Spencer's mouths dropping

"what the hell are you doing here?" Spencer said with Andre chuckling softly "relax man..I'm just here to party" he said "well I didn't invite you " Kia said while crossing her arms "oh well" Andre said before walking off to get a drink

"Please tell me that I'm dreaming right now and that Andre isn't actually here " Olivia said with Spencer shaking his head "I wish I could" he said

"this nigga needs to leave, we did not invite his ass" Darnell said with everyone agreeing before Andre walked up to them again

"Let's dannceee" he said slurring his words "oh hell no" Olivia said "Aw cmon guys..let's all be best friendsss" Andre said before dancing with everyone making a face at him before walking off to the pool

"oh so they think they can run away from me? Aight bet" Andre said in his head before following them

Spencer and Olivia were now playing and goofing around in the pool "my turn! Truth or dare?" Olivia said "dare" Spencer said with Olivia smirking at him "I dare you to-" Olivia said before Andre walked up them

"well hello again" he said with Spencer and Olivia rolling their eyes

"What the hell do you want, because if you want your ass to be dealt with again I'll be more than happy to give you your second beat down"  Spencer said with Andre scoffing "chill man like I said, I'm just hereee to partyyy and have funnn" Andre said slurring his words

"yeah whatever " Olivia said before swimming off with Spencer following behind her

"have y'all heard from Jasmine?" Andre asked with Olivia Turing around

"nope, fuck that bitch..and you" Olivia said with Andre rolling his eyes "fuck that bitch..and you" he mocked before walking off to get another drink

Spelivia was now out of the pool and were dancing and flirting with each other "so you gon grind on me or what?" Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly "hmmm why should i?" She teased while rubbing on his chest

"baby's stop playing with me and turn your fine ass around and grind on me" he said with Olivia chuckling softly before she turned around grinding and twerking on him

"okay babyyy" he said while hyping his wife up with Olivia chuckling softly still doing her thing

(5 minutes later) "Wait baby, I have to go to the bathroom" Spencer said with Olivia turning around facing him

"ugh don't keep me waiting" she said with Spencer chuckling softly " i won't baby" he said before kissing her cheek and walking off the the bathroom

Olivia was getting a drink when she felt a tap on her shoulder , she turned around seeing Andre before she rolled her eyes "what the hell do you want?" She said with Andre smirking before moving closer to her

"damn mama, you look hella sexy right now" he said seductively with Olivia feeling uncomfortable

"Andre back the hell up" she said "no baby I know you want this as much as i do" before Olivia slipped her hand inside of her purse reaching for her pepper spray before she pulled it out spraying it on his eyes

"ahh you stupid bitch !!" Andre yelled while covering his eyes before Spencer walked out of the bathroom hearing Andre calling his wife a stupid bitch

he quickly ran up to them pushing Andre hard on the floor

"baby go to the car" Spencer said "but Spence-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "Olivia go to the car" he said raising his tone a little bit with Olivia taking a deep sigh before running off to their car

"Now who the fuck are you calling a bitch?" Spencer said while kicking Andre hard "your wife the fuck, she's a whole bitch" Andre said before Spencer picked him up and pinned him against the wall choking him

"i...can't...breathe" Andre said with Spencer ignoring him still having a tight grip on his neck before Darnell and Kia ran up to him

" Spence stop, he's not worth it" Darnell said while pulling him off of Andre "yeah Spencer, just go home to your bitch" Andre said with Spencer's blood boiling before he tried running over to Andre but Kia stopped him

"Spencer he's not worth it....just breathe" she said trying to calm him down with Spencer taking a deep sigh "whatever, I'm out" he said before rushing out the door with Andre chuckling softly

"who's wants to go skinny dipping with me?" Andre said with a big smirk on his face

"Man get the hell out of my house" Darnell said "or what?" Andre said boldly with Darnell scoffing

"nigga if you don't get out of my house" Darnell said raising his tone with Andre rolling his eyes before getting a whole bottle of vodka walking out

hey guys, sorry I haven't been active these past 2-3 weeks I've haven't had motivation to write and I felt like quitting, but now I'm back and better, anyways I love you all and I hope you guys have a great rest of your evening/night <3

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