Part 2: All these years

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Rain threw itself to the ground and the cold cyt through you like a knife. You looked around New York for the first time in five years. The city looked great especially after the battle. After a while the rain stopped. For the past hour you had sat in an alley. You looked in your pocket to see what cash you had. $27.40 You stood up and cracked your neck then began walking towards the depths. The lowest place in the city full of mobsters crooks and killers. The sad part way most of them now you by name. You walked to the door and knocked.

"Competing or observing" A ruff voice said.

"Competing" You said back. The door opened and you walked in. You placed your coat gloves and wallet on the table.

"Hey kid wasn't expecting to see you back here so soon" A voice said. You turned to see a man in a black and white suit with a cigar in his hand.

"Hey Johnny how are you" You said walking over to him. 

"I'm good now tell me what brings you to my humble business?" He said already knowing the answer.

"Same as usual seeing old friends and making some money"

"Well your after the current fight your up against a big Russian bastard odds are twenty to one" He said looking at a list. 

"Thanks for the heads up" You gave the treasurer your bet and walked into the ring. Waiting for you was a 7ft Monster. You walked in and lights and cheers surrounded you.

"Everyone knows the rules no wepons no sabotage and no outside interference other than that everything is valid" A man said over a PA system. A horn sounded and the giant charged you. You rolled away ad he head butted a concert wall. You ran up to him and attacked his chest with several hits felling his chest cave in probably because of a broken rib or two. He punched to in the jaw sending you half way across the ring. You stood back up and ran towards him you took kicked hi knee causing him to drop down then you grabbed his head and proceeded to hit it several times at full force feeling his nose break and part of his jaw cave in. He fell on his stomach trying to get up. You grabbed his arm and broke his elbow making him scream. You walked back to his head and placed one hand on his chin and another on his shoulder. You gripped his chin and spun his head causing a crack and breaking his neck. Cheers came from the croud. You kicked him a few times to make sure he was dead then walked away.

"Jesus chirst" Johnny said in shock.

"Y/N will do just fine" You said taking a cloth and cleaning your hands.

"Funny" "That was fuckig brutal I've knee caped guy but thats fucked up" He said walking to you.

"I gave you a show and the croud loved it" You walked over to the table grabbed your coat gloves and hat then took your winnings.

"Your bet was twent so your prize is four thousand plus a five hundred dollar bonus" The man said giving you a roll of notes.

You stepped outside and went to the closest hotel. You paid for a room took a shower and went to sleep.

(A/N: Hey guys first chapter just giving you a look at how Y/N lives the story will start properly in the next chapter. If you've got any suggestions for story you wanna see I'll try and do them)


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