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"You guys should probably head to Paris." Liam says down the phone. I look at Harry who is beside me with a small frown, puzzled on why we'd need to go now since it's just turned April. We still have around four months and a week. Harry looks at me then looks away almost straight after to look at the phone between us.

"Why are we going now... We still have months?"

"We've done all we can away from Paris. We now need to keep an eye on Landon to check his patterns and stuff."

"And to know if Gemma is even there." Louis adds. I nod slowly. "Anyways, we're off to do the thing, alright?" And they almost immediately end the call. 

Once the call ends, I look at Harry and his eyes are darker and his pupils are big. "Harry Styles, what was that?" I ask and he looks at me.

"What was what?"

"That." He looks at me and raised his thick eyebrows. I keep myself from rolling my eyes then continue. "Harry explain what's going on. I'm a part of this as much as you are. Stop leaving me in the dark."

"Alright." He says and turn his body to me. His legs are parted and his hands are together as his forearms lean on his thighs. He sits up and leans on the leaf green so far so his ringed hands are on his crotch. 

"Those people at the bar the other day are trying to kill you."My stomach drops and he carries on. "They know your every move."

"If they know our every move then why are we running?"

"Because it gives us time."

"They're still going to be there."

"We will be dead if we don't, darling." His words leave me in this endless loop of questioning. My hair hangs loosely and I look at his lap. I feel his hands curl around my waist making my stomach rise for a brief moment and his sits me on his lap. I still divert eye contact but I see his hands hovers for a moment before tucking my hair behind my ear.

His face comes close to mine and I feel his breath so I look into his eyes. His eyes are foggy and lost. His hands are on my face, his thumb stroking my cheek so I kiss his slowly. The pressure of his soft lips was short and sweet and a few other small kisses follow. He flickers a small smile and stands up and I'm still around his waist.

He places me on the kitchen counter and goes to the fridge before putting toast in the oven. "We should probably get ready." He he says. He walks up to me and his hands lean either side of me.

Behind him is a large window and the sun shines through it. His body looks like a ray of light from the heavens and through different time of day, it reminds me of back in the Catilina's Home. When it was dark and the stars were aout and Harry was there. The moon and stars made him glow and rays of light shon behind him. He was and angel.

I study his figure in front of me until the toaster pops. He goes over to the toaster and outs the golden toast onto a white plate."When did you get the food?" I wonder. He hasn't been out recently and we haven't been here for long.

"Yesterday. You were asleep."

I nod and he takes the avocado out of the case and he slices the skin. His hand holds the avocado so perfectly and his rings catch the light. He starts to put the sliced avocado on the toast and lightly seasons it with salt and pepper before drizzling some lemon juice on top. 

He takes the plate and walks over and passes it to me. "Just l-"

"Like when your mum used to make it for you, I know. Louis told me." I nod. "Eat it. We need to leave soon. There's nothing to pack so there's no rush."


We arrive at the plane and it's already open with a man full of faded tattoos in front of the door. Harry's blue flannel flows in the light breeze, one sleeve falling off of my shoulder. I stand in front of the plane and look up at it as I hear shouting from behind.

"WHere the fuc-"

"You don't need to fucking worry-" A gunshot goes off and I flinch, turning my head around. My stomach squeezes but I turn back around to get on the plane, figuring that's my safest option. 

I feel Harry's cold rings take my waist from behind, he crotch against my behind and he uncovers my ear, taking the hair behind it. "Go on the plane. He'll help you inside and then he'll be an ass and ask if you want drinks." He says and his hand goes up my skirt. "I'll be right back."

My cheeks are red and I nod, walking inside. I turn around one last time, to Harry running to the shouting down the street. "Come on, Miss Woods." I nod a few times and he takes my shoulders and takes me inside. "Not to worry dear." He says and I look at him. He's got silver teeth and his breath smells like cheese. 

He takes me inside a room with two seats either side a table. "Would you like a drink, mam-" I shake my head and intently look at the door for Harry. I don't like Harry all that much but he's Harry. And that fact changes my feelings entirely. 

"Champagne? Rose wine? Ap-"

I look at him. "No thank you..." I look at the label on his suit. "Simon."

I wait and moments later I hear Harry bored the plane. "Who were they, Harr-"

"Drinks, Si-"

"They were Hearts."

"What's th-"

"No drinks?"

"No." Me and Harry say in unison. 

"Simon can you go... do something? Not here?" I ask and he nods and heads out the room. I turn back to Harry who's now sat opposite me with a purple cheek. "Who's Hearts?"

"The people in the club."

"The people who are trying to kill me?"


"Why are they here, Harry?" I panic.

"Hazel. You know more than you're supposed to. I'm sure one day you'll know but right now you can't. Or we'll both be dead. You understand?"

There's an awkward silence between us and I slouch in my seat. The plane doors close and it feels like seconds later we are in the air. "Where are the boys?" I ask timidly, looking at the empty table.

"They're getting on another one. Just to check if the guys are on us."

I nod, understanding then stand up to leave the area. 

Paris. The place of romance.

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