Part 3: Old friends

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It's been nearly a month since you were last at the depths and you'd have to go back soon cash was low and so was everything else. You looked up to the sky and thought about your life since you got kicked out of Hydra. After a few minutes you heard muffled screams and a man whispering. You looked around the side of the dumpster you were next to. A couple of men had a knife to a womans neck demanding money.

"Hey leave her alone" You said standing up a revealing yourself. One man turned to you with the blade drew.

"Fuck off tramp nothing to see here" He said walking towards you. Without giving him a chance you punched him in the nose and he dropped to his knees in tears. The other man stood there shocked. You gripped his shirt and hit his head on the wall causing him to squeal.

"Now your going to apologise to the lady or I'm going to rearrange your teeth" You said facing them both towards her.

"Sorry" They both said in pain before crawling away. The woman chuckled and stepped into the light. She was thin average hight with strawberry blond hair.

"Thank you" she said catching her breath.

"Pepper" You heard a group of women shouting from the street. A look of relief swept over her face as a woman with short blond hair followed by two brunets and a beautiful red head who looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Y/N" The woman whispered taking a step back. You had a moment of realisation.

"Nat" You said back leaving everyone stunned. You took a step back trying to think of a way out. You jumped over a wall catching your leg a bit as you got over then you disappeared into a back ally.

Natasha's POV

The girls all stood there in shock while I was trying to process the moment. I went to check were he jumped over and saw a yellow piece of paper with faint writing and a bit of blood. I wiped off the blood away and tried to make out the writing it was a betting slip for a place called the depths.

"Nat who the hell was that?" Wanda said walking up to me.

"Someone who should have died years ago" I said with no emotion and putting the slip in my pocket. "Lets go see Fury"


I sat on the edge of the wall trying to bandage your leg. You patted your pocket and let out a sigh of frustration realising you lost your wallet to. Now you have to go back there and if it was Natasha she'll be going there too.

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