Season 2 Episode 1: W.E.H.T.G?

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This is an Alternative Universe about what happened after Glamdozer's Defeat in Flipsville Galaxy, Whether Mario or Luigi...

Without Further Ado, Let Season 2...




Btw, The Video Is not Mine.

*Just After the Battle Of Glamdozer, Mario/Luigi Launched back to the ship with the Star, Which unbeknownst of either of them, The Pupdozers Were trying to Ressurect Their Queen, She Was Knocked Out Cold, With no sound of her Snoring whatsoever, The Pupdozers Grew Worried, Until they Saw Republic Cruisers in the Sky, Could It Be?*

*One Of the Republic Cruisers Brought Down A Small Ship, Which to be Exact A Gunship*

*When the Ship Landed It Looked Like Me, But Younger and Also My Mii was with me, Who wore a Cap a lot in this time, And not in the present i don't*

*Location: Flipsville Galaxy
Recent History: Glamdozer's Death,
Time: October 28th 2011, 21:18*

Mii: There She Is.

Me: We will show her we are not a threat.

Mii: We might wanna show them that too.

*Looking at the Pupdozers*

Pupdozers: Please, Sir... Can you and Your Friend Help Her?

Me: We'll do what we can, Mii, Call in A Strong Medical Ship.

Mii: Yes Sir... Attention, We Need A Big Medical Ship, We Found the Queen, But The Condition is Worse than we thought.

Mii Trooper: Yes Sir.

*Mii Walked Closer to The Dead Queen*

Me: Mii, What Are you Doing?

Mii: Ensuring She Has Comfort. *She Kneels Down to the Queen's Head* Your Majesty, What Has That Mustached Mauler Done To You? *He Decides To travel In Her Mind, and Sees A Mini Version Of Her* Glamdozer?

Glamdozer: Who Are You? Are you Friends with he who Defeated me?

Mii: I Am Familiar with him, But I Am No Friend Of Him...

Glamdozer: Are You a Foe Of His?

Mii: My Look-Alike And I Are Not Friends Nor Foes Of Mario and His Gang, We Came Because We Could Still Heal You and Perhaps, We Can Punish He Who Defeated You.

Glamdozer: Would you really be able to Heal Me?

Mii: I Promise You, No Harm, Perhaps I Want the Chance To Love you.

Glamdozer: You Would Actually Love A Creature Like Me? *Starts to Tear Up*

Mii: Cross My Heart. Now I Need To Get Your Body Onto the Ship and All you need to do is Rest And Not think about Mario nor Luigi, Okay?

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