Chapter 7

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"Apologies.." Magnus mumbles. He stands behind Alec, the Shadowhunter's wings out. "The elbow bones are starting to grow, skin already starting to grow over the wounds on your back," says Magnus, explaining how the wings are growing. "Just have to keep them clean. They are growing incredibly fast, so you still have to be careful with them or they won't heal correctly."

Alec listens to Magnus speak about his wings' condition. "Yes, Doctor Bane," comes a sarcastic reply. 

Magnus can't stop himself from saying, "I mean, I'm into roleplay if you are", which just earns him a glare from Alec. The warlock flashes a smile. Now, the flirting is more just playing with and teasing Alec rather than actually trying to get noticed. Of course, he would stop if Alec asks him to genuinely cut it out. 

"Another day of potion and spell making?" Alec asks, already familiar with Magnus' usual day-to-day schedule. As of the past few days, Magnus has been staying in his apartment with Alexander; Alec just wants to know whether that will be staying the same or not. 

"Actually," Magnus says as Alec feels a surge of disappointment, "I have a party to attend. It'll be protected from members of the Circle, of course. So it will look weird if my place is empty and I'm absent. But don't worry, Alexander, I won't be gone long. Plus you've got a few hours with me before I leave, so enjoy me while you can." The warlock grins, winking over at the other. 

Alec rolls his eyes, although a small smile crosses his face. 

For the next hour or two, Alec sits on the couch watching television. Magnus joins him shortly after, once he finished cleaning up the project he had been working on. The pair sit on the couch, a reasonable distance between them. On the screen, 'Supernatural' is playing; a show that Alec has quite a few reasons to regret getting into, but now that he's there, he can't stop. Magnus (who had already had his Supernatural binge and completed the entire series multiple times) watches with him, doing his best not to spoil everything for the other. 

"Be careful, okay?" Alec says, sitting up on the couch to look over at Magnus, who is now getting ready to leave for his party. 

Magnus glances over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, Alexander, have you begun to care?" He asks with a teasing tone.

The Shadowhunter rolls his eyes and huffs. But he doesn't quite deny it either. 

When Magnus arrives in the club, the party has already begun. Music is blasting, people are laughing and drinking, lights flashing. It feels familiar. Familiar in a similar way to returning to a school ground after a summer break. It's the same as you know the place, you somewhat like the people there, and you don't feel like going but once you arrive it's not super bad. 

A gender non-confirming vampire named Kaz, who Magnus knows comes up to him. They smile smugly up at him, having a short build. Magnus smiles back down at them, Kaz sliding a drink into his hand. Magnus, who had already planned to get pretty drunk, gladly took the drink and downed it. 

Kaz stayed glued to Magnus' side throughout the night. The High Warlock of Brooklyn soon lost count of how many drinks he had handed to him, how many he drank. The party goes on, Magnus soon becoming one of the main centers of attention. Which is, of course, not a surprise. Magnus becomes  the life of the party whenever he has too many drinks. He loosens up more, his already flirty attitude becoming less filtered and his thoughts all rushing out rather than only partially.

It's late into the night when Magnus remembers that he should probably get back to his apartment. After all, he had left Alec alone for a long period of time. Which probably wasn't the best choice, now that Magnus thinks about it.

"Magnus, please? Just a few more hours?" Kaz asks, wrapping their arms around one of the warlock's. 

He shakes his head, though. Magnus' words are slurred just a bit as he replies, "no no, Kaz, love, I really hafta go now. I've got someone I need to—" 

"Someone other than me?" Kaz asks, their voice becoming whiny, jealous and upset all at the same time. 

Magnus nods, unaware that what he's saying could hurt Kaz's feelings. "Someone other than you, yes. I like him more, and I have to go back and make sure he's okay. He's hurting and I want to be there at least a bit." 

Kaz stares at Magnus for a few moments before releasing the warlock's arm in defeat. "Go be with your new boyfriend then..." And Magnus, sweet Magnus, is in such an intoxicated state that he doesn't correct Kaz and say that Alec isn't his boyfriend. 

When Magnus arrives back in the apartment, Alec is laying awake on the couch. The pair give each other equally judging looks. 

"What are you doing up?" Magnus asks. 

"How drunk did you get?" Alec asks at the same time. 

The two glare at each other light heartedly. Magnus stumbles further inside his apartment, giving Alec an answer first. Alec stood himself up and walks over to Magnus. The Shadowhunter grabs Magnus' shoulders and leads him into the kitchen. "We're going to get you some water," Alec says softly, already getting a glass. He sits Magnus back down in the living room and hands him the glass of water. 

Magnus looks over at Alec, a drunk look on his face. "You— you know, Alexander, sleeping with you is nice, but— but not the sex, that would be nice... Just the sleeping next to you. I like that." He looks at the Shadowhunter with wide eyes. 

"Magnus, you're drunk." 

"Y-yeah. And in—" 

Alec cuts him off with a small laugh. "C'mon, warlock, let's get you to bed." 

The tables have certainly turned since Alec arrived. Not completely and certainly not permanently. Alec knows Magnus keeps his walls up pretty much all the time, and there are few times when the warlock actually lets them down. Being drunk out of his mind are one of those moments.

Inside Magnus' room, Alec helps the warlock into his bed. Magnus practically passes out the moment his head hits the pillow. He's already asleep when Alec stands back up. 

"Goodnight, Magnus." Alec leaves the bedroom, completely unaware of the poisonous potion that Magnus had been ingesting. 

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