Chapter 9: Bloodcurdling

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The instant I straighten up something metallic flashes from behind. I tilt my head away instinctively and the next moment I feel something cold and rigid against my neck.

"Stay still," orders a soft yet assertive voice.

I breathe out gently in an attempt to calm my nerves. In the dark of night, I spot several phantom-like figures dressed in black. Their faces are concealed, leaving only the eyes and a shiny dagger in sight.

The person before me looks like the leader. He has his grip on a dagger, emitting an aura of death, and keeps his gaze fixed on me.

"Who are you?" he questions.

I suppress my thumping heart and stay quiet trying to come up with a reply. That they were able to get through the high security and appear here makes them formidable opponents. Are they from Yan or from...?

I don't know whether this person is a friend or foe so there may be complications if I speak too hastily. I can't see his face but I can make out some stiffness in his speech, with the tiniest hint of the capital's accent.

The capital! My heart skips a beat.

My fate depends on this.

"You wouldn't happen to know who rests in this coffin, would you?"

The next moment, the blade digs in a bit more, forcing me back, but I keep eye contact with him.

"If you have come for His Lordship, please rest assured, I am your friend."

"How so?" He asks suspiciously.

I feel cold sweat dripping down my back but I steady my voice.

"Who doesn't know of the duke's honorable sacrifice? The royal family would not dare risk allowing his remains to go missing. So I'm guessing you have come to bring His Lordship back, right?"

His head tilts the slightest angle but he doesn't release his dagger. "You're bright, but unfortunately, those who know less lives longer."

Hearing this, I can guess the identity of these people—most likely Wraiths, Wraiths managed by Uncle.

I know that Uncle has a group of these people who pledge their lives for the Han clan under his control. They are a formless existence. No one knows who they are, no one knows where they are, but once their master makes an order they immediately materialize and execute it with unwavering loyalty. The Han clan owes it in part to the Wraiths for their rise to power in the imperial court.

"Please, you are being emphatic. I only wanted to pay my respects to the duke for his immeasurable loyalty for his country. It would be most righteous if you can bring his honorable remains back to Great Rui."

He stays silent, observing me, making the butterflies in my stomach dance.

"I'm merely a prisoner. My life means nothing." I hold his gaze. "But this place is heavily guarded. It must not have been easy getting in. And considering you have to get out later with the duke, it wouldn't be wise to cause a commotion, now would it?"

"Are you threatening me?" His gaze is stone cold.

"I dare not." I shake my head. "I'm just calling it how I see it."

Uncle's never been one for mistakes and second chances. I'm afraid the only thing awaiting them should they fail is death.

I restrain myself from showing fear and look him straight in the eyes. His eyes shift; it appears I was right on target. It's always been my principle to not overdo anything. I've said what I needed to, now it's up to him to decide.

Moments go by as he ruminates.

"How do I know if I can trust you?"

I explain quietly. "I'm a citizen of Great Rui, captured not long ago. I was genuinely here to hold a wake for the duke. Does that make me worthy for your trust?"

He looks at me with a fixed stare which I return.

A suffocating silence wraps itself around every one of us.

Then the coldness disappears from my neck. He flicks his wrist and the dagger disappears too. He takes a few steps back, keeping me in sight.

"Open the casket!"

We're quite a distance from the camp. The Wraiths are very adept and get the duke's remains wrapped up and ready to go in no time.

"I give my thanks, though I do not know who you are," he says with his dagger in hand.

I grin. "I'm sure it is the duke's will to return to his roots. It was just a hand's turn anyway."

He doesn't respond and slowly steps away from me. The other Wraiths behind him are also backing away, ready to vanish. I feel relief watching them leave.

Suddenly there's shouting from all around. "Don't let them escape!"

I don't even have time to see what is going on when a strong gust whizzes before my face accompanied by a sharp scream.

I turn around only to see several more shadowy phantoms appearing in the darkness.

The Wraith leader barks, "Shit! It's a trap!"

Before he even finishes, everything before me whirls around at the speed of lightning. The two parties have clashed together before I can comprehend what's happening.

In the blink of an eye, dust and debris are driven up and swirl in the air, blocking my view of the situation. What was once dead silent is now filled with boisterous shouts and clangs of weapons against each other, the tranquil night nowhere to be found.

Blood splashes in all directions. War cries resonate endlessly. Flashes of metal. Criss-cross of arrowheads. Bits of crimson, scarlet and maroon seem to drift amidst the pale moonlight.

Despite being specially trained in their trade, the Wraiths are still no match for the Yan soldiers who've bathed in the blood of a hundred battles. I back away, one step at a time, as cold sweat breaks out.


I don't know what's going on but it's probably the best to get the hell out of here. I hunch over and make a break for it with the chaos as cover.

"Kill him! That one!" Someone yells from behind.

Whoosh. Whoosh. Something zips past my face at the same time metallic glisters fly across my vision, freezing my blood over.

It's still all around me—the yelling, the clashing of blades and clanging of metal. I don't even get two feet away before something flashes before me and a blade comes slashing down. I feel it hacking into my left shoulder as if to split me in half. Sweetness rushes into my mouth and a gush of blood sprays out. My vision goes dim. My legs are already wobbling like jelly.

The Wraith leader, covered in blood, grabs my collar. His unmasked eyes send chills down my spine.

"You almost had me there."

Then all I see is a cold icy gleam zooming down towards me. I clench my teeth and pant for air. Blood keeps welling in my mouth and spilling out, and I can't get a single word out.

I shut my eyes.

I. Am. Soo. Dead. This time.

A wisp of cool air brushes past my temple. I hear a cry of agony and smell a rusty scent. The skin on my neck feels cool for a moment. The expected bone-splitting pain doesn't come for the longest time. I hesitate and finally crack my eyes open.

The Wraith's eyes are almost popping out of their sockets. His face is one of disbelief while a wolf-tooth white-feathered arrow sticks out from his forehead. Blood trickles down his face, making the picture all the more ghastly.


I whip around to see Murong Yu standing there with an austere expression, arrow nocked.

The sound of battle is showing no signs of ceasing and the smell of iron only thickens. He strides over with one arm stretched out. My mind is blank as I reach out, arm shuddering.

Quicker than lightning, the Wraith leader rises up, and a stretch of silver light, more brilliant than the moon, carves into the ink black night. Murong Yu draws his sword and blood showers down like rain. The man's head goes flying.

I try to keep it down but another mouthful of blood comes rushing out. The headless body tips backwards. His surprisingly strong grip tears my collar off and a white object slips out, tumbling on to the ground.

Oh no! It fell!

I immediately reach out for it but Murong Yu steps in front, sword raised, and pulls me towards him.

"Let me go." I only have that white object in mind.

He looks at me sternly and pulls me in closer. The wound on my shoulder widens. The thick smell of blood rushes to my head and a dizzy spell hits me.

I cannot lose it.

I cannot...

"What're you doing?" He warns lowly near my ears and pulls me in even closer. "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

I shake my head wildly. "No. I can't lose it."

He frowns, impatience flashing in his eyes. "Now is not the time!"

Before he could even finish, I spot a shadowy figure rushing straight at us with a sword in hand, looking like a shapeless shadow in the night and bringing along with it a gust of wind.

"Watch out!" Caught off guard, I shove Murong Yu aside without thinking.

A cold draft blows by my ears. Then darkness drops over me.

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