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I let the air intoxicate my lungs as thoughts roam my head. The sun is shining and I have to walk down to the boys in five minutes. Now, I get natural adrenaline from the fear of being caught, even though deep down I'm scared shitless. So by this, naturally, I'm excited to get down there to start to do the job that I have been destined with, even though I'm working with the most sinister employee of mum's that I've ever met.

I look down at my feet dangling off the edge of the building, making my stomach uneasy. I'm still in disbelief that my battered orange shoes still fit.

I very much want to start this job.

I look at the grey doors I came from, longing to run down the three flights of stairs and start my mission.

So I will.

I rush down the stairs, leaving behind any thoughts I had, to meet the four boys I saw almost a week ago.

I feel my lungs swell slightly as I reach my final step. Not giving myself any time to breathe, I rush through the doors leading to the back of the bakery where I crash into a body, similar to before.

"Darling." he says "I don't think I got your name."

My heart rate starts rising as he gets close. I start to smell the smoke lingering in his breath. He leans on the doors behind me so he's the closest he can be.

He stares at my eyes, giving me no choice but to stare at him. "Does it start with O?"

"No." I say truthfully, scared of his voice reaching my ears.

"L?" He asks again. I shake my head then he readjusts himself, still leaning behind me. "H?"

In an alert, I freeze, feeling uneasy by the fact that it only took him three guesses.

What do I expect, he's an agent like me.

He raises his thick eyebrows, knowing he's correct. He smirks "Am I correct? H?"

I nod, urgently wanting to leave me alone.

"He?" He sounds out, trying to find the first sound of my name. "Ha?" I feel my eyes go wide as, in shock, I disconnect eye contact.

I see the rest of the boys giggle in a circle but I choose to redirect it back to the man in front.

"Haily?" He guesses "Haven?"


I don't speak, just stand in shock, his breath making the area warm. My chest starts swelling more than before.

"Hazel." He clarifies. "Hazel, you're early." I don't do anything, just stand there and wait for him to finish.

"Harry, it's time!" The blonde one calls out. Immediately, the boy in front of me whips his head around. I guess he's called Harry, then.

Harry swears under his breath before turning back to me. He looks down at my gaping mouth and reaches for his pocket. He then puts a blue lollipop into my mouth and I almost gag from the sour taste.

"Stay in your lane, Hazel."

The scattering in my empty stomach disappears as he puts his full attention on the man. I already despise the fact that he knows my name.

A big, black bus pulls up beside me.

All the boys start walking to the van but Harry turns around "You have ten minutes to pack."

"But we don't even have a pla-"

"Up to you, princess."

I look around knowing they're all on the bus. And I have ten minutes.

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