Season 2 Episode 15: What's Yours Is My Mii's

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Welcome Everyone, to the very last episode of season 2, For Warvengers. This Episode And Season Finale... will determine between a mii's victory and defeat, it's strength and weakness, and Last but not least It's Faith And Fear.... where the Warvengers will meet their enemy face to face. No telling what will happen next, Only God Knows, when he wants us to win or lose it'll be a learning experience whether we stick together or Split up.

Now... Without further Ado, Let the Season 2 Finale...



*A Team Combined, young man, Joshua Fair has invented a device to travel between dimensions and grab the heroes of the great movies, games, comics, and episodes shows, with the help of his right hand mii and Son, Joshua the Mii, they were able to recreate the base into something magical, recreational, and strong. Rescuing Heroes who were lost broken surviving on their own or even depressed and heartbroken yet some just didn't have another step... thanks to the many soldiers being programmed and our leader's leadership, those Heroes now have friends, family, freedom, and faith in God... guiding them through battles and experiments the world has become safer... until in the midst of the fading sky, a threat arises everyday the team must prepare to take out this new threat coming their way... of what seems to be an evil Overlord or an evil wispy spirit who takes the body of someone and brings malice, darkness, destruction, and decapitation, only most of our heroes can bring this new threat down, our leader could take this down himself, but he believes a team is well more spirited to take this threat down together... a call of the Warvenger, Are cautious to answer.*

*It Reveals to Me, Mii, and Vaughn in the Office calling JuanDeleon On The Transmission Projector*

Juan: this new enemy has conquered most of the countries if we are to survive or put more war Avengers to the world and protected keeping the earth safe we must think of ways to defend each other and keep the peace...

Me: in some cases I will take that request you and thanks for the report, I'll dial it in.

Juan: May the force be with you, Sir.

*The Call Ends*

Mii: I don't like it...

Me: this new enemy... you say, hm?

Mii: I've done with him once before, I don't know how he was able to break free from the body that we were able to save... I just don't know how...

Me: Your Mind, Flustered, Mixed in different directions, Hm?

Mii: Yeah... I should get some rest.

Me: Do So, rest, Yes, A cure it can be, a choice, any day you'll find, to heal, We must.

*Mii Rests Up and Exits my Office*

Me: what's Lisa Simpson now in jail because of... Bart disowning her, I don't know what could be worse... and I'm not saying how could things get any worse... it's just lots of these feelings I have its... Man i wish i wasn't lost too...

Vaughn: This... Dark Lord, because some way to cause Terror... yet confusion, and fear.

Me: Yes... Afraid, Must we be, No. Keep Going, We Must. But People More Important, They Are. Be Ready, We Must.

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