~2~ pinky links

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we stare into eachothers eyes in a comfortable silence. his eyes wonder to my lips then back to my eyes and mine instinctively do the same. he leans in just inches away from my face.

°our bbys🥺🍊 POV°

"HEY, WE'LL LET YOU IN!!" daichi yells from below. we both shoot up blushing and acting like nothing happened.

for some reason suga is swatting at daichi's shoulder saying something angrily, I can really hear him but one part I could hear was. "whyd you ruin...."

daichi and suga are making their way up. suga looks a lil angry but I still shoot them both a big smile. "hey guys, good morning!"

"good morning, hinata!" they say in unison. they're so cute together! I want to be like that kageyama one day!!

~ time skip brought to you by sugas "negativity begone!!"~

I'm walking to my first class with kageyama when suddenly he says, "hey um hinata wanna go get some uh milk with m-me." huh that's strange he didn't call me boke? and hes hesitating??

"ofc kageyama as long as I can have some!" I skip to the vending machines.

we both get there. kageyama puts money in the machine, and chooses regular ol' milk. "wow kags you could at least be some what interesting!" I chuckle as he glares at me.

"Shut up boke! what do you want!" he looks back at the machine.

"tangerine milk!" I mentally giggle because of the inside joke between me, nishinoya, and tanaka.

"predictable much." kageyama rolls his eyes.

"GaSp! at least I didn't ReGuLaR milk! disgusting!" I sniff while putting my hand on my chest to show I'm very offended! I burst out laughing! kageyama joins me with his rare but adorable laugh.

we calm down and start heading off. I brush my pinky against kageyama's. he looks down at me and nods. so I link my pinky with his. 'i think kageyama is finally comfortable with my love of touchy affection!' I smile wildly as we walk down the mostly empty halls. we took much time at the vending machines.....

the bell rings right as we walk through the classroom. everyone is looking at us because we came in last. kageyama unlinks our pinkies, I slightly frown as he does so, but I brush it off and go sit in the back. he goes the middle and sits.

°milk boi 🥛 POV°

I sit down and get out my supplies. the teacher starts to talk but I zone out thinking about how hinata linked our pinkies earlier.

'he looked so cute whilst he was drinking his milk and smiling his cute goofy smile! I love how he needs consent touchy affection! it's so cute, just in small simple ways and hes so happy! small doodles on my knee while were sitting next to each other, high fives that last a little longer than normal fast one, linking pinkes whilst walking! ugh I love everything about him'

"KAGEYAMA!" the teacher yells and I shoot straight up. 'omg your so stupid'

"yes miss!?" I blush from embarrassment. I can hear an abundant of laughs but the only one that stands out is hinata's.

"can you please tell me how to get to the gas station in English?" she smiles softly at me but not a condescending one its genuine.

"oh uh. take two l-lefts and then right and then the gas station." I've never really been good with words but learning a whole new language ugh. I sigh.

"work on your wording but other than that your doing good!" she gives me that same genuine soft smile.

'ugh' I rest my head on the desk below me.

~time skip brought to you by basket case by green day~
(A/N its good listen to it)

its finally lunch time, I walk out of my class looking for hinata so we can work on his recives.

"KAGEYAMA!!!" I can see hinata jumping above the crowd in the halls waving his arms around. I just sigh and glare. 'stop glaring you look horrible' ugh I hate my thoughts

I walk towards hinata wilk my bento. he wait like a puppy, jumping slightly up and with big glossy brown eyes.

once I get to him he turns around and starts to walk with me. he brushes he pinky against mine I don't look down but I nod. he links our pinkies.

I can feel someone's eyes on the back of my head. then I hear a feminine sounding voice "hey are you guys dating!" hinata looks back at the person blushing bright red, I assume because of embarrassment ,wide-eyed.

"IT IS YOU" kagehina soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now