~10~ yumoke

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Kageyama bends down and opens his arms to signal to Natsu to get into his arms. Natsu runs into his arms and Kageyama lifts her. I haven't been this jealous of Natsu in three years. ._.

°shoz POV° 😎

even though Kageyama's face is an almost permanent scowl he's smiling, his smile is so handsome yet adorable, and it's making my knees weak.

but still, the sight makes me smile as well.

Kageyama has always been good with Natsu even when she didn't even know him. she would always see pictures or hear his voice when I called him and say "KAGEYAMA! KAGEYAMA! KAGEYAMA!" it's kinda cute.

°kags POV°

who knew that the Hinata siblings were both so light. Natsu weighs just a little less than sho. wait does sho eat when he's at home? or is Natsu just big for her age? I turn my head towards shoyo "sho you need to eat more Natsu almost weighs as much as you!"

"Are you calling me fat bakayama!?" Natsu yells out.

"no-no don't worry Natsu!" I get closer to Natsu "I'm just making sure your brother is healthy."

"oh!" Natsu pulls back and thinks then gets closer again "are you like his boyfriend! that's what boyfriends do right!?"

"w-what are you guys talking about!?" I hear sho say, so I turn my head to see him flailing his arms around and blushing? "Natsu did you call tobio my boyfriend!?"

Everyone eyes widen. I think he forgot to stop himself. "YOU CALLED HIM TOBIO!! THERE'S NO WAY HE ISN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Natsu yells in my ears...

but I still blush at the thought of him being my boyfriend. us kissing, cuddling on the regular, and... other things. I calm down.

I put Natsu down and then I just stare at shoyo. he looks straight into my eyes and raises an eyebrow as if he's asking me what to do. "I call you Natsu all the time does that mean we are dating?" I look down at Natsu

"no, we aren't dating!" she crosses her arms "then you'd be cheating on shoyo and id be cheating on yumoke!" my eyes widen

"you have a significant other!?" I and sho yell-ask at the same time.

"Not just any significant other! I think she's my soulmate!!" Natsu's eyes sparkle just like shos when he's excited. "I heard her singing a weird song in my head and when she was crying around the corner..." Natsu slumps down at the end of her sentence.

"did you help her?" I sit down next to Natsu and shoyo does as well.

"I think so!" Natsu pops back up "I sang that song with her and she looked up at me with a smile! it was cute!" Natsu sits down on shos lap.

I want sho to sit on my lap...

I was going to make it longer but my motivation was like

I'm a runner I'm a track star :(

anywho comments are encouraged!!

"IT IS YOU" kagehina soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now