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(the next morning) Spencer and Olivia woke up around the same time facing each other "good morning beautiful, happy anniversary" Spencer said in a soft voice that gave Olivia chills "good morning sexy, happy anniversary" she said with Spencer smiling at her before leaning in giving his wife a passionate and slow kiss with her kissing back before he slowly pulled away gazing into her pretty brown eyes " i love you"'he said with Olivia blushing "i love you more" she said " impossible" Spencer said before their was a knock on their door "come in " Olivia said with kehlani opening her parents door getting on their bed

"good morning to my favorite people in the worlddd" lani said with spelivia smiling "good morning baby girl" they both said at the same time with kehlani smiling hard before kissing her parents cheeks "how'd you sleep?" Olivia asked "great , what about you guys?" Lani replied "we slept good lani, thanks for asking" Spencer said "of course" she said with her parents smiling at her

"guess what?" Olivia said " what!" Kehlani said in a high pitch voice "your going to spend the night at auntie simone's place " Olivia said with kehlani's eyes lighting up "ahhh yes!!!" she said with Olivia chuckling softly "AND your cousins will be there" Spencer said with kehlani getting up jumping on the bed "yes yes yes yes" she said with her parents laughing

"need help tying your shoes?" Olivia asked " no thanks mommy, i got it" lani said with Olivia nodding before walking off to the living room "hey baby" Olivia said while sitting on her husband's lap straddling him "hey sexyyy" Spencer said while tracing his hands up and down on Olivia's back with her bitting her bottom lip

"you ready for today?"he said "most definitely" Olivia said "mhm as you should" Spencer said before leaning in about to kiss his wife when their was a knock on their door "mommy she's here ahhh she's here" kehlani yelled in excitement

"ughh" Olivia said getting off of him with Spencer chuckling softly " it's okay baby, you'll get way more than just a kiss tonight" Spencer said winking at her "yeah i better" she said before walking to the front door opening it seeing Simone and her nieces & nephews

"liyah!! Shay!!" kehlani said before hugging both of her cousins " hiii lani" jada said in excitement with Simone and Olivia smiling "thanks for being available to watch lani" Olivia said " of course sis, you know i can never get tired of spending time with her...same thing for my kids" Simone said with Olivia chuckling softly "yeah, did you hear abo-" Olivia said before she was cut off by her daughter

"ughh blah blah blah" kehlani said "oh hush" Olivia said with Simone chuckling softly

"y'all ready to go?" she said "yes!" All of the kids said with Simone and Olivia chuckling softly "okay, give your mom a hug lani" Simone said kehlani jumping in her mom's arms giving her a hug " have fun baby girl, i love you " Olivia said "i will! Love you too" lani said before pulling away "bye girl, have fun tonight" Simone said while winking before walking off with the kids "oh i will" Olivia said with Simone chuckling softly

(5 hours later) spelivia was now getting ready for their date Olivia wore a red split slide dress that fitted her curves perfectly while her hair was in a sleep back ponytail with her perfectly edges done

"aye liv , you almost don-" Spencer said when he was cut off by Olivia walking out of her dressing room with his mouth slowly dropping "wow" Spencer said eyeing her up and down as Olivia sprayed her perfume on "take a picture it will last longer" ...

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"aye liv , you almost don-" Spencer said when he was cut off by Olivia walking out of her dressing room with his mouth slowly dropping "wow" Spencer said eyeing her up and down as Olivia sprayed her perfume on "take a picture it will last longer" Olivia said while applying some lipgloss in front of her mirror with Spencer walking over to her wrapping his arms around her waist "my wife is so fucking fine" he said in her ear making olivia blush  "and my husband is so fucking sexy" she said with Spencer bitting his bottom lip "mhmm" he said before Olivia turned around giving him a passionate kiss before she slow pulled away

"you ready to go?" she said " i mean...we could just stay here and-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off " uht uht a girl is ready to go out and eat" she said with Spencer chuckling softly

they arrived at the restaurant and were in their seats talking and flirting "baby this is place is so really didn't have to do all this" Olivia said with Spencer reaching across the table holding his wife's hands "you deserve it baby" he said softly with Olivia blushing before their waitress came over with their drinks

" thank you" spelivia said at the same time "my pleasure, what may i get you two to eat?" The waitress asked with spelivia ordering their food "got it! it should be out in 20-30 minutes" the waitress said with spelivia nodding

(20 minutes later) "remember the time when Simone walked in on us doing it" Spencer said with Olivia looking down in embarrassment "oh my God, please don't remind me" she said with Spencer laughing

"Faster" Olivia moaned while digging her nails in Spencer's back with him going faster with Olivia receiving so much pleasure "fuck I'm bout to cu-" Olivia moaned" hold it baby" Spencer grunted with Olivia screaming out in pleasure

"why the hell is Olivia screaming?" Simone said "shit, i don't know, she's probably singing with Spencer" Jordan said with Simone not buying it "mhm , I'll be right back" she said before walking upstairs to Olivia's room

"BABYYY" Olivia screamed very loudly while Spencer gave her back shots not hearing the door open "oh God" Simone said with Spencer and Olivia turning around seeing Simone " oh shit" spelivia both said at the same time covering themselves " let me go wash my eyes Chile " Simone said before quickly closing the door leaving "learn how to knock Simone i don't need you to become like Jordan's interrupting ass !!" Olivia yelled "oh hell no, leave me out of this!!" Jordan yelled from downstairs with Spencer and Olivia chuckling softly

End of flashback

"I cannot" olivia said while wiping her tears from laughing too much with Spencer doing the same before their waitress came up with their food " enjoy" she said before walking off
"Mmm this is so good " olivia said while eating her food "it sure is" Spencer said

they finished eating and were now talking before Spencer pulled out a present for Olivia "aw baby what's this?" she said while taking it "you'll see, just open it" he said with Olivia smiling Before opening the present seeing a necklace that had her and Spencer's initials on it " oh my gosh" she said while admiring it with Spencer smiling "do you like it?" he asked "no baby...i love it" olivia said with Spencer smiling

"need help putting it on?" he asked "no thanks, i got it " she said before putting the necklace on by her self "wow it looks perfect on you" Spencer said with Olivia blushing " thank you baby" she said softly " of course" he said before back at one " by brian McKnight started playing with spelivia both smiling at each other before Spencer got up having his hand out

"may i have this dance?" he said with Olivia blushing " duh" she said before taking his hand walking to the dance floor

They swayed to the song while starting into each other's eyes thinking about everything they've been through and how they got through it together "i love you olivia james" Spencer said with a tear falling from Olivia's eye with Spencer wiping it "i love you too" she said softly before leaning in kissing her husband passionately with everyone in awe

they were now pulling up to their house with Olivia looking at Spencer while bitting her bottom lip "take a picture it will last longer" he said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "can you hurry up and park this car damn" she said with Spencer chuckling softly

"your the boss" he said while parking the car ready for the night ahead of them

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