Chapter 1

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Magnus Bane is a powerful warlock. One of the more powerful ones, if he does say so himself. And he does. Constantly.

One of the perks of being a powerful warlock, is that long ago, Magnus was able to cast a spell that allowed himself to see things that usually wouldn't be seen by regular people; even people with The Sight. Such things involve souls, curses and the rare soulmate's Red String.

"Magnus!" The warlock's name was called out, a loud voice calling out across the loud club. A party for Downworlders.

The black haired immortal looks across the room to see two approaching Shadowhunters. Magnus sighs to himself and stands. The Shadowhunters better have something good to trade.

"Clary Fairchild," Magnus muses, looking over the redhaired woman who now stood before him. "You've grown into a beautiful young woman."

Clary doesn't look at all amused. She responds with a sharp, "Magnus Bane. So you're the one who stole my memories."

Magnus raises a finger, tilting his head to the side just slightly. "It was at your mother's request. She knew the risk," he says, giving reason for Clary not to blame him for her memory loss. Magnus extends his hand, palm facing up. "Show me the jewelry, Shadowhunter."

The male shadowhunter, Jace, rolls his eyes. Jace shows Magnus the blood red pendant. The warlock reaches to grab it, but Jace pulls back. "Give Clary back her memories," Jace demands, "and you get your jewelry."

"I have to confirm its authenticity," Magnus reasons with a fake innocent smile.

Jace growls and hands over the pendant.

Magnus checks the jewelry over before looking back up at the two Shadowhunters. He then goes on to admit that he no longer holds the girl's memories. The warlock gives a sneaky smile at the pair's sudden alarm at this fact.

"I fed them up to a memory demon for safekeeping," explains Magnus. "It was to protect you and the Cup! If I kept them, then Valentine could find and capture me. Then torture them right out of me like he did to your friend Dot."

"What? Is Dot okay?"

And then for the first time in their conversation, genuine emotion shows on Magnus' face. A look of sadness appears in his eyes. "You don't know? Dot is dead. Her magic.. I can't feel it anymore."

And poor, poor Clary looks terrified. So, Magnus does the obvious thing and offers the girl a safe place to stay. Safer than with the Shadowhunters.

But when Clary denies the offer, Magnus frowns. He gives a small huff. This girl isn't his problem. If Clary wishes to stay out where Valentine can find her, then so be it. The warlock turns and briefly uses his magic to open up a portal. It's a simple spell that leads right back to where it's safe.

"Come with me," Magnus repeats. "I won't offer again."

Yet Clary denies again. She's stubborn. Just like her mother.

Then there's another yell. "Look out!" Someone cries from the partying crowd.

An arrow whirls by Magnus' face and flies passed him, hitting a man straight in the chest. It was a member of the Circle. Magnus looks at the now dead body, black arrow with a red tip sticking up out of his chest. He turns back to see who had fired the arrow. Clearly whoever had, likely just stopped a dangerous attack from taking place. Magnus freezes when he sees a man, another Shadowhunter, walking quickly down some stairs with a bow in his hand.

This man, Magnus is quick to notice, had a soul that sticks out from all the rest. Sticks out in a way that wouldn't be concerning, but still catches Magnus' attention. His soul is beautiful.

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