~6~ cuddles

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Kageyama smirks. "oh why of course Hina." I blush at the new nickname. he walks towards me, then stops when he gets closer "I would never take my eyes off of you." he leans into my ear "my little sunshine." then he stands up and walks to his bed as if nothing occurred.

°still Hina's POV°

h-he really just did that. he- agh I have no words.

I'm still stood in the middle of his room wide-eyed, confused, stunned, excited? he called me a new nickname, Hina, it's so simple yet it makes me feel all OOWAGHISH inside! I need to get him back he needs to feel OOWAGHISH too!

°narators POV°

Hinata swivels to Kageyama so that he can see him. "tobio, you're ok with me calling you that right." Hinata pauses as he watches Kageyama nod slowly as if he's questioning the small boy's words. "ok, tobio I wanna cuddle!" Hinata smiles at the raven-haired boy stretched out on the bed in front of him.

Kageyama widens his eyes taken bake by the boy's words. but he calms down and lays on his side and opens his arm in a way to signal Hinata to get into his embrace and onto the bed. Hinata tilts his head wanting to hear Kageyama say he wants to cuddle as well. Kageyama knows what the smaller boy wants so he gives it to him.

Kageyama smiles a devilish smile. "cmon sho, I want to cuddle" he tilts his head and pouts watching Hinata's face grow a beautiful rose colour.

Hinata thinking Kageyama wouldn't do it becomes embarrassed. yet still nods his head and crawls into the taller boy's strong arms. maybe he likes me too Hinata thinks to himself.

°hinatas POV°

his arms are strong yet gentle, like a big soft lion, his left arm lays relaxed over my waist and his right is propping up his head.

he moves his right arm to get the remote for the TV. I almost forgot we were gonna watch movies.

"what do you wanna watch sho?" Kageyama asks whilst looking down at me. I look up at him about to say the bee movie but he interrupts. "it can't be the bee movie."

I glare at him "i-i wasn't gonna say the bee movie." I cross my arms and pout still looking up at him. but then I remembered I wanted to watch this new movie I saw the trailer of and my eyes sparkle, I know this because Kageyama softly smiles down at me.

"what are you thinking sho?" he asks still using that nickname. it makes my stomach twirl.

"I want to watch Raya and the last dragon, but I don't know if you have Disney plus or not." he nods then starts messing with the remote. I look to the TV screen to see him pulling up Disney plus and the movie I wanted. I smile and yawn at the same time. maybe staying up till 4 playing Minecraft with kenma was a bad idea.

"stay up late last night sho?" I nod. "uh you can go to sleep I don't mind." Kageyama's heartbeat hurries. I smile knowing the effect I have on him then close my eyes and drift into darkness.

this was my favourite to write 💖❤
but anyway remember to take care of yourself!!

"IT IS YOU" kagehina soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now