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Yarashi POV

I wake up and see a chest?

I try to back up but Izuku grip stays the same. How is someone's grip so good while sleeping? I move myself up away from his chest to his face. I blow on his eyes. "Wake up Izuku." I say.

His eyes fluttered around and slightly open. "This dream again?" He mumbled but I heard it. He dreamed of me in his arms?!

I feel my face heat up. "Izuku!" I say a little louder. He groans and finally moved his arm and stretches. He opens his eye fully and he sees me.


I cover my ears before he could scream. "You had a nice dream?" I ask, smirking. "I-I don't remember." Izuku says. I sit up and stretch around. "Geez, I think you had your arms around me the whole night." I say.

I stand up and check the time, 8:30.

"S-sorry." Izuku says. "It's fine. You helped me stay warm through the night." I laugh. I grab some clothes for today. I have to take Gajeel shopping. Then take him to U.A, I'm pretty sure their office will still be open.

Then at 6, I gotta eat soba with Todoroki.

(Her look for the day, she's wearing knee high black boots

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(Her look for the day, she's wearing knee high black boots. For her hair though she ties them into low pigtails.)

I head out from the bathroom to the kitchen. I see Gajeel on the couch sleeping. I know what would wake him up. I start to make breakfast for everybody. I hear Gajeel grumbling and murmuring food.

He sits up and looks over at me. "Wash up, and you can eat." I say. He runs to the bathroom. I take some plates out and set the food down. I go to Inkos room. "Inko, I have breakfast ready." I say, knocking on her door. "Coming Dear!"

I go to our room. "Izuku, breakfast is ready!" I say, also knocking on the door. "I'll come in a second!" He exclaims. I head back to the kitchen and sit down. I check the weather, it looks like it'll be raining a bit. Gajeel comes and sits down.

"Hey, Brat." Gajeel says. "Hello. We're going to go shopping after we are done eating." I say. "There's nothing wrong with my clothes." Gajeel says, stuffing food in his mouth. "There's a lot of things wrong with your clothes." I say.

We finish and I walk over to him. I take some of his things off. "Oi! What are you doing?" Gajeel exclaims. "Making you look better!" I yell.

"Finished!" I say. I had taken off some of his tacky stuff so now he looked a bit better. "Now we can go to the mall!"I say.

Time Skip

"No, we're not buying that." I say. Gajeel puts the shirt back sadly. "Do you need any help?" A worker comes over and asks. "No ma'am. We're doing okay." I say, just as I say that smoke begins to fill up the shop.

"Oi, brat. This isn't normal, is it?" Gajeel asks. "No it's not." I say. I take out my mask and put it on. I take a black cloak from a hook nearby and give it to Gajeel. "Wear that." I say. I zip up my jacket and put my hood up.

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