MOVIE SPECIAL: Two Heroes (4pt.2)

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Haha, not me saying part 2 in a few hours yesterday. 🌚 Yeah sorry guys I fell asleep and then I had to go shopping for my Birthday, but then I met a pedophile at the store so my day got ruined and I forgot about writing part 2.

I think that's a good enough reason. 🧍🏻‍♀️

"These metal pillars are getting real annoying." Todoroki says, blowing them away with his ice. "The floor is pretty much ruined everybody be careful!" Iida yells. Yarashi backs up to Ochako and Jirou.

"We need to get David and Melissa out of here. It's too dangerous." Yarashi says. They both nod. Yarashi shields them as they push David into the elevator. "You guys can do it!" Melissa yells, walking into the elevator as well. "See you soon." Yarashi says.

"Hurry up and get crushed!" Wolfram yells at All Might. All Might coughed up blood as he held back a pillar. Todoroki musters up the cold from his body and freezes all of the current pillars. "SHINEEEEE!!!" Bakugo yells, at the side of Wolfram.

Bright explosions cover the sky. "How can you get beat up by such a damn lame last boss? Huh, All Might?!" Bakugo yells. "It's not All Mights fault dont be rude." Momo says.

"With my students so motivated, I can't be held back by some stupid limit! I need to go past my limit and go beyond!" All Might yells. Yarashi smiles as everybody gets excited.

"I feel like I'm back in Fairy Tail." Yarashi murmurs. Izuku hears and smiles. "LETS DO THIS EVERYBODY!" Izuku yells. "PLUS ULTRA!" Everybody yells.

Some stay back getting rid of the Metal Pillars and some go for Wolfram. "That's right, PLUS ULTRA!" All Might yells, basically becoming a human bullet again. He shoots up to Wolfram. Yarashi uses her wind and accelerates the chargers to catch up with All Might.

"Carolina Smash!" All Might yells, destroying 3 pillars. "That's All Might for ya." Kaminari says. "Prepare yourself, Villain!" All Might says, but suddenly he is held back by metal straps. Everybody gasps.

"Prepare myself? You should take your own advice, All Might." Wolfram says, he goes to grab All Might side. "Hands off!" Iida yells, he runs beside them and kicks down onto Wolfram arm.

His arm budged a little. "He got stronger!" Yarashi yells. Kirishima hardens his arm and cuts the metal straps. All Might was still held up by Wolfram. "I suggest you let him go." Todoroki says. He had ice spikes ready to throw. The others also had their attacks ready.

Then it starts to storm. "What the?" Mineta asks. Everybody stared at the only person that could do this. Yarashi was floating in the air with one hand stretched out. "Frostbite slashes!" Yarashi says, smiling. The smiling was not a good one.

"What is a bit of ice going to do?" Wolfram asks. He takes his hand off All Might rib and goes to stop the blade but his fingers got cut off. "NOW!" Yarashi yells. "SMASHH!" Izuku yells. He punched Wolfram arm up and it bends.

Basically breaking Wolfram arm. All Might drops and Momo makes a cushion. "Are you alright, All Might?" Kaminari asks. "I am fine!" All Might says standing up. "You damn kids!" Wolfram yells.

He starts to collect the Metal into multiple blocks and throws them. Kirishima loses his footing and the blocks surround him. "KIRISHIMA!" Bakugo yells. He blows the Metal blocks off and Kirishima was fine.

"I hardened myself on time!" Kirishima says, proud. Bakugo sighs, but blows up the metal blocks around them. Wolfram starts to make a super big block.

"Everybody it's time to go all in." Yarashi says. "I didn't think I would go all in on a metal cube." Todoroki says. Kaminari laughs a little. "I didn't think I would be in the situation at all." Kaminari says.

"I don't think any of us would before." Momo says. She starts to make a giant cannon. "On a count of 3!" Momo yells. The others get ready. "1! 2! 3!" Momo yells, and she blasts of a cannon.

The others follow in pursuit. By others I mean Yarashi, Todoroki, Bakugo, And Kaminari.

They all basically lined up in front of the cube but Izuku and All Might stayed behind a little. Kirishima, Iida and Mineta stayed back and waited for any surprise attacks that Wolfram would do

"Freeze." Todoroki says. He covered the whole cube with ice and shoved it back with his own ice pillar.

"SHINEEEEE!!!" Bakugo yells. He points out his arm and blasts the cube back.

"2.0 Million Volts!" Kaminari exclaims. He latched onto the burned cube and electrified around it.

"And now! Storm Dragons Rage!" Yarashi yells, creating a big ball of her magic and throwing it at the cube.

"Now it's our turn!" All Might and Izuku says.

"Double Detroit Smash!" They yell, as the cube breaks and flies in different directions. They continue to charge all the way. "GOOOO!" Momo yells.




Yarashi landed them all back down. She quickly creates an barrier. "PLUS ULTRA!" The two yell, punching Wolfram. "Holy shit!" Yarashi yells. "It's finally over!" Kaminari yells. "They finished off the villain!" Mineta yells.

Yarashi flies over to get Izuku and All Might out of the rubble. "Izuku!" Yarashi exclaims, and hugs him. "You did it!" She cheers. "We did it!" Izuku yells, he picks her up by the waist and swings her around. They both happily laugh.

"I wanna boyfriend too!" Ochako yells, as her and Jirou came back up from the very broken elevator. (RIP THAT ELEVATOR AYEEE)

"You have one on your right!" Yarashi yells. Ochako looks to her right quickly and sees Iida. "KYAAA!" Ochako yells, and looks away. "Glad to see you made it safely." Iida says. "Mhmm! You look terrible!" Ochako says, flustered.

"I MEAN NOT TERRIBLE IN A BAD WAY BUT YOU LOOK BEAT UP!" Ochako exclaims. "Well I guess I am glad you still look nice." Iida says, crossing his arms. Ochako blushes even more.

"Looks like we missed a lot." Jirou says. "You missed a ton!" Kaminari says. "Pfft, you look awful." Jirou says. Then suddenly smoke comes from Kaminari and he turns into an idiot. "What the heck? Did he delay his idiot phase?" Jirou asks. "Yeah! Yeah!" Kaminari says, holding up his thumbs.

Jirou laughs but pats Kaminari head. "Good job! Idiot!" Jirou says. "Hehe." Kaminari giggles.

Momo sat on the ground tired. "You okay?" Todoroki asks, kneeling down. "Oh I'm fine, just a little bit tired." Momo says. "It's dirty on the floor." Todoroki says, he stands up and picks Momo up bridal style. "Todoroki! You don't have to do this!" Momo says, frantically.

"Plus I'm already dirty, I did love this dress as well." Momo says. "I can order a new one for you." Todoroki says. "That's fine, I have 10 more spares of it." Momo says. "Oh..." Todoroki says.

"You good?" Kirishima asks, bakugo. Bakugo was gripping his wrist. "My wrist hurts like hell!" Bakugo yells. "My body hurts too." Kirishima whined. "And how is that my problem?!" Bakugo yells.

"I wasn't saying it was." Kirishima pouts. Bakugo walks in front of Kirishima and bends down. Kirishima stared at him. "Well Are you going to get on?" Bakugo asks. "Huh?" Kirishima asks. "GET ON MY DAMN BACK!" Bakugo yells.

"You do care!" Kirishima says. "Well you were whining about your body hurting!" Bakugo yells, triggered. "You didn't deny you cared!" Kirishima says. "ILL KILL YOU!" Bakugo yells.

All Might and Mineta stood on the side. "I'm still waiting for the lap." Mineta says.

And that is the end for MHA Movie: Two Heroes. (*'︶'*)╯♡

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