chapter 21: couldn't pick sides

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


"So, that's what happened after I borrowed Travis from you yesterday." I said as I faked a blush.

"I've been waiting for this day for you to tell me you love my brother back!" Lauren squealed then I chuckled.

"Oh no, I can't say I love him back. We are still in level one, and we want to keep things slow between the two of us." I said then I grabbed my cup of coffee and drink it.

"But I'm confused, didn't you said that you like Romeo, and you just thought of my brother of sweet and kind?" She asked as I nervously looked at her.

"Right, but I realized some things between the two of them and figured that I would just choose a guy who loves me for me, and not for a guy who doesn't care of me, and thought of me as a friend." I replied as I sighed and I put the cup of coffee down.

"S-So, right before we went to the cafe, you just think of Romeo a-as a friend?" She asked in confusion.

"Y-Yes, I would've told you during that time but you were so sincere about what you were saying that's why I didn't bother to tell you." I said.

Now I feel really bad for Lauren, like what if she is still in love with Romeo and she just thought of me and our friendship and she had to reject him. Meanwhile, I'm just hiding Romeo and I's secret from her especially of my relationship with Travis.

"This is what I like about you Juliet, you always think of others first. It's hard to find a bestfriend like you these days, the last person who has been this kind to me is Romeo right before we thought that we would be together." She said as she smiled.

"Aww, thank you Laury I would love to say the same thing to you! But may I ask if you still love-" I asked then she cutted me off.

"No, I don't love Romeo anymore. There may be a little feelings left since we just broke up weeks ago, but I am sure that I don't love him as much as I do before." She said.

"Wow, I love how you are handling all of this heartbreaks Lauren. You are so brave and strong, I wish I could learn a lot from you." I said as I smiled.

"Thank you for your kind words, and I'm pretty sure you don't have to learn from me. We are different in many ways, and I, for sure, know that you are brave and strong as well." She said.

I smiled as she begins to eat here slice of bread. I started thinking of am I doing the right thing or not towards to Travis. I have never been lying like this in my whole life, I used to be a shy girl who loves reading novels but everything changed when Travis approached me.

After Lauren and I talked in the cafe for an hour, we decided to go home and have some rest. As I arrived at home, I greeted my mother and went to my room to change my clothes then decided to have a little rest before I eat dinner.

Timeskip after dinner and went back to sleep for a couple of hours, I suddenly woke up because I heard a distinct noise inside my room. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes and look around to where the noise is coming from. There, I saw that my window is open as well as my curtains so I stood up and close them both. As I turned around, I saw something glow from the table and I slowly walked towards it.

The glow is from a magical golden butterfly earrings with the Magicia design on it. My eyes are wide open because of the excitement, then I saw a note attached to the earring saying "This is my reward for completing the first task you and Romeo solved. I'm sorry I hadn't have the time to call you anytime yesterday and today to check up on you, but I know you are doing just fine. Use these earrings to communicate with Romeo's bracelet or my crystal ball by pressing the butterfly's stomach. Tell Romeo and the other member the both of you chose, to gather tomorrow at your house to discuss the next task. Love, Aunt Tia".

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