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Gang Orca joins the Test 👁👁

Yarashi paused as some more HUC join the protection box. "Alright ready!" Shoji said. They were meeting for a brief moment. "Thank you!" Yarashi says and starts to run to the first aid area.

She finally sees Izuku and others. She runs quicker with wind behind her. "Hey Izuku!" Yarashi yells, waving. "Yarashi, why did you bring more injured here? The villains are close!" Izuku says.

"It's fine, It's fine. I got my trusty barrier." Yarashi says. She sets down the box and it disperses. She quickly makes a new bigger box around the HUC as the villains came.

"The injured will be safe! We just have to get rid of the villains!" Yarashi yells to the other students. Shindo runs forward and touched the ground. The earth breaks under their feet but Gang Orca appears in front of him.

"Not good enough." Gang orca says, using his ultrasound. Shindo passes out. "Oh dear." Yarashi says. "Do you really think a single barrier will stop us? Looks like you were underestimating us." Gang Orca says. He started to walk towards them but he blocks an attack from Todoroki.

"It's Todoroki!" Izuku says. Todoroki pulls his hand back and throws forward ice at Gang Orca. "An attack like this is nothing!" Gang Orca says. "Not unless you can't block it." Yarashi says. She freezes his whole body and Gang orca is thrown back by the impact of the ice.

Yarashi sniffed the wind and also ate some. "Did you just eat my wind?" Yoarashi asks, appearing. "Yep!" Yarashi says. "I'll use it gratefully. Storm Dragons Roar!" Yarashi stood her ground as Gang Orca got hit again but he didn't budge.

"Distract them for a moment guys." Yarashi says. "Alright!" Izuku and Todoroki says. Yarashi stood still and focused her hands together. A loud Thunder went off in the distance and some rain started to fall.

"A storm? There was no news of rain today." An HUC says. A cloud formed over them and started to rain only in the First Aid Area. "Looks like Yarashi is about to do something crazy." Todoroki says, shooting ice to the villains behind Gang Orca.

Yarashi floated in the sky and started to gather the rain together. "Everybody get somewhere high." Yarashi says, smiling. "Oh god." Izuku says. Yoarashi grabbed the other students up with his wind.

"Tsunami!" Yarashi yells. She waved her hand down and watched as the all the villains below them drifted off towards the wall. Todoroki dropped down and made an ice platform below him. He put his hands in the water and froze it. "Nice U.A!" Yoarashi says.

"Thank you Wind man." Yarashi says.

"Wind man?!" Yoarashi exclaims.

"Loved the wind, it was pretty tasty." Yarashi says.

"Huh?!" Yoarashi exclaims.

"I'm craving some lightning now though." Yarashi says.

"HUH?!?" Yoarashi exclaimed.

"Lightning is so hard to get!" Yarashi says.

"Explain to me please." Yoarashi says, looking at Izuku. "Her Quirk is Storm Dragon and she can also do what a dragon does and eat anything that is part of a storm. Rain, Wind, Ice/Hail, and lightning." Izuku says. "Ohhhh!" Yoarashi says.

While they were talking, Gang Orca broke the ice around him. "Damn these kids." Gang Orca says. Todoroki and Yarashi sees him and freezes him again. "No." Todoroki simply says. Yarashi held in her laughter. The bell suddenly rings.

"Um, at this moment, all the HUC who were deployed have been rescued from the danger zone. It may seem arbitrary, but with this, all the provisional exam procedures have been completed." The speaker says.

"We're done?!" Izuku asks. "I guess the other students were speedy." Yarashi says. "After we rally the scores, we will announce the results here. Those who were injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you should change and then stand by." The speaker says.

Todoroki looked at the frozen Gang orca and helpers. He started to melt them out. "U.A uses some special capture methods." Shindo says, waking up. "I promise we don't always do this." Izuku says, waving his hands around. "Or do we?" Yarashi asks, smirking. "We don't!" Izuku says.

After Stand by

"Okay, everyone thanks for all your hard work. Now I will announce the results, but before that I will tell you about the scoring system. Between those of us at the HPSC and HUC, we had a 2fold demerit system we used while watching you. In other words, we were evaluating you on how few mistakes you made in a crisis situation. Anyway the names of those who passed are listed in syllabary order. Please check the list keeping those words in mind."

Yarashi looked for her name very quickly. "I see my name!" Yarashi says to Izuku. "I see mine too!" Izuku says. "I thought I wasn't going to pass honestly." Yarashi says. "Really, why?" Izuku asks. "Because I did a lot of things that didn't seem like would fit in this world." Yarashi says.

"Well it's okay if you passed or not you're already a pro hero." Izuku whispered. "True." Yarashi says. "We will pass your results out now. They have the breakdown of your scores, so look carefully." The speaker says.

"The cutoff score was 50 points. We scored base on a demerit system. You can see how many points were taken off for which actions all listed on the printouts."

"How many points did you get Izuku?" Yarashi asks. "I got 71. How about you?" He asks. "I got 78. I knew I was going to be graded lowly." Yarashi says, sighing.

"For those of you who passed, from now on, during emergency situations only, you may exercise authority as that of pro heroes."

Yarashi smiles very brightly at the thought of bringing the others on her patrols now. It would be a very great experience and training.

Time Skip

Izuku looked very hard at his license and was even crying a little bit. "Deku, are you crying?" Ochako asks. "Yep. He was indeed." Yarashi says, smirking. "It's like proof that I've matured and it makes me so happy." Izuku says.

"Well we can definitely see that." Yarashi says, taking a picture of his smiling face. Izuku whips his phone out and starts taking pictures. "I want to show it to Mom and All might as soon as possible!" Izuku exclaims, taking multiple pics.

"HEY! HEYYYY!" Yoarashi yells. Class 1-A looks over at him since he was yelling pretty loudly. "Oh my, even Shiketsu's here." Tsuyu says. "Todoroki I'll see you at the special course but honestly I still don't like you! I'll apologize in advance! Sorry! THATS ALL!" He yells before running back to his classmates.

"Was that supposed to be considerate?" Kirishima asks. "Lets meet again and let me eat your wind!" Yarashi yells. "THAT SOUNDS SCARY BUT OKAYYY!"


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