Chapter 5

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It's pretty easy for Magnus to tell that Alec isn't having a good time at his place. Alec is practically miserable. And the warlock is doing all he can to make sure he isn't miserable during his stay. Magnus hadn't even asked for Alec to stay with him until his wings are fully grown. Did he mind? Not one bit. 

The first full day with Alec awake is quiet. Magnus doesn't have much work to do, so he's able to keep an eye on the Shadowhunter throughout most of the day. A few times, Alec would become uncontrollable due to pain. During these times, Magnus would step up and use his magic to take away the other's pain. 

Whenever Magnus uses his magic to help Alec with the pain, a fraction of the pain is transferred to the warlock. He does his best to hide it, especially since Alec is feeling much more of the pain. Although the constant use of his magic and pain, Magnus becomes tired quite quickly. 

After the third time in one hour, Magnus makes his way over to the chair across from where Alec was staying and sits himself down, looking exhausted. 

Alec glances over at him. "You look just as terrible as I feel," he comments, earning a chuckle from Magnus. 

"Yeah, well." Magnus agrees, giving a small shrug. "Too much magic at one time. It'll pass." He flashes a small, assuring smile. 

The Shadowhunter gives a weak smile in return. 

From then on, Alec doesn't seem as bothered to be stuck in Magnus Bane's apartment. His mood started to break up, now that he doesn't have to stay mad at everyone in his life. Plus, the warlock is only trying to help. This, Magnus is happy to notice. The two don't know each other that well, and Magnus guesses Alec isn't interested in him in the way Magnus is interested in Alec. Now, though, Alec seems willing to get to know the warlock. A platonic bond seems the intent, and Magnus is okay with that. A bit disappointed that it won't be more. A platonic bond is better than no bond. 

The second full day Alec is awake, Magnus is more busy. There's already been one person come in and request that the high warlock do something for them. 

A knock on the door causes Alec, whom Magnus had introduced to the show 'Supernatural', to turn and look over from his spot on the couch. From the other room, Magnus calls out to whoever is knocking. "Come in!" 

The door opens and a woman walks in. She looks at Alec, who hasn't worn a shirt in days, and stares at him. Magnus appears, walking out from the other room. The warlock clears his throat and the woman snaps out of her trance before looking at Magnus. 

"Magnus. Hi." The woman greets.

The warlock nods. "Hi, Mil. What can I do for you?" He asks and Alec notices the small hint of dislike in Magnus' voice. 

Mil grins at him. "Oh, can't I just stop by and say hi to a friend?" 

Magnus' eyes narrow. He scoffs before saying, "you aren't my partner anymore, Seelie. You certainly aren't a friend either. So unless you need me to do something for you, you can get out of my house." 

"Fine, fine. Still so irritated." Mil rolls her eyes. "And, yes, I do need something from you." 

"Spit it out," demands Magnus, getting annoyed. 

The female chuckles at his annoyance. "I need a potion made. My group's home is being attacked. We suspect by a warlock. I— we need something that will hide us from intruders. I need you to make it for me. There's no one else I know who can." 

Magnus sighs. "I'll see what I can do." 

The Seelie nods. "Thank you." She eyes Alec again before turning and leaving. 

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