Rebels season 2

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"commander sato we need the fleet to jump out of her our shuttle was tracked"

"Commander, I'm scanning a ship entering our sectors." A cadets said walking towards us as he shows a hologram of the ship tracking us "we're tracking the target. No other ship have entered the system."

The commander order the Phoenix squadron To attack the intruder but it destroys half the fleet shoots at us.

"How can one fighter best our entire squadron?" Satisfied asked.

"Your pilots are outmatched, commander" Hera says running out.

"What are you doing" Kanan asked.

"Getting involved"

"Not without me you're not" Kanan follows her and so did Sabine.

Ezra looks at Ahsoka, and I in confusion "all right if we tage along?" I  asked.

He smirks "the more the merrier"

We're on the ship as Hera started flying and all Jedis but Ezra were with her while watching this mysterious fighter shooting at us.

I felt the force flowing through this that person I have felt it before "the force is strong with him" I spoke

"Let's find out how strong" Ahsoka suggests.

"How can we help" Kanan asked.

"Just remember your training" Ahsoka said

We used the force I felt something I never thought I would feel the fear. The anger. The hate it was the Sith Lord but not just any Sith Lord as I realize who he was...

Darth Vader no! Anakin skywalker!

It can't be!

Later after we escaped vader the rebellion had no choic  but to find somewhere to go.

Ahsoka and I sat alone in the bridge we didn't talk to each other for minute "why didn't you tell me?" She asked softly "you told me you sensed vader betrayed and murdered anakin"

I did tell her that I never lied about what happened to anakin. However I didn't Tell her that he turned to vader. Though I have never seen it I always know everything.

I sighed "anakin was seduced by the dark side of the force ceased to be who he was and became darth vader. When that happened a great Jedi who was your master and I thought was my brother was destroyed. So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view"

"Form a certain point of view?" She asked in confusion.

"Ahsoka, you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." I looked at her "anakin has a good friend to both of us. When I first knew him before you did, he was already a great pilot. But I was amazed how strongly the force was with him. I took it upon myself and fought beside him as his right hand. I thought he would instruct me as Yoda did. I was wrong."

"Do you think there's still good in him?"

I nodded "yes but he's more machine now then man, Twisted an evil, Yoda told me that I must face darth vader. The problem is I can't kill someone who's been so close to me since the beginning. But I believe there's still hope left. A way to bring him to the light again."

Ahsoka takes my hand and squeezes it "I hope you're right."

We heard the doors opened to reveal Kanan and  Ezra "Hera said you want to speak with us" Ezra said. We both nodded."Are you to okay?" He asked in worry.

"We are thank you" Ahsoka replied." We wanted to ask about the Sith Lord you encountered on lothal." She asked Kanan.

Kanan replies "You know we encountered an inquisitor before, but this was nothing like that. The fear. The anger. The hate. You both felt it I haven't sensed a presence like that since..."

"The clone wars." I finished.


"Ahsoka, do you and lyric  know who or what he is?" Ezra asked.

Ahsoka look at me with a frown before saying "no, we don't. But we do know that he will be coming. They'll all be coming now."

"Then we got to be ready to fight" Ezra suggests.

"We must find the strength to fight." Kanan said "but the greater courage is knowing when not to fight"

"And we'll be desire you either way" Hera said putting her hand on his shoulder.

I smiled at them before turning to the window frowning not knowing what would happen if we would see him again.


Later the crew was gonna find a friend to help us Ahsoka said we know him but she wouldn't tell me who it is unless we see him.

Once the cre came back they moved out of the way to reveal an old man who was wearing clone armour he had a white beard but he looked familiar.


"Commanders" rex said as we walked up to him he looks at me and smiled "you got old both of you" he jokes evern though I don't age.

"Had to happen sometimes rex" I said as I looked at him and gave him a hug. I missed him more than anything.

"I'm glad you're still alive both of you " he said hugging me back. Then hugs Ahsoka.

"You too" Ahsoka said.

"I wouldn't be if it went for these guys" rex points at the ghost crew.

"Thank you for trusting our friend" Ahsoka said.

"It wasn't easy. It still isn't" Kanan said looking at Rex.

"Nothing worth doing ever is." I said

Later on Kanan, Ezra, Ahsoka and myself went to the planet to find the Sith holocron where we found vader.

Ahsoka sacrificed herself to save us. I was devastated And so was rex when I told him.

I put a candle out in honour of her memory. Rex was beside me as he puts his arm around me as I put my head on his shoulder.

"I can't believe she gone" I said trying not to cry.

"I know" rex said. "But she's still with us in the force watching us like the others" I looked at Rex to see tears in his eyes I have never seen him cry before I wiped his tears as he looks at me.  He grabs my hand and kisses it "do you think we'll try again as we confess before?" He asked "will you try us again?"

I grabbed both his hands "there will always be an us, even though I cannot die. I will always keep a price of you in my heart." I smiled as I grabbed his head pans put it against my forehead as we stayed like this for a while.

We're gonna be okay.

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