F o u r t e e n

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"Mr Forbs better hurry up, I'm in a challenge mood," Edward chuckles.

"This is very rare," Jake tells Zac.

"Yeah, Ewdward is a very lazy guy, even though he's a jock," Sarah laughs.

Edward just rolls his eyes and cracks his knuckles when he sees Mr Forbs arrive.

"Hopefully we'll all be in the same team," Sarah says with a grin, nudging Zac.

"Okay, we have two teams," Mr Forbs announces.

"It's a fifty, fifty chance," Zac says and Mr Forbs tells us all to grab an egg.

"If your egg is purple inside, you're in the purple team and if your eggs is green inside, you're in the green team," he says.

The sound of eggs cracking is heard all around while I crack my egg too.


When I look around, Jake has a green egg, Sarah has a green egg and so does Zac.

At least Edward has a purple egg

"Aww, guys," Sarah pouts.

"It's okay the E team will win," Edward winks.

"Get it, because our names begin with an 'e'?" He chuckles.

I just shake my head and smack his arm.

We both head to the other side of the field, but a hand is wrapped around my wrist.

I turn around to see Jake.

"Hey, are you okay, you haven't uttered a word?" he asks.

"I'm okay," I laugh, shrugging it off.

I run to catch up with Edward and soon we stand with our team.

"This is basically dodgeball with water balloons, if your shirt has paint on it with the other team's colour, you're out!" He exclaims and soon he blows the whistle.

I grab a few balloons with the purple paint and hit a few random people.

After getting five people out, I run back and take shield behind the rock.

I let the rest handle it, to remove as much people as they can.

I see Edward throw a few paint balloons and successfully hit each of them.

A few minutes pass and there is only four people in my team left.

When I check, I see around eight people left in the green team.

Including Zac and Sarah

Groaning, I grab three paint balloons and run around the course, making sure to not be seen.

When I successfully make my way behind a few of their team mates, I throw my ammo.

Hitting two people and running behind a tree.

"What the hell!" I hear their voices.

Letting out a small giggle I turn around and see that I only have two team mates left.


When I count their team again, I only count three.

But where's Zac?

My eyes widen when I hear a balloon burst behind me, luckily not hitting me.

"You missed, dumbass," I smirk at Zac that's behind a rock.

Smirking I climb into the tree, without him noticing.

Edward that was still in the game, hit out two of their teammates, before getting hit by Sarah.

Rolling my eyes, I look around to spot Zac slowly coining out of his hiding spot.

My other teammate just hit Sarah, when he got hit by her, which means they're both out, making Zac and I the last ones.

He slowly tip toes form his hiding stop, making his way around the tree.

I don't make a sound as I wait for his reaction.

"What the fuck?" He frowns.

"Up here, dumbass," I smirk, throwing my last paint balloon, letting it burst right on his head.

He glares at me and starts climbing the tree.

"Uh oh," my eyes widen and I jump out the tree on te other side and run.

"Mr Forbs, I won, just to clarify that!" I shout and run.

"Come here!" Zac shouts.

Why is he always chasing me?

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