Chapter 32~ Off We Go

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  Harry had helped me out of bed and draped my arm around his shoulders as he walked us out of my room and through a back door. He seemed cautious and weary, and I had the feeling I was not supposed to be leaving.

  "Did Zayn contact you?" I asked Harry excitedly. He grimaced but shook his head. "Then what-" I began before he cut me off.

  "Save the questions until we get to the car", he bluntly said, although it wasn't meant to be rude. I nodded my head even though he wouldn't see it and keep my mouth closed. Harry walked me all the way to the side of the school where the stone work in the front connected, so cars could drive up and down through here.

  There was a big, black Range Rover there, and Harry quickly but carefully placed me into the back seat where I could lay comfortably. He then hurried around to the drivers seat and hopped in, starting the car and going back to the front before pulling out of the school.

  "Is your seat belt on?" Harry asked, glancing at me in the rear view mirror.

  "I'm not cleared am I?" I asked Harry as I clicked my seat belt into place.

  "You're probably two or three days away from being able to walk without pain, but we didn't have that long", Harry told me as he continued to drive.

  "So Zayn did contact you?" I asked again, making sure to sound more neutral.

  "He did", Harry confirmed and I tried to sit up more, attempting to prove to myself and Harry that I was capable of completing whatever mission Zayn had us run. My ribs ached and my breathing increased, but I managed to peer up and see Harry glaring at me with his eyebrow raised. "Stop", he ordered, and his voice was so serious and commanding that I did and just remained in my place. Harry turned his eyes back to the road and didn't speak again. We stayed like this in silence for about an hour and a half before I spoke up.

  "You didn't visit me", I said, hoping to get an explanation why.

"I'm not your baby sitter, Clara", he said. I faked a wince in pain and watched as his eyes flashed to the mirror. "Are you okay?" Harry urgently asked. I raised my eyebrow trying to prove my point.

"So stop acting like one", I told him. "Now where are we going?" I asked just as LAX appeared into view. Harry pulled into a parking lot in the back of the lot and rummaged through some clothes before throwing a pair of jeans and a black top at me. He turned around and I caught on that I was supposed to change. I tried to lift my arms up to take off my hospital gown, but it just hurt too much.

"I um- could you please help me?" I asked Harry who just chuckled before getting out of the car, only to enter in through the door to my left.

"I imagined the next time I would be doing this a little bit differently", Harry told me as he helped slip the gown off of me.

"Been thinking about me, huh?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the discomfort I was feeling.

"Always", he said as he got it over my head and we locked eyes. We both gave each other a sort of a sad smile before I looked away, at the pile of clothes next to me.

"Let's see what grossly mismatched outfits you packed for me today", I told him and he chuckled before helping me dress.

45 minutes later we were through security, and I only set the metal detectors off twice. Once Harry and I had a second to breath as we waited for our flight to board, I asked him the same question again.

"So, mind telling me where we're going?" Harry gave me a small smile before answering.



"Home?" Clara questioned as we boarded the plane. "London?" She repeated the announcers after they announced the flight.

"Holmes Chapel", I specified, and only noticed Clara's worried look as we sat down in the two coach seats. "Something wrong with London?" I asked her my eyebrow raised. She twiddled her thumb.

"I'm not allowed to go to London", she told me. "Well by the United States government", she clarified, only creating more questions.

"The C.I.A banned you from traveling to London?" I asked, and she nodded. "Clara Walker, what did you do?" I teased her. This only seemed to aggravate her.

"You kill one person with a high heel and suddenly you're not allowed back...", she mumbled angrily. I stifled a laugh as I stared at her. "Don't ask", she insisted, and her tone made me listen to her.

Clara was tired from all the moving around after a week of being confined to a bed, so she soon dosed off, and only woke up for the last two hours of the 10 hour flight back home. I found myself just watching her, and studying her face. Every curve, every detail that made her so beautiful. I only stopped truly admiring her when she woke up, afraid I'd get caught. I almost laughed. I was more afraid of Clara catching me looking at her than I was sneaking Clara out of the hospital and taking her to a country she was banned from. This girl truly made me crazy.

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