chapter 19: other member

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


After an hour in the cafe, I decided to went home. As I walked to home, I started thinking on what was Juliet's plan to fix everything. I even started getting worried about her, so I decided to stop by at her house before I head home. Her house is 5 blocks away from mine, so I thought that it wouldn't be a big deal.

I arrived at her front porch then I clicked their door bell. It started ringing from inside, and I heard someone approaching.

"R-Romeo? What are you doing here?" Juliet asked as she opened the door and we looked at each other.

"I was just checking if you came home, I was worried sick about you." I replied as I smiled.

"Y-You were worried sick?" She asked in confusion.

"Mhm, by the way, I finished the puzzle that your Aunt Tia gave to us." I said as I bring out the paper from my pocket.

"Wait, you did? Thank you, Romeo!" She exclaimed as she closed their door.

"No problem, Juliet." I said as I chuckled.

"Do you want to go inside? I need to talk to you about something, aside from this puzzle." She sighed.

"Sure, an hour will do." I said then we went inside.

We went directly to her room, and we sat down on the floor.

"So, which of the two we should talk about first?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Let's talk about the puzzle first, since you already arrived here with it." Juliet replied as she unfold the paper.

"Choose a member who the two of you trust to unlock the upcoming puzzles." She reads it out loud then she looked up at me.

"Why would Aunt Tia give us a puzzle like this?" She asked as she frowned.

"I don't know, but may I ask on how many Magicias did you and Travis made?" I asked then she looked down.

"U-Um, three." She replied.

"Are you okay, Juliet?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Honestly, I don't know." She replied as she sighed.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked then she looked up.

She slowly nodded then she immediately went to me for a hug. I hugged her back as she started crying. I can feel that she is really overthinking about something.

"I-I did what I shouldn't be doing, but it's for the best for all of us." She said as I patted her head.

"It's okay, just let it all out I am willing to listen." I said then we released from hugging.

"I had no choice but I confessed to Travis on how I feel about him." She said as she sighed.

"That's great news, Juliet! Congratulations, I'm so proud of you." I said as I smiled.

"Apparently it's not great news, Romeo." She said as she sighed.

"It's a fake confession, and I had to do it, because we already know on what will happen an hour after that." She continued.

"Why would you do that, Juliet? I mean, I already know what will happen after that, but you could've atleast think about it first. You are taking a risk Juliet, and Travis is involved with that." I said then she looked down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that. It's just that I am very concerned about your plan, especially Travis who is a friend of mine. I swear I didn't mean to scold to you like that, I'm really sorry Juliet." I sighed as she looked up.

"No, no, it's okay, you're right anyways. But I had no choice, I just didn't want the 'supposed to be situation' happen especially with you and Lauren." She said then I sighed.

"Please don't tell Travis about this, Romeo. The only people who should know about this are you and Aunt Tia, and only you two." She continued as she pouted.

"Of course I won't, Juliet. I just hope that you are doing the right thing, I will be here for you anytime." I said as I smiled.

"You really mean that?" She said as she started to smile.

"I do, that's what friends are for, right?" I said then she slowly nodded.

"Yes, friends." She said then we chuckled.

"Alright, so um, about the puzzle thing, do you think we should choose Travis as our other member? Since he already knows about this Magicias thing." She said.

"It's perfectly fine for me, but are you sure about this?" I asked as I frowned then she sighed.

"We don't have a choice Romeo, besides I don't want Aunt Tia's identity and my family's history to be known to any more people." She said.

"Alright then, so who will be the one to tell him?" I asked then she started thinking.

Next day

"Remember Aunt Tia, Travis?" Juliet asked.

Juliet and I are standing beside together as Travis grabbed his books from the locker. Meanwhile, the other students walked around the campus before class starts.

"Yes, and why is Romeo here in the first place?" Travis asked in confusion as he looked at me.

"Well long story short, Juliet and I are the chosen users for the Magicias you two made. According to Madam Tia, to become an official user, we have to solve three mission and the first mission or puzzle we got, says 'Choose a member who the two of you trust to unlock the upcoming puzzles'." I explained.

"Sooo, Romeo and I decided to choose you as our other member and as a user as well for the Magicias we made. Since you already know everything about it, and we trust you with all our hearts." Juliet said as she chuckled then Travis smiled.

"It's not a problem to me, besides I don't know if you have heard Romeo, but Juliet told me she like me back yesterday!" Travis squealed then Juliet smiled.

"Wait really? No way, congratulations! So, when will be the wedding?" I asked then Juliet rolled her eyes as Travis and I laughed.

"That will happen in the future, don't worry I won't forget to invite you." Travis chuckled then Juliet playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Stop it you two." Juliet scoffed then Travis and I chuckled.

"But seriously, I am so happy for you especially my friend Travis!" I said as I smiled.

"Correction, it's bestfriend." Travis said then all of us laughed.

"Oh there's Lauren, I need to catch up to her. See you two in a bit!" Juliet said as she slowly walked backwards.

"So I won't have a hug?" Travis asked as he pouted then I scoffed.

"Alright, my Travy." Juliet said as she rolled her eyes and walked towards Travis.

Travis pulled her for a hug as she hugged back, while I am standing there watching the two of them being the cutest 'almost' couple. But then I remembered that Juliet is playing all along, little did she know, Travis is playing along too, but only his moves for Juliet and not his feelings for her. Juliet released from hugging as Travis did the same. Juliet waved goodbye at us, then we waved her back and she went to Lauren.

I can see how Travis is in love with Juliet, the way he stares at her by the time she walks away from us. I somehow feel bad because I am the person who knows both of their secrets, and if one day they will figure out, they might blame me for not being a good friend at all.

~ mj <3

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