Season 1 Episode 13: Agent to Warvenger

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*Tense Super Agent Music Plays*

The Lone Flipagramist Enterprises Presents

A Joshua Fair Story

*The Camera Pans To A Private Military Plane Flying in a Stormy Night Sky, Inside We See A couple Of Armed Miis Getting Their Gear On... And we See Agent P Already Preped and Ready, acting cool while having a toothpick in his mouth*

*His Watch Beeps*

Major Monogram: Ah Agent P, we've received word you are entering enemy territory, Stand By For Drop. Director Joshua, will give you the assignment today... a group will also accompany you on your mission... *Green Light Flashes*

Pilot Mii: Soldiers, We're over the Drop Zone. *They open the plane door on the side, seeing the alternate dimension of Phineas and Ferb, Where Doof has already taken Over, Agent P wears his parachute pack as soon as he jumped out of the plane, a few soldiers followed him, while another group of animals waiting on the ground for him*

*a certain elephant complimented him as he landed*

Stampy: *Trumpeting* (Perry the Platypus nice to see an animal with such style, it is such an honor to meet the legend in person.

*Beep call*

Me: Agent P, glad to see you made it safely... so I take it you heard about the animal recruits on the ground?

*Agent P chitters in agreement*

Me: Good, it might not take long but let me introduce you to them... first off is Stampy he's a giant Elephant from The Simpsons he'll be going by the name "Tusk-Wall." Next up you got the Madagascar penguins, Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico... these four work well as a team Kowalski is as smart as Truth Serum... Skipper runs the Madagascar penguins outfit private is well, he's the cute one, and as far as Rico, he is a demolishing expert, he is able tackle problems head-on... They'll be going by the code name Southwind, since they already work with North Wind... then you have toothless he's a Night Fury who happens to be an offspring of lightning and death itself... He will be going by the code name "nightmare" and finally you have... the legendary "Tom Cat" he may fail to catch a mouse but nothing distracts him from his mission he gets in and gets out easily and knows how to pick up a fight... he'll be going by the codename "Boomerang."

Skipper: Joshua, what's this about?

Me: Ah, Skipper, glad you brought that up, I'll run through briefing again... it seems we found out some more traces of the 2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz has broken out of prison...

Kowalski: 2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz? I thought he was defeated...

Me: It seems his ex ex wife. 2nd Dimension Charlene and 2nd Dimension Vanessa who happens to be the second dimension Doofenshmirtz daughter, have escaped prison activity. Now he is unleashing more Bots all over the world to take over the tri-state area.

Skipper: I know you said robots but... what kind of robots?

Me: Well it seems in the history, Phineas and his crew in the tri-state area in his cartoon, had defeated a whole Army of robots by taking out a satellite if there should be some satellite or some way to shut down the robot's programming and save the tri-state area then your mission is successful. Also we may need to arrest the second dimension Doofenshmirtz family while we destroy the Bots from taking over the Tri-State area... unfortunately it won't be as easy as Phineas did... but I was sending men to distract them while you guys do your mission, my men will do theirs.

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