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Jack: I'm on my way, are you ready?

Alex: I think so. I'm nervous! 

Jack: Don't be :) You'll do great. I've seen the pictures you take yourself and that your roommate takes for you. You know your angles well, and you know how to make eye contact with the camera. Be there in 15 minutes.

Alex lets Jack in when he arrives, he's got all of his camera equipment on him. Really, to Jack it's not that much, but to Alex it looks a bit intimidating, as he only uses a small camera to do his shots. It's a nice camera, but it's definitely not a set up like Jack's is. 
"Wow. That's a lot of stuff." Alex says quietly, examining the large bag on Jack's shoulder, the tripod in his hand, and the Canon around his neck.
Jack smiles, "I come prepared. Alright, so where are we doing this?" He asks, looking around Alex's little apartment. It's nice, bigger than his own is, but Alex has a roommate, they can afford the nicer place.
Alex leads him up the stairs into his bedroom. It's got cream colored walls, which Jack already knew from FaceTime chats with him. There's a desk in the corner with a computer and a nice computer chair, his queen sized bed is against the wall with two nightstands on either side of the bed, it's near the window which overlooks the street. In the opposite corner of the room is a nice, grey armchair next to a bookshelf. That will definitely make for a good prop. In the other corner is a dresser that seems to match Alex's bed frame.

They set to work, Jack moves the furniture around a bit so that it looks more like a professional scene would, where everything is placed strategically to get the best angles, the best lighting and the best overall look.
"Alright," Jack says as he looks around, "I think we're set. Why don't you get into whatever it is that you're going to be wearing and we'll start." He smiles.
Alex nods, it's clear that he's more nervous than Jack expected him to be.
The brunette disappears into the hallway to get to the bathroom, Jack takes that time to get his camera and tripod set up, though he's not sure they'll be using the tripod for any of the shots. Alex is only gone for a minute or two. When he returns, he's in tight, short, grey boy shorts that fit him like a glove. 
He blushes at Jack, "Are these okay?" He asks, looking down nervously at himself.
Jack smiles at him, trying to keep himself composed on the outside. The inside is a melting puddle of mush. "Yeah, you look great." 
"Where do you want me?"
On the bed, on the floor, in that armchair, on your desk, in the shower, I'll take you anywhere really. He thinks to himself, but shakes the thought from his mind in favor of professionalism. He can flirt after. 

"Let's start with the bed." He smiles as he watches Alex lie down on it. Jack directs him so that he's on his side slightly, in position so that his ass is angled a bit up, giving it that nice little pop it so rightfully deserves, Alex's right arm under his head, his left arm at the side. Jack bends his elbow a bit, getting him in the perfect position. "Okay, don't move." He kneels down a bit by the bed, getting a good angle and snaps a few photos, directing Alex's movements ever so slightly.
The next shot is Alex on his stomach, propped up on his forearms, thin sheet covering his ass but only his ass, he's glancing back at the camera, chin tilted down a bit. Jack helps him angle his neck and back so that even when he's looking over his shoulder, you can still see his neck, making him look slightly longer and a bit more elegant. 

They get a few more bed shots, some of Alex sitting up, with one knee bent, the other flat, some of him looking out of his window. They move to the armchair. Alex sits with his leg dangling off the side of it, the other one bent as he pretends to read a book, his body looking as flawless as ever.
There's another few shots of him sitting up in the chair in varying positions. 
Jack gets some of him leaning against the bookshelf, and some of him standing by the window, looking out of it. 

Then the underwear come off.
Good lord.
Jack has never seen Alex so exposed before and he's stunning.
Alex keeps himself covered with his hand as he waits for direction.
"Back on the bed, we'll do some with just the sheet covering you up again, different angles." He directs, and Alex gets into position, posing laying down, arm above his head, the other hand resting on his stomach, dangerously low. Jack takes a few more shots of Alex once again on his side, another on his stomach with his perky ass only covered just barely by the sheet, you can see the bottom of it poking out just enough.
"Take some of the bare butt." Alex smiles. He won't show anything else, he made that quite clear before they started.
Jack smiles and gently pulls the sheet off of him, settling it so it looks nicely placed and begins snapping away again. They do a few shots of him leaning over his dresser, just slightly bent over, looking off to the side. Alex's profile is stunning. His sharp jawline and perfect nose, the way his lips poke out just enough.

When they're done, Alex puts his underwear back on and pulls his robe on over himself.
"Should we put your furniture back, then I'll show you the shots?" Jack asks, looking through some of the shots he took.
Alex looks around his bedroom, "Honestly, I like the furniture better this way, I think. I might keep it like this for a while." He says contently, sitting down on the side of the bed. He pats the spot next to him.
Jack sits down and starts showing Alex the photos, "Some of these I think I'm going to make black and white, specifically the window shots and the bookshelf shots, a couple of the bed shots. I think those would be so pleasing in black and white. The rest, I'm going to alter the lighting and shadows a bit, creating more of a contrast. What do you think?" He smiles.
Alex takes the camera and scrolls through the photos, "These are beautiful Jack...Holy shit." He grins, "I've never seen myself actually look this good before."
Impossible, you're gorgeous in anything you've got on or nothing at all.
"It's easy to take beautiful shots when you've got a beautiful person to photograph." Jack says softly, hoping that he's not being too forward.
Alex smiles at him, "You think I'm beautiful?" He's so used to hearing how hot he apparently is, how sexy, how much of a turn on he is. He doesn't hear beautiful all that often. Beauty isn't what people come for with him. They come for slutty. They come for horny. They come for sexy, for whore, for a show, for someone to turn them on, tell them everything that they want to hear.
They don't come for beautiful and bashful content.
Jack nods, "Yeah, I do." His cheeks heat up a bit.
Alex leans in and softly kisses his lips, "I think you're pretty beautiful too."
Jack looks at him for a few seconds, shocked that Alex had kissed him. It's not like he didn't want it to happen, he's been dreaming about the day it would happen for quite a while now. He puts his hand on Alex's waist, leans in and presses his lips to the brunette's.

Alex scoots himself practically onto Jack's lap, arms over his shoulders. He tilts his head a bit as their tongues tangle, eyes closed, learning each other. 
Jack runs his hand down Alex's side, Alex reaches down to untie the robe.
Their slow make out doesn't stop as Jack slips his hand inside the robe, his hand running down the contour of Alex's side, falling in love at the way his waist dips in a bit below his ribs, the way his hips feel. He glides his hand down a bit further, making a stop at Alex's thigh, leaving it there while his other hand rests on the small of Alex's back, rubbing it a little. Alex hums in approval of all of Jack's sweet touching. It's another thing the brunette isn't used to. Much like Jack said, he isn't great with relationships either. Not that any of his have been particularly bad, but they weren't great either. There was no love, no gentleness, no romance, no semblance of much care. Just sex, just lust and immediate satisfaction.
Jack smiles a little, pulling back from their kiss just slightly. 
"Why'd you stop?" Alex asks him.
"I don't want to take advantage of you like this, just here in your underwear, I just shot photos of you practically naked...I don't want you to think that I did all of that for some sort of payoff from you." He answers honestly. In all truth, as much as he'd love to take Alex right now and make love to him like he's never had before, it doesn't feel right in this situation. It feels staged, forced, and expected. 
Alex nods, a bit confused, a bit relieved, and most of all, grateful. Without a doubt he would've taken things further. Lord knows that he wants to. Still, the fact that Jack is being so considerate of him, and so respectful has him all doe eyed for the taller man. "Thank you" He finally says after a bit of thoughtful silence.
Jack wraps his arms around him and hugs him, kissing his lips again. "When do you want these pictures done by? I'm off tomorrow so I thought I could edit them all tonight and send them to you."
Alex smiles at him, "Could I watch you edit them? I'm a little curious about how you do all of that." He also wants more of a reason to spend time with Jack, but he won't admit that part.
Jack shrugs, "Sure. Do you want to come over then? All of my stuff to edit is there. If you'd be more comfortable, I could go get it and come back here." He offers.
Alex shakes his head, "You go ahead and send me your address. I'll come over there." He says as he gets up to get some clothes.
Jack follows suit, putting his things away, "See you soon then." He texts Alex his address, kisses his cheek and heads home to get all of that ready.
He knows Alex has quite a tendency to run late. The boy gets distracted so easily.
Today he's going to use it to his advantage. He makes the fifteen minute drive home, gets his stuff put away and starts picking up his little apartment and bedroom.

Jenna, who drove up just as Jack was driving away, goes into Alex's room since the door is open. When it's closed, she's learned long ago to knock.
The blonde smiles at the way his room's been changed, "Nice." She comments.
Alex smiles at her, tying his shoes, "Thanks." He says contently.
"Who was that who just left? I didn't see much of him, but he looked cute. Friend of yours?" She leans against his doorframe, a little smirk playing on her lips.
"A subscriber, actually. Or ex subscriber, I should say." Alex is too casual in the way that he says that.
Jenna raises her eyebrows at him, "What? So you do house calls now?" Alex is amused already, he knows that she's about to have a fit, "You could get killed! They could kill me! They could rob us, you idiot! Look, I don't care if you have some weird death wish but I'm too pretty to die." She folds her arms, glaring a little at him.
Alex is too busy laughing at her little rant to respond right away.

He catches his breath and smiles at her, "His name is Jack. He was subscribed to me for like a month and a half, but he wasn't like everyone else. We got to actually talking, like, not me being a whore talking, but real conversations. We've been FaceTiming each other, texting, all of that. Anyway, he told me before he unsubscribed that he wanted that 10 shot photoshoot thing I do. I was a little pissed off honestly, because I thought at the very least he and I were more than just like...Business partners, I guess you could call it, but then he told me that he wants the photoshoot to show me how to use my camera better, because I'd mentioned that I wanted to learn more before. Like he was literally offering to pay me just so he could sit on FaceTime with me and give me little tips and tricks on how to use my camera better. Anyway, I didn't make him pay for the photoshoot. We just made a plan and FaceTimed. I was at Druid Hill Park, by the pavilion. I showed him where I was at and he recognized it like, within seconds. I got freaked out, honestly but then decided to roll with it. We've been on two dates. Well, I think they were dates. I don't really know. We didn't label them." He's rambling, and he knows it, but Jack's got him like that, he's pretty hooked. "He's really, really sweet and he's not all gross. He's the photographer that did Sammy's maternity shoot! So I asked him if he'd do some boudoir pictures of me, so that's what he was here doing. We kissed a little," He blushes, remembering how sweet Jack was with the light kisses, and the soft touching, it's making his skin tingle just thinking about it, "He even stopped and I asked him why he did, and he was so kind Jenna. He said he didn't want to take advantage of me, since I was just here in my robe and underwear, you know. He said he didn't want me to think that he was looking for some sort of payoff from me for letting him take pictures of me practically nude. He's really sweet Jenna...I like him a lot." He takes a deep breath, finally done with his little tirade about his crush.

Jenna takes a minute to take it all in, "Wow." She says rather bluntly at first. Alex makes a face at her. She smiles at him, "That was...A lot. So wait, you've known about him then. Since he did Sammy's pictures. I remember telling you how good of a photographer he was and how I want to hire him sometime, remember that?" She asks.
Alex nods, "You should! He's really, really good." He grins.
Jenna smirks, "Yeah, I bet he is. Alright so he unsubscribed then?" She asks, sitting down next to him.
"Yeah, he asked me if he should. I told him I didn't mind either way, but he told me that he didn't want me to be uncomfortable if we ever, you know became more than whatever we are right now. He's really so, so sweet. I've never met anyone like him before." Alex gushes.
The blonde smiles at him, "Well that's good. I'm glad you met him then. If he's as sweet as you say he is, then I'm really happy for you." She hugs him, kissing his cheek.
Alex grins at her, "I'm actually going to his house right now." He stands up to get his hoodie.
"Didn't he just leave?" 
"Well yeah, but he was literally just here for the photoshoot. It's not like we hung out much or anything. He went home to edit my pictures, so I asked if I could come over and watch. I'm curious." Alex shrugs, pulling his jacket on.
"Curious about the editing, or you just want to watch him?" She smirks when Alex blushes.
"Both?" The brunette tucks his wallet into his pocket and grabs his keys, "I don't know when I'll be back. I might be in late, so don't wait up or anything. I promise I'll be fine there with him. Love you!" He says, leaving before she can say anything else.

Jack smiles as he hears the knock on his door. He fast-walks down the hall from his room to open it, smiling at the man in front of him "Hi" He steps out of the way to let Alex in.
Alex walks in and takes the place in. It's cute, there's a large sofa, coffee table, tv stand and tv, a shelf for DVDs and video games, and along the walls are different photos, some that Alex recognizes as Jack's, some that he hasn't seen before. "Cute." He smiles.
Jack kisses his cheek, "Yes you are." 
Alex laughs, "I meant your little living room. I like it." 
Jack smiles, "Thank you. Hey, so I ordered a pizza for dinner, I hope that's cool. I was just getting everything set up in my room to get to editing, if you want to see." He leads Alex down the hall into his room, it's painted a light grey, queen sized bed with an iron bed frame, desk with a desk chair and an iMac, tv mounted on the wall and a little bookshelf underneath the tv. His dresser is on the opposite wall, and of course, his wall is littered with photographs and fairy lights around the top of the walls.
Jack had put an extra chair next to the desk chair so Alex could watch.
They take their seats and Jack uploads all of the photos, "So I picked fifteen of my personal favorites, out of the like, sixty we took. Do you want to look through and pick a few more?" He slides his chair out of the way.
Alex nods and looks through them all, adding five more shots that he really likes.
Jack smiles at his choices and begins his work, touching up the lighting, the contrast, shadows and putting a little vignette on the ones that he makes black and white.
"This one is my favorite." He points out. It's the photo of Alex in the chair, with his leg dangling over the side, reading the book.
It's so natural to him.
Alex smiles, "I like that one too. That one is for you then. I won't post it." 
Jack can't fight the way that makes him feel, "Thank you. I love it so much. It really is such a good photo of you." 

They finish their little editing session, Alex watching everything Jack does, so curious and so impressed with how Jack can turn an already great photo into a thing that could be in an art museum. He'd gotten their pizza and brought it back, feeding Jack bites while he worked. Jack put all of the edited photos and the unedited that they didn't pick in separate folders on a flash drive for him.
The two of them now full and content, relaxing on Jack's sofa.
"I liked watching you do that, it was really cool." Alex looks up at Jack from where his head rests on his shoulder, a little sleepy from how much he ate.
Jack smiles down at him, "It's fun. It's relaxing to me, gives me something to focus on. I'm glad you liked it."
"Kiss me."
Jack doesn't need to be told twice. He adjusts his position a little to reach Alex better, meeting his lips in a soft, warm kiss.
Alex scoots himself onto Jack's lap, straddling him. One hand in his hair, one hand on the back of his neck as their soft kiss turns into a heavy make out. 
It's hot, and it's new. Alex's body fits against Jack's perfectly, they move in sync with each other in a way that Jack's never been able to do with anyone else before.

Jack lifts the brunette, holding him up by his thighs, carrying him down the hall and to his bed.
The two lay down, lips against each other's again, clothes slowly starting to come off, first with their shirts, their pants joining soon after.
Jack kisses down Alex's jaw, down his neck and to his chest, lips ghosting his collarbone, his warm breath against the brunette's skin earns him a soft gasp from the pretty boy under him.
"I want you" Alex whispers shyly.
Jack looks up at him, kissing his way back up his neck, lips on their way to meet Alex's once more.
"Are you sure?" He asks. He's the guy that no matter how hot and heavy something gets, he wants one hundred percent consent. 
Alex nods, "Yes." 
Jack smiles at him, kissing him, their tongues dancing together as their underwear joins the rest of their clothes on the floor.

The way that Alex's body feels as Jack's hands caress his soft velvet skin is comforting, and the tingling Alex feels wherever Jack touches him is like being electrocuted in the best way.
It's the way that Alex moans just the littlest bit whenever Jack presses his thumbs into his hips, and the way that Alex digs his nails in as Jack takes his time to stretch the brunette. The way that Jack is so gentle, never rushing a thing. Alex feels cared for, he feels safe. 
The sounds escaping Alex's beautiful mouth as Jack completely takes him over in a slow, gentle rhythm are like honey, smooth and sweet. Alex says his name, hands running down his back, and Jack swears he's never heard something so beautiful before. 
The heat of the moment increases, their pace is fast. The mixture of moans and the exchanging of each other's names are the best symphony either man has ever heard before.
The gasps as they finish together are harmonious, the moment is slowly ending and neither wants it to be over.
The comedown is blissful as they lie next to each other, the only noise in the room is the sound of them both quietly catching their breath.

The silence is broken when Alex looks over at the younger man, kissing his shoulder.
"That was incredible." He says softly, his voice a bit hoarse.
Jack smiles a little bit at him, eyes a little glazed over as he comes down from the high of it all, "It was...It was magical." He closes his eyes, reliving some of the best moments. His favorites consist of each time Alex said his name like it was the only word he knew. 
They lay in silence a bit longer, hands now linked together.
"I'm going to shower, do you want to join?" Jack finally speaks up as he begins to feel rather sticky.
Alex smiles, "I want to, but it's getting late. I'll shower when I get home. I'll call you when I'm done?" He kisses his cheek.
Jack nods, "Sounds good." He pulls on his underwear, watching as Alex cleans himself up with the tissues on the bedside table before pulling his clothes back on.
Jack walks him to the door, kissing him goodbye, "Be safe."
"I promise." The brunette smiles. Jack watches as he leaves, waiting until his car is gone to go take his shower.
He lays in bed waiting for Alex's call, smiling when it comes through.

"Hey." He says quietly to the pretty boy on his screen.
"I'm home and clean now." The boy on the other end responds with a little laugh.
"Good, I'm glad you got home safe." Jack sounds sleepy and looks it, and Alex finds it incredibly adorable.
Neither really know what to talk about. Their FaceTime call is quiet, sweet words coming from the two every once in a while, and eventually Alex starts singing quietly. 
Jack doesn't know the song, but he listens contently anyway, watching the brunette laying on his side, phone propped up on the other pillow, eyes closed as he sings.
Alex's voice is so soothing, so comforting. He can't help it as it lulls him to sleep.
He wakes up in the morning to the call still connected, smiling at Alex's cute sleeping face.
He hangs up the call in favor of sending him a text message.

Jack: Hey sleepy. I really didn't want to hang up but I didn't want to wake you either. Hang out today if you can? I'm off all day. :)

Alex responds about an hour after while Jack is cooking himself breakfast.

Alex: I work until 2. After? We can watch movies or something. :)

Jack: My place or yours?

Alex: Yours ❤️

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