Wrong one

745 23 18

"then Cover your ears, take a walk do someth-" Simone said before she saw two familiar girls walking up to them "Olivia turn around" Simone said with Olivia narrowing her eyebrows before turning around with Spencer doing the same, seeing jasmine and Jada walking up to them

"What the hell" Olivia said with Spencer's mouth dropping as jasmine and jada were walking towards them "hey ladies and fellas" jasmine said while smirking at them "liv ain't that the bitch who tried to steal Spencer from you in college?" Kia said "yup" Olivia said with jasmine and jada chuckling softly "what the hell are you guys doing here?" Olivia said " well me and my sister want to hang out with you guys" jada said "sister?" Everyone said at the same time " yup,that's right" jasmine said with everyone rolling their eyes "and what makes you think that we want to hang out with you?" Olivia said "I mean why wouldn't you?" Jada replied with Olivia scoffing "so I'm guessing that you two are the ones who have been texting me?" Olivia said "correct" jasmine said with Olivia looking at them disgusted "anyways...I think we should get going? Do y'all agree?" Olivia asked before standing up with Spencer,Darnell,Kia,Jordan and Simone all getting up quickly "yea let's get out of here" Spencer said before taking liv's hand with jada and jasmine being jealous "leaving already ?" Jasmine said with an attitude "hell yeah" Simone said "I wasn't talking to you miss.cutting fingers head ass" (iykyk💀) jasmine said with Simone scoffing "keep playing with me..your going to get your whole hand chopped off" Simone said "yeah whatever" jasmine said before walking away with jada

Spencer and Olivia were at the beach sitting on the sand when they got a face time call from Spencer's mom with Olivia answering it seeing kehlani on grace's lap "hi mommy and daddy!" Their daughter said in excitement "hey princess " Olivia said "hey baby girl" Spencer said while smiling "I miss youuu" lani said while dragging the u "we miss you more lani" Olivia said before blowing her daughter a kiss with kehlani pretending to catch it "are you guys at the beach?" Lani asked "yes we are" Spencer said "no fair, I want to go to the beach" kehlani pouted "lani I'll take you to the beach Tomorrow " grace said " but I want to go now!" Kehlani whined louder "kehlani joy James!" Olivia said "yes?" Kehlani said lowly "your nana will take you to the beach tomorrow...so cut it out" Spencer said "okay" Kehlani said while looking down "sooo spen-" grace said before she was cut off by kehlani hanging up with Spencer and Olivia's mouth dropping . "Did your daughter just hang up in our faces?" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "our daughter" Spencer corrected liv with her rolling her eyes playfully "she definitely gets her attitude from you" Spencer said "true" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly

Spencer and Olivia were now getting ready to go out to eat with their friends . As Olivia was getting ready her phone started buzzing, she picked it up seeing messages from an unknown number

? : can't wait to see y'all tonight🥰

Me : and I can't wait to beat your ass

? : lol see you soon love

Me : *blocks*

Olivia was done getting ready she wore a tight fitted red split dress that fitted her curves perfectly with her hair in a slick back ponytail with her edges done, she walked out of the dressing room with Spencer's mouth dropping "woah" he said while admiring his wife as she was walking towards him "I'm ready" Olivia said with Spencer not hearing her but zoning out

Spencer pov:
Damn..my wife is so beautiful, I just wanna skip dinner and throw her on that bed and eat her out nonstop and give her some vitamin D..oh and I want to-

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt Olivia tapping him "babe!" Olivia said with Spencer snapping out of it "oh I'm sorry..Kinda zoned out" Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly "but you look so beautiful baby" Spencer said with Olivia blushing " thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" Olivia said with Spencer licking his lips "anyways we should get going" Olivia said with Spencer nodding before opening the front door for her before they walked to their car hand in hand

They arrived at the restaurant and saw their friends all sitting down "it's about time y'all showed up" Jordan said with Olivia and Spencer chuckling softly before sitting down . "Did y'all already order?" Olivia asked " nope we were waiting for you two" Simone said with Spencer and Olivia nodding . They ordered their food and were now talking "another text message from those crazy bitches?" Simone said " yup " Olivia said before rolling her eyes "they asses better not be surprised if I cut both of their hands off " Simone said "babe chill" Jordan said "no those bitches need to chill" Simone said with Jordan looking down chuckling softly before jasmine and jada walked up to them wearing a short White see through dress that had a deep v neck showing their cleavage "hey hotties" jasmine said with Darnell,Spencer and Jordan looking away "you bitch" Olivia said before throwing a red drink at them both "what the hell" Jada said "ughh" jasmine said "your dismissed" Simone said "bitch who the fuck are you talking to?" Jasmine said with Simone scoffing "you , and what the fuck are you going to do about it?" Simone said with jada and jasmine both looking at each other before nodding "nothing...we're so sorry" Jada lied " cool,now go" Olivia said with them both nodding before walking off smirking

Everyone finished eating and were now talking "I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom" Spencer said "okay..make it quick because when we get home I want to do the splits on your dick" Olivia whispered in his ear with Spencer's eyes widening "say less" Spencer said with Olivia smirking at him before he got up. As he was walking to the bathroom he saw jasmine and Jada " hey sexy" Jada said with Spencer rolling his eyes "what the hell do you want?" Spencer said annoyed "to do this" jasmine said before kissing Spencer with Spencer trying to pull her away but jasmine wouldn't move before she pulled them into a empty hallway

Olivia and her friends were getting impatient for Spencer to come back "I'm going to go check on him " Olivia said before getting up but Simone grabbed her arm "not by yourself..we'll come with you" Simone said with everyone agreeing and Olivia nodding . They were walking towards the bathroom when they heard Spencer silently crying with Olivia running up to him seeing Spencer on the floor before kneeling down "baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Olivia asked with Spencer shaking his head

"you good Spence?" Jordan asked " no" Spencer said "why are you crying?" Olivia said while rubbing his back "jasmine and Jada" Spencer paused "What did they do to you?" Olivia said "one of them kissed me and while the other one..sucked my.." Spencer said while looking down with everyone's heart dropping before some tears came down liv's face "oh it's over for those bitches" Simone said with Olivia and Kia nodding

To be continued

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