~1~ the railing

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°milk boys POV°
I'm just about to get into the shower when I hear "they tell me I'm a God I'm lost in a fasad" hes singing again... what is this song called?

i listen to him sing the rest of the song. "I'm gonna have to search up the lyrics after my shower" I think outloud.

~time skip brought to you by the kageyama siblings giving me a pansexual panic~

I look at myself in the mirror, my raven hair limply falls over my eyes as it drips water into the sink under me. why cant you look nicer. I dismiss my thoughts and hurry to my room and get ready for school.

I got my uniform on and and I basically run down the stairs to get myself some milk and my bag. I look at my door bracing myself for another day of dreadful school. 'at least you have volleyball and the team.' I think just a little hopefully. I walk out the door.

the brisk January air fills my lungs as I slowly walk to school kinda just waiting for the joint in the road so I can see hinata. as much as I teast him I definitely cant push away the way I feel for him ugh. I sigh just thinking of my feelings makes me so stressed.

I'm deep in my thought when I hear "KAGEYAMA!!! HIIIII" hinata needs to stop yelling so loud in the morning.

"shut up dumbass!" I glare at him.

"hey! stop calling me dumbass! bakayama!!" he sticks his tongue out at me so my glare intensify on the small redhead.

"hmph! I hate that I have to look UP at you!" hinata complains as i just roll my eyes.

"just get taller dumbass." I say sarcastically.

"or I could break your kneecaps so then you could be a little bit shorter!" hinata laughs. his laugh is so cute even if hes threatening me...what kageyama stop hes just your friend!

"but than I wouldn't be able to play volleyball boke." I lean towards his face to get my point across. we stop walking at this point and now I'm able to study hinatas face more.

his big brown eyes make my knees weak, his fluffy hair that's calling me to touch it, the small almost unnoticeable freckles spread across his nose and cheeks just like the....blush? hes blushing!?

I then realize how fucking close I am and start to blush myself. I quickly stand straight up again and start walking towards school again. "hurry up boke we dont have all day!!"

"wait for me bakayama!!" hinata screams after me.

~this time skip is brought to you by kageyamas gay panic~

°our lil tangerine🥺❤ POV°

"HA t-take that.....kageyama!" I'm still catching my breath as I say " that's 44 for me and 46 for you! I'm catching up!"

"keep dreaming boke you could never beat me." kageyama calmly states as he walks up to the club room waiting for the third years because they usually have the keys.

"wait for mee!" I hate how long his legs are it gives him an advantage in walking uuughh.

kageyama looks down at me as I get to his side then looks back up towards the club room. 'weird' I think. we both lean on the railing as we wait.

I get lost in thought. 'ive liked kageyama for a while and this morning I almost fainted because of how close he was.' I close my eyes as I listen to the sound of the wind but then kageyama,who is right next to me, turns his head to look at me with his beautiful navy blue eyes....oh how I love his eyes. i turn my head too.

we stare into eachothers eyes in a comfortable silence. his eyes wonder to my lips then back to my eyes and mine instinctively do the same. he leans in just inches away from my face.


sorry cliffhanger oop-

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-beanie baby

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