~14~ arms tonite?

338 11 45

I hear knocking. dont tell me hes actually here. I haven't even changed yet. aaaaaa *proceeds to internally scream in lowercase*

°hinatas POV°

I've been sitting in front of tobios door for at least 10 minutes since I texted him. tf is he doing. is he actually cleaning. I'm gonna go in.

I open the door to see the familiar monotone sight of his house. "BAKAYAMA IM IN YOUR HOUSE! *insert creppy demon giggle*" istg if this manz is actually cleaning imma- I dont know. but i will do something!

I hear footsteps whilst I take off my shoes. that mist be him. "boke." he sounds actually mad... oh no im getting flashbacks from when I hit his head. I'm a dead man. im sorry mum I tried my best. im sorry daichi I could've done better.

I put my arms up so it looks like I'm gonna hug him. I shall throw him off. he put his arms up too? he leans down, and embraces me. it feels nice, comforting, at home, ment to be. I want to do this everyday. "kageya-" tobio cuts me off.

"tobio." his voice is low and demanding. its AKDBDIDBSKJ. I can't describe it.

"tobio I-" he turns he head to my ear which makes me stop thinking.

"good boy." my eyes widen. tf did he just do to me. what the actual fricky frackers. i- I "what were you gonna say sho?" he asks standing back up and smiling like he knows what he just did to me. WHY US HE SO SMUG ABOUT IT IM OVER HERE P A N I C K I N G!

"I-I uh I was- uh I dont remember..." my mind actually went blank. I dont know what's happening.

"dont worry sho. I don't remember most things either." he says softly. why is he being so nice today. usually hes so, angry milk man angry.

"tobio, why are you so nice today?" I ask

"your hug." he responds swiftly. my hug? huh? I need to hug him more often.

"OH! I REMEMBER!" I jump up " i was gonna ask if you wanted to try singing together!" I keep jumping. I've been wanting to do this ever since I realised my feelings!

"of course sho. but first I need water. I've been in my bed all day I need something to drink." he says making his way to the kitchen, but his body language seems off.

°mommy milkers man POV°

he seems so confident that I'll be his soulmate. sure I was the one who suggested the idea but I still doubt the universe would be so giving. I love him, but if this blows up in our faces I dont want to break my heart nor his. I cant be confident like him. I dont know what to do. hes just so happy. I need to do it. but I can't. I-

"BAKAYAMA!" my head snaps to shoyos direction. "ARE YOU OK!? you've been staring at the fringe for like an hour." his eyes have so much concern in them. its cute.

"boke, how dumb can you be it's been like two minutes max." I say with a straight face.

"exactly an hour." he says back with the same straight face. I just blink and he blinks back. "HAHAHAHA" he starts laughing. I join him.

°time skip brought to you by cute kagehina fanart°

ok I can do it. I've drank some water. it's ok, he will be your soulmate. but what if hes not and he hates you. I- wtf shut up brain we literally kissed yesterday. WE KISSESED YESTERDAY I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT aaaaaaaaaaa. no no internally screaming rn I am calm.

"ARE YOU READY!!" shoyo has been jumping up and down with his beautiful brown eyes shinning for at least three minutes now. it's so cute yet annoying.

"ready as I'll ever be..." I respond softly trying to convince myself and him that I can do this.

shoyo stops jumping. "wait, what song."

"I don't know author-chan is very indecisive." AYO KAGEYAMA STFU THERES A FOURTH WALL FOR A REASON DONT YOU DARE!!

"well what song do you want to do?" I ask

"I don't know." sho replys.

we both stand in the middle of my room thinking.

"arms tonite by mother mother." we both mumble at the same time.


now imma make yall wait at least a day for when they actually sing...

heheh 😈

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