Chapter 27: Puppet God

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Rimuru's Pov

It has been around a week since the battle with the robots and my wives torture of Delphyne started, finally after all of them got a chance to torture her with D going twice they were satisfied. They opted not to kill her yet, but instead to send her back to the gods that sent her and use her as a puppet. Of course, we weren't trying to get information or combat strength from her, we more or less were planning on trolling the gods that were trying to subjugate us. What does this entail exactly then, well the final plan was to have her convince them of the most ridiculous things we can pass off as true and have her record their reactions and what they do in response. We have been watching a fantasy story for a while now so some comedy will be nice as a change of pace.

When I went into the room after my wives were done with her I could easily see how empty she was inside as she slumped in the chair looking at the wall. When she was being tortured my wives made some interesting permanent changes to her, for example D reduced the size of her breasts and butt. Shiro destroyed her clothes and made her wear a long black turtleneck sweater, a winter coat, and snow pants. Ciel made her skin rough and her hair thin, she also just beat her with imaginary punch over and over to let out her anger. The person currently before me looks nothing like the demon god I met a week ago, I was right to say I pity her for what my girls would do to her.

Now I will be the last one to hurt her, not because I am still angry, but because now I have to beat her within an inch of her life and let her escape so the gods will not be overly suspicious. I'm sure they will find out she is ours now and will kill her soon enough anyway but that doesn't mean taking half measures is an option.

After beating her I teleport her near the elf village, I'm sure her allies will find her there so now we just wait on get some extremely interesting content hopefully.


Currently we are sitting in my room in the demon territory with a TV linked to our little demon's vison and hearing in front of us, the snacks we are enjoying are popcorn, Tempest Sea Salt Crisps, various cakes, as well as almost every type of candy. Our beverages are alcohol, except for Shiro, juices, soda, and tea.

On the screen right now, we can see a man with a dark coat and a super bad guy looking face, it seems like he is the leader of the demons currently on the planet. From what we know this operation is being exclusively done by demons, I guess deception and manipulation is kind of their specialty so it isn't too surprising.


Elf Village

3rd Person Pov

In a random house in the elf village two extremely powerful demon gods are sitting, one of them recovering from life threatening wounds and the other waiting for her to be able to speak.

"Can you speak yet Delphyne, we need to know what you saw when you were captured. Did you get any more information on their power?"

The injured girl who had been known for her provocative clothing now wearing the complete opposite slowly sat up. It would be impossible to understand what happened to her for the past week, she started talking in a raspy voice.

"I was tortured for the clothes I wore; the blue haired man has many powerful wives who did not like it when some parts got exposed during our battle."

Then she continued.

"Typhon it appears that the goal of the man is to create the ultimate universal harem with the most amazing women from around the universe, as a result for me being sent to kill one of his wives this is the punishment I was given."

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