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Yarashi POV

"All Might?" I ask, looking up and seeing him. "I'm sorry I'm late Young Akagi ." He says. He puts me down and I lean on Izuku. "Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa and Akagi to you. Hurry!" All Might says.

I lean back up myself and help lift Aizawa up. "Lets go." I say, and we start to walk. "Is your stomach okay?" Mineta asks. "We need to get you treated." Tsuyu says. "I'm fine. This wound is nothing." I say.

We feel wind coming from the fight. "How did he make a suplex look like an explosion?! All Mights on a whole nother level." Mineta says. "Even though he's a rookie teacher who can't teach without looking at his notes." Tsuyu says.

"Savage Tsuyu." I say. "I cant help saying the truth, ribbit."She says. I keep my eye on the battle as we walk. The dust clears and All Might was bleeding on his side.

"Asui, trade places with me carrying Mr. Aizawa." Izuku says. I already knew what he was thinking. "Ribbit? Okay, but why?" Tsuyu asks. I also move myself from under Mr. Aizawa.

I put a thin layer of ice around his elbow. "Okay, lets go Izuku!" I say. We both start to run towards All Might. "How foolish." Kurogiri says, appearing in front of us. I stop and push Izuku back. "Move, you're in the way!" Bakugo yells, pinning Kurogiri down.

Todoroki also comes and freezes the Nomu. "I heard was that you all are here to kill All Might and a fairy?." Todoroki says. "Hehe, the fairy is me, ANYWAYS." I say. I go over to Nomu. "Storm Dragons Thunder Kick." I kick the Nomu arms from All Mights side and All Might jumps back.

Kirishima also comes and tries to attack Shigaraki. "Huh? Damn it! I didn't get to show off!" Kiri says. "It's fine." I say, patting his shoulder.

"Stop acting so stuck up, foggy nobody!" Bakugo says. "The Symbol of Peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki says. "Kacchan! Everyone!" Izuku says.

"Kurogiri, our exit and entrance has been overcome. We're in a pinch." Shigaraki says. "You careless bastard. You're just what I thought you'd be. Only certain parts of you can turn into a misty warp gate." Bakugo says.

"The fog gate covered your actual body, right? Back then...if you were completely made of mist and physical attacks couldn't reach you, then you wouldn't have said that was close." Bakugo says. Kurogiri tries to move but Bakugo makes mini explosions.

"Don't move! If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up." Bakugo says. "Geez, Bakugo you sound like a villain." I say. "His behavior isn't very hero like." Kiri says. "I'm gonna be a hero! Damn it!" Bakugo yells, triggered.

"Yarashi, you're bleeding! Are you alright?" Kiri asks. "Yeah, don't worry. I can keep fighting!" I say.

"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured. Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look bad. Nomu." Shigaraki says.

The Nomu gets out of the portal and his right side breaks because of the ice. "Even though his body's broken, he's still moving?!" Izuku asks. "Get back, everyone!" All Might says. I go over to him and numb his wound.

Third Person POV

The Nomu arm grows back. "What? His quirk wasn't shock absorption?" All Might says. "I didn't say that was all he had. This is his super regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super efficient human sandbag." Shigaraki says.

Yarashi takes her daggers out and readies herself to attack. "First, we need to get our gate back. Go, Nomu." Shigaraki says. "Move Bakugo!" Yarashi yells. She goes in front of him before the Nomu hit.

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