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Second half of the double update!!




AGE 14

I shut the door behind me, it always makes a satisfying noise although, like today, it's overtaken with my mum and dad screaming at each other.

I turn around to face the corridor of our small house in Holmes Chapel and the pong of weed and gin fills my nostrils. I've never understood why people smoke weed or drink. I don't want to ever do it, I don't think.

I turn the corner and roll my eyes as I walk to the kitchen, the shouting becoming so much louder. Why do they even need to argue this much? If it's clearly not working, they can just leave each other.

I make an effort to not listen in, it'll only numb my happy mood although, I'm picking my already broken skin around my fingers because it always makes me anxious. Usually mum would give me a hit for it but she's not paying any attention to me. She's drunk and shouting at my dad.

I've never understood the conflict between them.

I turn around so I'm facing the fridge, by the stairs.  Usually, I'd go up to Zayn but I don't want to get shot or something. The thought itself makes me smile because of  the unlikelihood of it. But she probably would do some damage.

I never really talk to Gemma, we care about each other but we're not close, she is into classical music. She's more addicted than my mum is to Vodka. Either way, right now she's doing a task. She always has better tasks than me.

I hear little footsteps from upstairs.

Zayn Malik.

My stomach brightens as I see his tiny body run down the stairs.

Zayn, wearing a blue crewneck, waves vigorously at me, his tiny happy smile beaming. "Hazza Bear!"He shouts over the screaming.

"Hey, Zee Zee." I mouth, not wanted to shout over the screams.

He stands mid stairs and waves even more.

He's always been smaller than most eight year olds. Not oddly small but he looks like a five year old.

I do love Zayn. He's only been my brother for just over two months but he's the best thing. I'd protect him over anything, I think. Obviously I'm only a kid myself but I'd give it a go.

It's sad that he knows about the messy world we have been brought into already. It's so violent. Everyday I go home to smoke and arguments, I get sent out to find information, I am expected to hurt people. I'm sure I'll get used to it but it's not fun. The Bloody Heart Organisation II has disappeared a long while back but Dad bets it's going to come back. That's just another thing to argue about.

Zayn said to me that one day he wants to run away and start a new life with a pretty princess.

I'd love to come with him when that day comes but I've got a feeling, to help him, he will have to leave me behind.

So, simply I don't think about it.

I look at Zayn and he's skipping down the stairs. He then swerves through mum to get the the cups before climbing the coun-

My heart suddenly drops.


I shout.

And shout.

Then I realise I'm not even saying anything.

Help him, H.

Why aren't you moving?

Mum is shaking him so hard, sometimes you'd hear a bang from his head colliding with the cabinet he was trying to get to.

It's terrifying.

I'm terrified.

"Mum, please."

I'm not sure if I even said that.

I can hear Zayn's screams. They're ear piercing. I love Zayn and I'm not even helping him.

I'm a cock up.

His screams can probably be heard from miles away. It's high.

My mum rolls her eyes then they stop.

The screams stop.

Something overtakes me and I puke all over the floor when I hear a gunshot.

I look back up and Zayn's head isn't even there.

Just red. So much red.

A piece of his brain splattered on my forehead.

Zayn's dead.

I watched Zayn die.

"Mum!" I scream but no words actually come out.

I'm freezing but so hot. I feel ill. I feel like I'm dying.

I can't say that.

My brother is dead.

Why didn't I save him?

I could have saved him.

"Mum..." My voice breaks and I kneel down in my puke. My heart feels destroyed. And it was so full.

"You can shut up in all, you'll be dead too." My mum screams.

Tears can't stop leaving me, I didn't even realise they were leaving in the first place.

Zayn scream still fills my ears, but he's not even here anymore.

I open my eyes and there's a dark red liquid right by my knee.

My brothers blood.

The blood breaks me even more but also twists my thoughts.

I'm angry.

Agitated more like.

It was then I decided I'm going to start a new life just for him.

And I'm going to kill any scary monsters like her along the way.

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