~12~ his lips

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"ok then." I hear movement. so I open my eyes. my eyes widen

°tangerine's POV°

he-he hes right here. smiling?

°third person ig°

kageyama stood up and stuck his face right in hinatas while he had his eyes closed.

kageyama liked to be close to hinata so he wanted to get closer while he was half naked yk yk smart tingz 😋✌ ( that was uncalled for, anywho back to the problem that has been presented)

kageyama couldn't help but wnat to lean in and kiss all the surfaces of hinatas small but cute face, but he didn't want to mess everything up. so when hinata opened his eyes all he did was smile a genuine soft smile and sit back down how hinata wanted him to.

hinata watched kageyama sit back down. he felt a want, a craving, a need. he needed to kiss kageyama. theres no better time than now.

"tobio." hinata said with the want in his voice. this caught kageyamas attention so he turned back to the short red-head.

"yes sho?" kageyama asked softly.

kageyama's soft voice carried to hinatas ears filling his world, it made him blush. "I-I um." hinata paused to think of his words. "I WANT TO KISS YOU IS THAT OK!?" hinata blushed even more.

kageyama raised his head. "of course that's ok sho." kageyama said with a ting of surprise in his voice.

hinata nodded his head then walked towards the now shorter raven-haired cold setter. hinata closed his eyes and lean into kageyamas face stopping right before touching his lips to kageyama's. he wanted kageyama to close the gap, which he did.

°milk manz POV°

his lips. they're soft but slightly chapped, like a rough cloud. I want this everyday. I want to do so much to him, but what if-

shoyo jumps slowly onto my lap, making both of us fall into the tub underneath us.

"FUCK!" I yell as I hit my head on the wall of the tub.

"ow..." hinata gets up a little to the point where hes straddling me... oh fuckkk. "OMG ARE YOU OK!?" my face turns red. hes more consurend with me.

"oh uh yeah. I mean my head hurts a lil but i-i I'm fine." he needs to get off its becoming to much to handle. "uh sho could you g-get uup?" I ask with a flushed face. hinata looks down and his eyes widen.

"UH YEAHHH!" hinata stands up fast. then steps out of the tub.

I prop myself up with my hands and look up to see hinata holding his hand out for me to grab. hes smiling its different from his famous one. he seems to be full of guilt? I take his hand not wanting to think about it anymore.

"are you ok sho? you seem to be full of guilt." I say whilst pulling myself up.




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