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Third Person POV

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the cavalry battle." Midnight says. Yarashi puts down her ice wall, but stays close to Izuku. "The time limit is 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members points. The riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads.

Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal. The harder it'll be to manage them!

And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your teams falls, you're not out!" Midnight says. "Which means..." Momo says. "Since there are 42 people, there will be 10 or 12 teams on the field the whole time?" Sato says. "That's tough." Aoyama says.

"One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'll be more free." Mina says. "It's hard to say without seeing how all the points end up getting split up, Mina." Tsuyu says.

Yarashi knew some people she was gonna try to get on her team. She doesn't know if they'd be with her though. They could want to win with an other team or not want too much trouble.

"During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!" Midnight says.

Yarashi looks straight at Bakugo when she says that. She hears him say Damn and bursts out laughing. (*≧∀≦*)

"Now you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!" Midnight says. Yarashi looks at Izuku and puts her hand on his shoulders. "Izuku...please..." She says, teary eyed. "Really?!" Izuku exclaims.

He was just thinking that nobody would want to be with him because of his quirk. "You have my back and I have yours. Let's team up!" Yarashi says. Izuku nods. "Yarashi! Deku! Let's be a team!" Ochako says.

"Uraraka!" "Ochako!!!"

They both cry out. Izuku crying more than Yarashi. Yarashi tackles Ochako with a hug. "I-s it really okay?" Izuku asks. "Everyone will be after us! We're second and first place!" Yarashi says. "If we run away, the whole time, then you'll win right?" Ochako says.

"I think you're overestimating us Uraraka..." Izuku says. "Like I would! Anyway, it's better to team up with people you get along with!" Ochako says. Izuku and Yarashi both have a heart squeeze moment.

"What's the matter? You look ugly, you know." Ochako says. Yarashi bursts out laughing. "Oh, nothing. It's just that you're so bright that I can't look straight at you..." Izuku says, rubbing his tears away.

"I actually wanted you two to team up with me, you know. Thank you guys!" Yarashi says, getting off of Ochako. "For teams, it's best to be with people you can communicate with smoothly, right?" Izuku asks.

"Yup, yup!" Ochako says. "I actually have one more person in mine. I'm sure Izuku already knows." Yarashi says. They look at each other and run to IIDAAA!

"Iida!" Yarashi says, and tackles him from behind. They almost fell but Iida stands up. Yarashi gets down. "The four of us would be horses with Iida in the front! And then if we used Urarakas quirk to make Iida and me lighter, and uses Yarashis wind we will be able to maneuver easily." Izuku says.

"I see!" Ochako says. "This is all I could think of to keep running away until the end." Izuku says. Yarashi nods in agreement. "I expected no less, Midoriya. But I am afraid I have to refuse." Iida says.

Ochako and Izuku slightly gasp, while Yarashi loudly gasps. She thought they would be the perfect group together, since they always hanged out. "Ever since the entrance exam, I just keep losing to you. You are a wonderful friend, but that's why if I just keep following you, I will never grow." Iida says.

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