Season 1 Episode 10: Toppat Civil Warfare Sequel

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*I was Playing Echo VR, There Were About 20 Scientists Hacking into the Game to Track the Toxic Players Addresses and they called 911, To Have those Toxic Players Arrested*


*Henry Stickmin Was Combining and Fusing With Different Henry's From Different Endings, Making Him Way Stronger than Before, Then He Combined With The "Toppat Civil Warfare" Henry*

Geoffery: Henry? You feel Funny.

*Henry Thinks he's right, He does Feel His Left Arm Metal, but then Again, He Has Grown An Inch Or Two Judging By The Armor and Strength He Has Increased, He Lifted His Back And A Jetpack Comes Out, Surprising Thomas, Dave, Geoffery.*

Henry: I Suddenly Know what the Toppat Clan Is Going to do...

Goeffery: Tell Us, Buddy.

Henry: I see... *His Hand Glows and Shows The Plan, A Rocket Stands*

Geoffery: A Rocket?

Henry: Yes, But A Transport for a Satellite able to keep all Toppat Members Comfy in space, They Even have Special Defenses, Other words they are planning to get everyone of the Toppats onto the Rocket to Launch, We Must Stop Ellie and Sven.

Geoffery: Who is Sven?

Henry: From the Looks Of It, He Will Be Ellie's New Right Hand Man...

Thomas: So Our Choice Is To Stop Ellie and Sven From Launching that Rocket...

Henry: Or I Can Have A Long Discussion with Ellie About How Wrong I was To Leave her at the Complex...

Geoffery: But How Do we do that? There is Four Of Us, We Need Help. *Sees Sparks* What's That?

Henry: Help.

*Many More Sparks Appear in Many Places, Turning into Portals Of The Warvengers Including Myself Wearing Top Hats*

Me: Correction, A Whole Army. Thanks for Involving Us In This, Henry.

Henry: No Problem.

Me: Let's Earn you that Rocket.

Henry: Uh... You Got A Ship?

*A Squadron Of Republic Cruisers Came Out into the Sky*

Obi-Wan: We come to Assist You, Old Fellow.

Henry: Thanks, Guys. *We All Transport to inside Each of the Three Republic Cruisers*

Anakin: Which Way?

Me: *I Used the Force to feel where the Airship is Going* They have A Secret Base In The Jungle, We Do Need A Plan.

Henry: Hmmm... Oh no...

*Goes Down, Rewires the Right Hand Man, To Right Hand Man Blue*

RHMB: Henry, We Gotta Stop these Toppats, Come On!

Henry: We Are Not Alone, ...Er.. I mean it's Not just us who are going to stop the Toppats. *Referring To The Warvengers*

RHMB: You gotta Ride?

Me: We Sure Do.

RHMB: You Are Gonna Need It. Let's Go.

*In The Cruisers*

Me: Henry, You gotta Plan?

Henry: So... *Exhales* Are You Guys Familiar With Star Wars?

*On The Airship*

(TCW) Ellie: We aren't continuing any other missions until that Bitch that left me at the Wall Is Absolutely "Dead."

Toppat 2: Not Against You, Ma'am, But We did have this plan with the Rocket and the Space Station...

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