Uncomfortable Coincidences

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Jack and Alex haven't talked much more about moving in yet, it's been two weeks since their last conversation about it and neither are really willing to bring it up again.
Their last conversation didn't end well. Neither of them were mad, neither really fought with the other, but it ended in Alex feeling even more conflicted. 
See, he'd gotten more subscribers and had more work hours added to his schedule as two of the other chefs would be out. One for a couple of days, one for a week, which meant that Alex wouldn't have any time for their relationship. He'd be working both of his jobs, and Alex had taken to doing OF back at his and Jenna's place instead, feeling too guilty to do it at Jack's. 
Jack was trying to tell him that it's fine, that he'll deal with it as long as it means he can spend some time at all with Alex, but that just stressed Alex out more.
Both of them decided the conversation had to end for the day, that they'd come back to it and so far, they haven't come back to it.
Alex has been busy as ever, school is starting up again and it's one of his busiest semesters yet, on top of everything else he has to do. Jack's been making time to see Alex on his lunch breaks, making sure he gets the same one as Alex. With the ten minutes it takes for Jack to get downtown to the restaurant, it only gives them twenty minutes together, but it's better than nothing. 

It doesn't help that Chris has been buying more videos and more photo sets on top of his already needy, long calls. Still, it pays the bills, so he handles those even if it means he's getting next to no sleep because of all of it.
It's not like this subscriber is dangerous, he's got so many others who act ten times creepier in their own way, Chris is just more intense. He feels everything so deeply and it's a bit intimidating for Alex. Maybe he's just lonely, and if Alex can help the unkempt, poor self hygiene, weird, lonely man then he'll do his best. 

He finally has time to spend with Jack today. He walks into the house and drops his bag, kicking off his shoes. He throws his keys on the coffee table and runs into Jack's room where he's got his headphones on, editing a photoshoot he'd gone on with this girl who's actually a pretty successful model. That's a good thing to add to his resume, as she's decently well known, and with any luck, some of these photos will wind up in a magazine she's featured in. Jack signed a release with pay form in the chance that the magazine cover happens, so he's hopeful.
Alex leans over behind him, arms sneaking over his shoulders and down his chest. He presses soft kisses to Jack's neck, earning a smile from the photographer. Jack looks up at him, taking his headphones off.
"Hi baby." He smiles at Alex.
Alex smiles back at him "Hi love. I missed you so much..." He kisses Jack's neck some more, licking a little, sending chills up Jack's spine.
He pushes his desk chair out, gets up and grabs Alex, kissing him hard, walking him backwards to the bed.
This is so needed, so deserved. 

When they're done, they're trembling a little, covered in sweat and so dazed.
"Let's shower." Jack suggests, Alex agrees, wordlessly taking Jack's hand, leading him into the bathroom.
Their shower is long and just as heated as the bedroom, again, it's so deserved. They get dressed in sweats and shirts, Jack orders in Chinese food for them and they spend their time together watching Gossip Girl, eating their food straight from the containers.

The next morning is lonely again, Jack had to leave before Alex was awake, and Alex had to leave an hour later. No goodbye kiss, no nothing. No plans to see each other again for a few days.

Alex: I'm so sorry we're both so busy. It's mostly me. I love you.

Jack: It isn't your fault. You have to work. I wish you'd just come home to do your OF stuff, so at least you'll be here when I get home from work and can see you before you have to go into the restaurant.

Alex: You know I can't...Last time I did, I hated it the whole time, I hated myself, I spent the day crying because I felt like such shit. I felt so disrespectful to you and it's because I was in the place I want to live, that I want to make our own. I can't do it there. At least here, I can do it in my room, it's not yours, there's no trace of you in here apart from some of our pictures. It's easier to do it in here. 

Jack: I understand. I just miss you. I'm used to having you almost every night to not having you for almost a whole week. 

Alex: It's only temporary. I'll move in after. I promise. I want to make this right. 

Jack: Don't be hasty. You've been so up and down with the entire idea. Don't make this decision right now just because you miss me. You're right. This is temporary.

Alex: I'm not being hasty. I want to at least come home to you...I'll figure out my OF stuff...I can still go to my place to do it. I want to be able to come home to you and officially call it my home...I can work it out with Jenna. 

Jack: Okay. You think about it some more. You know my answer. I want you home all the time. I have to get back to work. Think about it and talk to Jenna if this is something you think you're really ready to do.

Alex: I love you.

Jack: I love you too. If you have time, I get off at 5.

Alex: I have to clock into the restaurant at 5:30. 

Jack: Okay.

Alex: I'm sorry.

Jack: Don't be. You have a job to do. Just like I do. I need to edit anyway. I'll be okay. You sleeping at yours?

Alex: I'm not off until 11 so probably. I have OF stuff to do in the morning after, so there's no point.

Jack: Okay. Call me when you get home. I'll stay up.

Alex: Okay. Miss you.

Jack: I miss you too.

Alex sighs and puts his phone away.

It stays like this for a bit with each day getting more and more exhausting, and it's getting to Alex hard. Jack seems to be doing a little better, but that's because he's so booked, he doesn't have much time to be upset.
Chris is getting more intense with the calls, he's having Alex act out a relationship type thing. He's having Alex talk to him like they're married, and he's paying double for it to get a longer video call.
Alex plays along, but he can't help but feel a little more creeped out by him. 

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