Chapter 17~ 26 Minutes 12 Seconds

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  "Agent Walker," a familiar voice called, breaking me out of my slumber. "Clara," it repeated, and I opened my eyes to see Director Rain standing above me, her hair in a perfect low bun and her suit without a crinkle. I hated her.

  "Rain," I said happily, pushing away my anger towards her. I sat up slowly and hugged her, and she slowly hugged me back. With a quick glance around the room, I noticed Harry was no where to be seen, and neither was the bed he slept in last night. "Where's Harry?" I couldn't help but ask.

  "You sure have gotten close with Harry," Rain remarked, pulling away from me.

  "He carried me home after we escaped. I owe him a lot," I explained and Rain nodded.

  "So you remember that?" she asked, sitting down in the seat right next to my bed.

  "Not really, but that's what everyone's telling me," I stuck with the story.

  "So you remember nothing?" my Director questioned again and I had to take a deep breath before answering. I had been shot and tortured, and all this woman wanted was to debrief me.

  "Only that we were taken, tortured, and then escaped. Not any details," I told her, to which she slowly nodded, not sure if she should believe me. I don't know why she was so suspicious, I had been off the grid for one whole day when I was at Greywood, what was so different about this time?

  "How long were we gone?" I wondered.

  "Three days," Rain responded and I nodded, knowing I had been drugged for a majority of that. "You wouldn't lie to me, right?" she suddenly asked, surprising me.

  "No, of course not," I replied, and there was a pause. "Would you?" I couldn't help but ask. Rain managed a smile and patted my hand, standing up.

  "Of course not," she lied. "The nurses say you can go back to your room tomorrow, which means I expect you out in the field again soon. Rest up," she ordered before leaving my room. I rolled my eyes and peeled the covers off of my body, ignoring the slight pain in my stomach. I slowly swung one leg down, followed by the other, and winced at the pain that shot through my body. Having both legs injured was a bitch. I stood up, and almost yelped at the pain, but didn't since I was a spy, and I had a mission; find Harry.

  I made it to the door, and rested against the doorway before taking a right and continuing down the hallway. I had wobbled a few feet before I heard a noise behind me.

  "Agent Walker, you bad girl," a heavy British accent spoke. I slowly turned to see Harry leaning against my doorway, dressed in a black shirt and tight black jeans, his hair styled up and his green eyes piercing through me. My legs wobbled, but I didn't know if it was because one had a stab wound and the other a gun wound, or because of what this attractive man just said to me. Harry moved quickly to me, supporting me in case I fell again.

  "You're looking well," I remarked, seeing how quickly he moved and how he had obviously been allowed to leave the infirmary.

  "A couple stab wounds can't slow me down," he remarked, walking me back to my room. "What were you doing out here anyways?"

  "Looking for my partner. You wouldn't happen to have seen him, have you? He's awkwardly tall, has a mop of hair on his head and always wears black," I teased as we entered my room.

  "Sounds hot," he wiggled his eyebrows as he helped me into my bed.

  "I've seen better," I replied as Harry pulled my blankets over me again. He chuckled and sat down in the seat Rain had just been sitting in minutes ago.

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